Chapter 1508
Lin Lang pretended to be worried and said: "Husband, you are the pillar of the family, you must not go in. As for Mrs. Gao... It is a fact that he has a wind in our house. If Gao Dazhuang calls the police, the police will follow the clues to investigate To what you did before, that would be bad!

So the most important thing now is not to call the police and find a way to keep it private. Isn’t Gao Dazhuang the favorite money? Let’s give him a lot of money. , just had a stroke. After all, a stroke is a very normal thing when people get old, and no one will doubt it! "

Wang Qiang was so troubled by such things that he agreed without even thinking about it, but how much should he pay?
"Husband, don't think about how much money is more or less now, how to solve the matter!" Lin Lang first dialed 120, then supported Wang Qiang and said slowly: "After all, no amount of money is as important as you, the big deal Let's sell the house, even if I live on the street with you, I am willing, as long as you are safe and sound!"

Wang Qiang was very moved, "Honey, you are so kind to me, so I won't hide it from you. I do have tens of thousands of dollars in my hand, but this matter... obviously cannot be solved with tens of thousands of dollars. Our house is still worth some money, and when the house is sold, there may be some left over, then we will rent a house first, and after a few more years of hard work, I promise that I will let you live in a new house!"

Lin Lang slowly agreed, "Honey, I'll listen to you!"

120 came over soon, and Gao Dazhuang followed him. Seeing his mother lying on the ambulance crying and shouting, he said angrily, "Wang Qiang, what happened to my mother? Why did she suddenly pass out? What did you do to my mother?"

Seeing the angry Gao Dazhuang, Lin Lang hurriedly said: "You can't blame our family Wang Qiang for talking about it. It's your mother's fault. She came to our house and asked Wang Qiang for money, but our family's money didn't come from the wind." , it’s impossible for us to give it to you if you want it, even if your mother is our Wang Qiang’s mother-in-law, but that’s all in the past, we can’t give you money based on the past, then it’s unreasonable , so the two sides had a dispute, and your mother fell to the ground on the spot... After all, it's because your mother is not in good health!"

Gao Dazhuang was immediately unhappy when he heard this, "Why don't you give us money? Do you know about your husband beating my sister to death? What a good sister I am, young and beautiful, but she died at a young age. I was beaten to death by your husband, and the death was very miserable. At that time, my mother and I saw that your husband was good to us, so I helped your husband lie to the police, so that your husband will be sentenced for a few years !"

"I know that my husband was able to come out so soon because of you, but my husband didn't treat you badly, he gave you a lot of money, and that is my husband's coffin book!" Lin Lang continued: "Now I and My husband is married, although I didn't ask him for a dowry, and I didn't spend his money, but we will have children in the future, and it costs money to raise a child..."

"My sister was also pregnant at the beginning, but did she ever feel sorry for my sister? Didn't she hurt my sister and even kill the child..." Gao Dazhuang became sad as he spoke, "Now I Mom just wants a few hundred dollars, Wang Qiang is not willing to give it to my poor sister, if she knows anything, let him come to Wang Qiang, let him see what a heartless person, after she left , her husband doesn't even care about her mother and brother!"

A sneer curled up at the corner of Linlang's mouth, of course your good sister still remembers you, he wished he could chop you up and cut you into pieces.

"Let's stop talking about it, and don't mention the past. We did make mistakes in today's matter, and we will not shirk our responsibilities!" Standing beside Wang Qiang, Lin Lang continued, "I have made an agreement with Wang Qiang, I am going to sell the house, and I will give you all the money from the sale, but we also have conditions. From now on, you have nothing to do with us, and we will not give you any money, and we will not allow anyone in the past Bring it up again!"

Gao Dazhuang's eyes flickered for a moment, he recalled the price of Wang Qiang's house, and nodded, "I'm not a person who has to be unforgiving. For the sake of my dead sister, let's forget about it, but the money is worth it. No less, after all, I don't have a younger sister, and my mother had a stroke again, so it's up to me whether it will be"

"This house is worth more than 100 million, more than 100 million. With this money, you can start a small business, or do whatever you want!" Linlang narrowed her eyes, "If you don't agree, then I'll let you We are in charge of the judicial process, and how much money you can ask to go back at that time, that is your luck!"

Gao Dazhuang changed his face and went through the judicial process. It would take a lot of time, and he had no contacts, so how much money could he ask for back, so he agreed to this matter. After all, more than 100 million is indeed a lot. If you buy one by yourself A beautiful car, enough to start a small business by myself or something.

As for the mother who was paralyzed in bed, Gao Dazhuang didn't think about it at all, nor did he think about spending money for his mother. When he remembered, it was the hospital who called him. Unwilling to pay for the hospitalization fee, he frivolously blackmailed a sum of money, and then slowly went to the hospital to make up the payment.

When he learned that his mother would be paralyzed in bed, he let his mother out of the hospital without hesitation. Even if the doctor said that there was still a possibility of recovery, Gao Dazhuang was unwilling to spend any more money, because he was going to use the money to do It's a small business, as for whether his mother is willing or not, he thinks his mother will definitely be willing, after all, his mother wants to make a fortune most of all.

Although Mrs. Gao was paralyzed, her lower body was only paralyzed, her upper body was still able to move, and she couldn't speak very well, so she could only spit out one word at a time.

Gao Dashang didn't want to listen to Mrs. Gao's words at all, and he was casual every time, so he didn't know the general situation of the matter. When he received the money, he had already put Mrs. Gao out of his mind.

As for Mrs. Gao, she is paralyzed and has no money. She can only lie on the bed every day. Her son and daughter-in-law are not filial, so her house smells terrible, and feces and urine are pulled in her pants. Hot meals and hot soup are no longer available, and the son and daughter-in-law only think about spending money every day, and when they think of her by chance, all they bring back are leftovers.

In less than a year, Mrs. Gao has aged a lot, her calf muscles have begun to shrink, and she has acne on her body. Her whole body is itchy like ants crawling on her body, and the house is also terribly messy. Especially the quilt, full of a smell of excrement and urine.

On a cold winter night, Mrs. Gao couldn't take it because she was thirsty. She was going to climb to the table to find water to drink, but she fell off the bed when she turned over. After breaking her spine, she kept yelling over there. , but the son and daughter-in-law had already gone out to play, and no one heard his screams at all. When the son and daughter-in-law came back, Mrs. Gao had been dead for several hours.

After Gao Dazhuang learned that Mrs. Gao had died, he didn't feel bad at all, and said in a very unlucky manner: "If you want to die, you don't pick a good time, but it's really unlucky to die when the Chinese New Year is approaching. I will come to her funeral, and I don't know if I can receive gift money!"

Mrs. Gao never dreamed that the son she raised so hard would treat her like this. He really regretted marrying his daughter to such a scum. If my daughter sells it, will I have a mouthful of hot water to drink when I am paralyzed?
There should be, after all, my daughter is so filial to me, I think I used the excuse of being sick to deceive my daughter back...

Mrs. Gao left with remorse. As for Gao Dazhuang, although he had a lot of money, he quickly spent all his money because he didn't know how to invest and wasted money. But after spending it all, He has no other source of money, although he is a little anxious, thinking that when he had no money, his mother would solve it for him, but now that his mother is dead, what should he do if he has no money?Is it possible to throw my mother out of the grave and ask her for money?
(End of this chapter)

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