Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1509 Domestic Violent Man 1

Chapter 1509
Gao Dazhuang himself is not a person who can bear hardships, otherwise he would not sell his sister for glory, but the money was spent, in order to get money quickly, Gao Dazhuang embarked on the road of petty theft, and he did get some money at the beginning , but after being caught, he was sent directly to the Public Security Bureau.

Because the amount stolen this time was not large, Gao Dazhuang was released after only a few days. He didn’t suffer enough, and he didn’t have money to spend. This time, he became more courageous and stole a lot of money. Then, Gao Dazhuang was completely sentenced in the league, and the sentence was 5 years. Gao Dazhuang's wife left Gao Dazhuang without hesitation after learning about it. My second spring.

Here, after losing the house, Wang Qiang can only live in a rented house with Lin Lang, but Wang Qiang is still not reconciled, "It's really unlucky, marrying their daughter, and ended up staying with them for the rest of my life, and even sat down Prison, and now it's because their family can't even keep their own house, what's the matter!"

"Husband, don't be angry. I heard that the old lady had a stroke and collapsed on the bed. It's not a loss for us to spend a few dollars to settle such a thing!" Lin Lang said softly: "Furthermore, Now, the two of us have hands and feet, and we will definitely be able to work hard to build a house!"

Wang Qiang nodded casually, and then sighed again, "It's getting harder and harder to do business recently, and the boss's face is not good-looking. I really don't know...how should I go next?"

"Husband, actually I have a question all the time. You keep mentioning your boss, but...why haven't I met your boss?" Lin Lang pretended to be worried and said, "Actually, I'm not gossip, I'm just a little scared, after all Asking others for debts is not a legitimate business after all, I am afraid that after something happens, your boss will push you out as a scapegoat, I am really afraid!"

"You think too much, my boss won't do it!" Even though he said that, Wang Qiang was also a little worried. He recalled what he did before, and couldn't help gritting his teeth. Yes, those disgraceful things are all The boss asked me to do it, but the boss didn't touch his hands at all. If something really happened and the police wanted to investigate, then...

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang stood up, "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I'll go out first!"

In any case, Wang Qiang's boss himself will never let it go. After all, Wang Qiang was able to survive after being beaten to death by Wang Qiang in the first mission. The unscrupulous businessman continues to survive in this world. If Niu Cha is in this world, maybe more people will be victimized. It is just to end the unscrupulous businessman, which is why Lin Lang did not attack Wang Qiang for so long.

But it can't be done, this body got sick early, and it is estimated that Wang Qiang will also get sick after a while, so it has to be resolved as soon as possible.

Wang Qiang went out to do nothing else, went directly to the boss, hesitantly talked about resignation.

The boss is naturally unwilling, "I won't run away with you, I think when you were in prison, I found someone to clear up the relationship, and after you were released from prison, I gave you a job, now I just scold you Just a few words, do you just turn your face and deny people like this?"

Wang Qiang is cold to you, are you cursing?You have even scolded my eighth generation ancestors, and you have done so many bad things for you and taken so many risks for you for some more important things, but you got so little money yourself, it is really unfair .

"Boss, I am willing to do things for you, but now that I am married, I really can't do risky things. I have to think about my family!" Wang Qiang wanted to get together and leave.

But the boss is not willing, Wang Qiang knows so many things about him, if he doesn't tie Wang Qiang to his bed, what if Wang Qiang turns his face and confesses himself?
"What's the risk? We're doing legitimate business. We're just asking for money. Don't think too much about it. Go back and work hard. After the Chinese New Year, I'll give you a raise!" The boss's eyes flickered.

Wang Qiang couldn't listen to it at all, and said without hesitation: "Let's forget it. I'm afraid of making money and spending money. Boss, I'm getting old and I really don't want to fight anymore. Just let it go." me!"

A golden light flashed in the boss' eyes, and he sighed pretentiously, "That's fine, since you don't want to do it with me, then I won't force it, but as the saying goes, some things should be said, and some things should not be said , you should understand..."

Wang Qiang nodded quickly, "Boss, don't worry, I have the tightest mouth!"

After Wang Qiang left, the boss found his confidant and said quietly: "I still don't believe it, you can find a chance to see if you can..."

The bodyguard hesitated, "What if the boss does it and draws the attention of the police?"

"Are you stupid? It's enough to cause a car accident. Anyway, he knows too much about us, and he must not be allowed to live!" The boss turned his face away and said sternly.

The bodyguard's face was gloomy. Although he didn't have much contact with Wang Qiang, he was a colleague after all. Now that his colleagues are treated like this, he will inevitably feel a sense of desolation.

Wang Qiang was just happy to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, and was riding his bicycle towards the house, when suddenly a bright light flashed, and before he could react, he fell to the ground, and then the severe pain came, and his whole body All passed out.

When he woke up again, he found that he was lying in the hospital. Lin Lang was sitting on the edge of the bed and crying, "My husband..."

After Wang Qiang saw Lin Lang, he realized what had happened. He immediately sat up. After feeling the pain, his tears fell instantly, "What happened?"

Lin Lang lowered her head and wept softly, "Husband, you had a car accident and almost lost your life!"

"Then..." Wang Qiang looked at the empty left leg, and the empty left hand, and was stunned.

Lin Lang said sadly: "This is already the best choice. Besides, we only lost an arm and a hand. We still have lives. As long as we have lives, everything is possible!"

"I don't believe it, I really don't believe it, by the way, has the driver been caught?" Wang Qiang asked hastily.

Lin Lang shook her head, "That place is really remote, and there are no cameras, the police can't help..."

Wang Qiang's heart cooled down a little bit. He was also a gangster, and he also knew that he could not be run over by a car for no reason. After all, the road was so wide and he was driving on the right. It may be driving to my side, so there must be something wrong inside.

Wang Qiang also knew where the problem was. He gritted his teeth and asked with red eyes: "I was in a car accident, has anyone come to see me?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, there are a few men in suits. After knowing that you are being rescued, their faces were so ugly that they left after a short while!"

Wang Qiang thumped the table fiercely with his remaining right hand, "Why won't you let me go? Obviously I have never done anything to betray him, so why did you take my life? Could it be that my life is so bad?" Is it worth it?"

When Lin Lang heard this, she immediately sensed something was wrong, and said comfortingly, "Husband, what are you talking about? Don't think too much, the most important thing now is to take good care of your body!"

Wang Qiang shook his head, "No, quickly call the police over, I have something to tell them!"

(End of this chapter)

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