Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1511 Stallion Male Big Wife 1

Chapter 1511
When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on an antique big bed. She knew that she had entered the next task, but she didn't rush to accept the plot. Instead, she quickly opened the task interface and found that her second task was The client breathed a sigh of relief after the mission was completed.

Although the second task client only asked for money, Lin Lang was still a little afraid that the second task client would be dissatisfied because he committed suicide. Fortunately, he made the right bet, and the second task client did not say anything. What, although I jumped off the building and died, but I made a lot of money from the stocks I invested, plus Wang Qiang's money, and all kinds of miscellaneous things, it should be enough for the younger siblings to graduate from college. As long as the two children graduate from college, the family should It will not be so difficult.

Just when Lin Lang was about to receive the plot, the door was suddenly opened, and a boy in brown shorts ran in. His long hair was raised high by wooden hairpins, he had a bright smile and handsome features.

"Sister Linlang, why are you still sleeping? Hurry up, today is the Lantern Festival, and there are many lanterns!" The young man said happily.

Seeing such an energetic young man, Lin Lang still felt a little itchy in her heart. She wanted to agree, but she just thought that she didn't accept the plot. If she went out and did something wrong and caused others to suspect it, then the loss would not be worth the gain.

"I...I feel a bit of a headache, I want to rest for a while, you go out by yourself!" Lin Lang politely refused.

Although the young man was a little disappointed, he respected Lin Lang and said with a smile, "Then I'll bring you some beautiful lanterns when I come back!"

Lin Lang smiled softly, and after the person left, she closed her eyes and began to accept the plot.

[Senior brother and I grew up together, we were childhood sweethearts, I thought I would marry him when I grew up, but it changed so quickly, the villa was suddenly wiped out, and we didn't know who the enemy was , my father sent me and my brother out before he died!

I wanted to avenge my father, but I didn't even know who the murderer was, but someone was chasing me all the time. On the way to escape, I regarded senior brother as my only one. I thought senior brother would marry me, but... senior brother I have harassed many beautiful girls, beautiful official ladies, helpless prostitution girls, proud and holy daughters of martial arts lords, enchanting and charming witch saints...

Brother likes them, but still married me as his wife. Although the others are obscene, they don’t take my righteousness seriously. After all, I have no power, no power, and I am not as beautiful as them. The only thing better than them is The childhood affection with the senior brother!
But I was content with it, thinking that being with senior brother was better than everything. Later, senior brother finally found out who killed my father's family. It turned out to be senior brother's enemy!

The senior brother is not an orphan abandoned by his family, he is the third prince of the Holy Majesty, and even an enemy prince. It's just that the queen was murdered by a treacherous concubine. In order to protect the little prince, the eunuchs had to put the senior brother in a safe place. I hope that someone can notice the elder brother and bring him back. As for the eunuchs, they will lure those killers away!
But there is no impenetrable wall in the world. After all, those people knew about the fact that Eldest Senior Brother was alive, so there were successive assassinations. After the truth came out, those damned people were all dead, and Eldest Senior Brother ascended to the throne!
Originally, I was the eldest brother's legal wife, and should be the queen's, but who would accept me as the legal wife?

Before I noticed, a glass of poisoned wine had already killed my heart, even my daughter... yes, it was just a daughter, who obviously didn't hinder them, but they still killed her. I really regret it. I regret that I should not be involved with such a person. I hope that in my next life, I can stay away from this person. Also, please protect my father! 】

After Lin Lang received the plot, she found that it was dark outside. Feeling her empty stomach, when Lin Lang got dressed and was about to go to the kitchen, the door was suddenly opened.

Lu Zongliang rushed in in a hurry, holding a few beautiful lanterns in his hand, "Junior Sister, look quickly, this time I won it for you through hard work!"

The lantern is indeed beautiful, but it seems that because of this lantern, Lu Zongliang met the virtuous, generous, beautiful official lady.

Lin Lang smiled casually, "The lantern is indeed beautiful, but senior brother, you know me. I like dancing with knives and guns the most. I really don't need lanterns or anything. You can give it to the junior brother below. There are junior sisters!"

Lu Zongliang lowered his head, and said in a puzzled way: "Little Junior Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you going to pass on the things I gave you to others? Are you... are you angry with me? I know You are sick, I shouldn't go outside to play, but there is only one Lantern Festival, I really want to go outside to watch the fun, so I ignore you, don't get sick, I promise, next time you get sick, I will never leave you again!"

Lin Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brother, what are you thinking? I don't hate you, but I just thought it would be a pity to make such a beautiful thing for me this time. After all, I don't know how to appreciate good things. They've ruined it so badly, it's better to give them to someone who will appreciate him!"

Hearing what the younger junior sister said, Lu Zongliang suddenly remembered the girl he met because of this lantern, and was stunned for a moment, his little ears suddenly turned red. The girl who was completely different from the younger junior sister at that time was full of book fragrance, and also had With an unattainable aura, it is completely different from the girls he usually comes into contact with.

Just when Lu Zongliang was thinking about something, Lin Lang walked away directly and walked to the kitchen. Lin Lang also knew that Lu Zongliang was in a daze, and also knew that he was in a daze because he was thinking about someone, but she had already made up her mind that she didn't want to be with this person. He was involved in anything, so the leader didn't want to pay attention to him, and left when he was in a daze, but it was time to find an opportunity to talk to him, don't just go into girls' rooms like this, twice It was okay when he came in, and he didn't change his clothes anymore. If he accidentally let him see something he shouldn't see, then he would be really at a disadvantage.

"Ah?" Lu Zongliang came back to his senses and found that the junior sister was no longer in the room. He looked around for four weeks, gritted his teeth, and ran to the junior sister quickly. When he caught up with the junior sister, he didn't know what to do. Said, hesitatingly said: "Junior Sister, the lantern is very beautiful, I think this lantern is very suitable for you, so I finally got it back for you, please cherish it!"

"Since the senior brother finally got it, then you shouldn't give it to me. If it breaks, it will be a waste of the senior brother's hard work!" Lin Lang looked at the lantern in front of her and shook her head, "Senior brother still gives it to me. People who need him, lanterns and beauties, nothing better!"

When Lu Zongliang heard the little junior sister say this, he was a little puzzled. When he recalled the girl he met because of the lantern, his face suddenly flushed, thinking that his junior sister knew something, and he stammered and explained: "Junior sister, I really don't know. I don't know who that girl is, so don't think too much about it?"

Lin Lang didn't realize it at first, but when she did, she understood what the elder brother was talking about, and smiled kindly, "Eldest brother, what are you talking about?"

"I...I..." Lu Zongliang lowered his head, "The lantern is very beautiful, I think it suits you very well!"

"I don't need it, I'm hungry and I'm going to eat, senior brother, you can do whatever you want!" Lin Lang's tone was a bit stiff!
Seeing the little junior sister go away, Lu Zongliang didn't want to chase her, he didn't chase after him, he stood there blankly, and said secretly distressed: "It's all my fault that I don't have a head, obviously my junior sister is sick, I don't want to be with her, but I want to be with her." Going to join in the fun, no wonder Junior Sister is angry with me, it's all my fault... I shouldn't mention another girl in front of Junior Sister, alas, Junior Sister is angry, and I don't know how to coax her, so Junior Sister will not give birth to me Angry... But such a beautiful lantern, is it really going to be thrown away?"

(End of this chapter)

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