Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1512 Stallion Male Big Wife 2

Chapter 1512

After all, Lu Zongliang was not willing to throw away those two lanterns. The first reason was because he had won these two lanterns with great difficulty. He wanted to give them to his junior sister. The heart I gave to my junior sister is the same, the second reason is the girl who competed with me for the lantern...

After Lin Lang found two steamed buns in the kitchen, she barely filled her stomach with pickles. When she was about to return to her yard, she was afraid of bumping into Lu Zongliang on the way back to the yard, so she turned around and went directly to his father's house. courtyard.

"Father!" Lin Lang knocked on the door and found that his father was reading a book. After seeing him coming, Master Lin put down the book in his hand and asked gently: "Didn't you go down the mountain with your elder brother to play? Why are you so Coming back soon?"

Lin Lang smiled faintly, "I felt a little unwell at noon today, so I just stayed in the room to rest, and didn't go down the mountain with Senior Brother to play!"

"Oh!" Master Lin asked without thinking about other concerns: "How is your body?"

Lin Lang sat on a chair beside her and replied honestly: "It's not a serious illness, it's just a headache. It'll be fine after a while. By the way, Dad... I... I want to ask about the senior brother's life experience?"

"Ah?" Master Lin was a little puzzled, "Why do you ask this? Did your senior brother ask you to come over and ask? I have already made it very clear. When I saw your senior senior brother, I found that he was thrown by others. In the grass beside the road, your mother felt sorry for him, so she carried him back!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Actually, it wasn't Elder Brother who asked me to come here to ask, it's just that I want to know something, so I want to ask Dad!
I thought the senior brother was not young anymore, and he also knew that he was picked, but didn't he miss his relatives at all after all these years?Everyone has their own family. Although the elder brother didn't say anything, I understand that he misses his family very much and wants to know who his parents are!

I can't help him much, I just want to ask my father about some details, see if he can find his parents from the details!
Besides, although he was thrown into the grass at the beginning, I heard my mother once said that the grass was very close to the roadside. If the parents of the elder brother did not want the elder brother, they should have thrown the elder brother in the grass. It is impossible to throw him into the grass in a place with few people, but what if his parents threw him into the grass because of some unspeakable secrets?I hope the big brother can be found!

In any case, I hope that the college student can recognize his parents..."

Of course, it's best to find out his life experience, and then get out of him quickly, and don't harm their family where they should get out.

Back then, his mother saved his senior brother, and his father raised him again. Later, Genzi was killed by the senior brother's enemy. After the original owner married the senior brother, he died with a glass of poisoned wine, and even the only daughter who survived died. If they didn't keep it, it can be said that their family all died because of the elder brother, and it's sad to think about it.

Master Lin frowned tightly, "You let me think about it... By the way, I almost forgot an important thing. When I found your senior brother, after a while, I seem to have heard that there were people fighting in that place. Yes, I heard that people died... But I didn't take it to heart at the time. Also, I still have a package for your elder brother. The fabric is quite good, but the color and style are quite ordinary, so I just I didn't take it seriously...Your elder brother still has a jade pendant on his body, but your elder brother knows about the jade pendant, he always carries it with him..."

Lin Lang stood up, "Daddy, quickly show me the package!"

Master Lin thought for a while, took out a box from the corner, and handed over an old piece of cloth.

Lin Lang examined it carefully, and found that the texture of the material was really good, but the color was a bit dark, which should be due to its age.

Lin Lang squeezed the parcel tightly in her hands, "Thank you, Daddy, I'll go down the mountain tomorrow to find someone to see if I can find clues about the elder brother's life experience from this piece of material!"

Master Lin didn't care either, "Okay, but daughter, you care so much about your senior brother, you... I won't hide it from you, I do intend to marry you to your senior senior brother, after all, you two are childhood sweethearts, you Eldest brother was raised by me again, although there are still some uncertainties, but he really has nothing to say to you, he is a good man!"

Father, you have misjudged me. This man is really good to me, but he is good to all women. Could it be that you want your daughter to marry a man who has three wives and four concubines?Besides, your daughter died because of him in her previous life. Could it be that you want your daughter to die again in this life?
Of course, Lin Lang wouldn't say these words out of his mouth. He said tactfully, "Daddy, but Chest is indeed a nice person, but I don't mean anything else by treating him as an older brother. Daddy, don't think too much. I'll help you." Eldest brother looking for parents is also for the best of elder brother, not like what daddy thinks!"

Master Lin nodded, "If that's the case, then you should stay away from your big brother in the future, after all, men and women are different!"

Lin Lang was about to mention this matter, but when her father said it, she hurriedly said: "What father said is true, but I'm a girl, so it's really not good for me to talk about this with senior brother, I hope my father will talk about this matter! "

Master Lin nodded, seeing that it was getting late, he asked his daughter to go back to bed early.

On the way back, Lin Lang kept looking at the piece of material in her hand, and planned to visit the various cloth shops tomorrow to see if she could find any clues from it.

"Junior Sister, you are finally back!" Lu Zongliang's eyes lit up when he saw Lin Lang, and he ran over like a gust of wind, with a bright smile, blowing into people's hearts like a gust of breeze.

Lin Lang really likes such youthful boys, but Lin Lang really doesn't appreciate this kind of philandering boy, so she forced a smile, "It's so late, why isn't senior brother going back?"

Seeing that his junior sister disliked him, Lu Zongliang avoided the course of the illness, and looked a little bit aggrieved like a lamb, his eyes were watery, "I...I am waiting for you, I think it over, what happened today is indeed What I did was wrong, I shouldn’t have left my junior sister when she was sick, so I solemnly apologize to my junior sister here, and I also promise my junior sister that from now on I will never leave my junior sister again, nor will I let my junior sister Angry!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, and said with an open-minded face: "Brother, you think too much, I'm not angry, it's getting late, you should go back to rest early, senior brother!"

"You're lying!" Lu Zongliang said with a tear in his voice, "If you weren't angry, you wouldn't talk to me in such a tone at all, Junior Sister, don't be angry with me, or else I'll bring you back tomorrow. Go down the mountain and eat candied haws, sweet candied haws are delicious..."

Lin Lang stretched out her hand and gently touched the top of Lu Zongliang's head, "Brother, how old are you? Why are you still wronged?
Regarding today's incident, I'm really not angry. It's because you are thinking too much, senior brother. Besides, we have been friends for decades. Will I have a relationship with senior brother because of this matter?

By the way, I have to do something when I go down the mountain tomorrow. Eldest Brother, let's go back early to rest. Come down the mountain with me tomorrow, is that okay? "

Hearing this, Lu Zongliang turned from cloudy to clear in an instant, and the golden smile on his face could not be concealed. It was very bright, "Okay, I will accompany my junior sister down the mountain tomorrow, and my junior sister will also rest earlier!"

(End of this chapter)

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