Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1513 Stallion Male Big Wife 3

Chapter 1513 Stallion Male Big Wife Three

In the early morning of the second day, Lu Zongliang was waiting at Linlang's door, and prepared breakfast thoughtfully. Of course, if this person is not the central air conditioner, Linlang is still willing to accept such a person as her boyfriend, but helpless, This man is not only good to himself, but also good to other girls, so I dare not bear such a man!

Lin Lang took the breakfast and followed Lu Zongliang down the mountain while eating. Lu Zongliang was very excited and chattered non-stop along the way, like a cheerful bird.

Lin Lang kept listening and didn't say anything. When he came to the foot of the mountain, Lu Zongliang began to ask: "Junior Sister, what are we doing down the mountain today?"

Lin Lang said as she walked, "Go to Buzhuang, I need to do something!"

"Junior sister, do you want to buy cloth to make clothes?" Lu Zongliang scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Junior sister, if you want to make clothes, make me one too. Many of my clothes are too small. I can't wear it..."

Lin Lang smiled lightly, "It's not easy to wear clothes. I'll buy you a suit when I get to the cloth shop later!"

"No, it's not like this..." I still have the money to buy clothes, but I just want the clothes made by my junior sister, but it's hard to ask.

After arriving at the cloth shop, Lin Lang took out the piece of cloth first, and asked straight to the point: "Shopkeeper, please help me to see if you have such cloth here?"

The shopkeeper picked up the material, looked at it carefully, and his expression became more and more dignified, then shook his head, "Girl, such a small place like ours doesn't have such precious fabrics!"

"Is this fabric expensive?" Lin Lang asked hastily.

The shopkeeper stroked his beard, and replied seriously: "Of course, this fabric is brocade!"

Lu Zongliang also became curious, "Yunjin? What kind of cloth is that?"

The shopkeeper said patiently: "Guest officer, you don't know something. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that an inch of brocade is an inch of gold, and this brocade is not something you can buy if you want it. Yu Gao's big family, and... the better Yunjin, it was sent to the palace, and ordinary people, let alone bought it, would not even see it!"

When Lu Zongliang heard this, he looked at his junior sister, "Don't worry, junior sister, I will buy you some horses when I have money!"

Lin Lang shook her head at Lu Zongliang, and then looked at the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, I want to know where such Yunjin can be found?"

"Brocades are generally produced in the south of the Yangtze River, and such precious fabrics cannot be produced by ordinary cloth shops..." The shopkeeper also thought that the little girl wanted brocades, and patiently persuaded: "Young lady is Yun brocade is not something that anyone can see, let alone buy, and ordinary cloth shops won’t sell it outside at all!”

"That's good. Since such an expensive thing won't be sold, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can afford..." After Linlang finished speaking, she pulled Lu Zongliang and walked outside, and said as she walked, "Actually I am not here to buy fabric today, but to inquire about the origin of this fabric!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Zongliang asked with a puzzled face.

"This piece of cloth is my brother's childhood parcel!" Lin Lang explained, "I want to follow the fabric of this parcel to see if I can find out the truth about my brother's life experience!"

Lu Zongliang's face changed, and he said in a tone of voice: "I don't care about them!"

"Senior brother!" Lin Lang raised her head and said earnestly, "You heard what the shopkeeper said just now. This kind of brocade is very precious, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford. It shows that your family background is very important, senior brother." Wealth is wealth. If a family is either rich or expensive, how could it be possible to throw away its own child? There must be some misunderstanding!
Brother, you are not young, you don't want to spend your whole life not looking for your family, you will regret it when you get old! "

"I...I..." Lu Zongliang also had some changes. If he said he didn't miss his family, it would be a lie, but when he thought of being thrown away by them, Lu Zongliang didn't want to think about them anymore, but now Hearing what my junior sister said, it is possible that there is really some misunderstanding about my life experience. When my parents abandoned me, maybe there is really something unspeakable...

Seeing Lu Zongliang hesitated, Lin Lang hurriedly said, "Brother, actually, my father agreed to find your parents!"

Hearing that the master also agreed, Lu Zongliang nodded slowly, "Okay, I'll look for it with you, but I want to ask them, why did they abandon me in the first place?"

Lin Lang smiled and walked back together with Lu Zongliang, and said as he walked: "You also heard what the shopkeeper said, this kind of brocade is generally produced in the south of the Yangtze River, and the brocade is so precious that you can't just wait for Tibetans to buy it, we can buy it." Go to the place where the brocade is produced and ask to see who bought this brocade back then, or who owns this brocade and is following the vine... Maybe you can find your parents..."

Of course, Lin Lang also had his intentions in doing this. She wanted to transfer Lu Zongliang away from here. As long as Lu Zongliang left here, even if those killers in black wanted to kill Lu Zongliang, if they couldn't see anyone, they wouldn't take him away. The anger is on his father, and he will not do anything to destroy the family. Then his father will be safe.

What's more, Lin Lang wants to take this brat out to see the world, and by the way, find all the wives of his previous life. When the time comes, a hundred flowers will bloom. Even if this brat still wants to be with him, he probably won't be able to do it. After all, there are so many of them. Yingying Yanyan, enough to annoy him.

"Then..." Lu Zongliang hurriedly asked, "Are we going to Jiangnan?"

"Of course I'm going!" Lin Lang stepped down slowly, revealing two deep dimples, which looked sweet and cute, making Lu Zongliang's face turn red and his eyes dodge a little.

"What if the master disagrees?" Lu Zongliang asked with some concern.

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll convince my father when the time comes. Besides, we are both so old, it's time to go out and see the world!" Lin Lang turned her head and smiled. This smile is like a mountain flower. brilliant.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Zongliang said with sweetness in his heart, "You are so kind to me, and even helped me find my biological parents... Junior Sister, don't worry, when I find my biological parents, I will tell him that we are two Personal matters, when the time comes, I will solemnly propose to the master..."

Linlang's complexion changed, and she hurriedly said, "Eldest brother, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand. I have always regarded you as my elder brother. You are thinking too much!"

Like a bolt from the blue, Lu Zongliang froze there, his face full of unconfidence, "Junior Sister, I... I thought you understood my thoughts, I really..."

Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, pretended to be an adult, patted his head, and said comfortingly: "Brother, you are still young, you don't know what it means to love me at all, the two of us grew up together, You only see me as a girl, so naturally you like me, but when you go outside and see too many girls, you will know that I am not very good. What you call liking now is actually just my brother’s love for me. My sister's liking is nothing more than love between a man and a woman!"

Lu Zongliang shook his head hastily, "I know what I'm thinking, I just like you, as long as there is something good in what I like, you will be the first thing I think of, and when you encounter something happy, do you want to be the first one?" One to share with you, Junior Sister, I really like you, not the brother's liking for the younger sister, but the real liking..."

Lin Lang's expression is still faint, alas, what on earth are you thinking, you are the one who will own a forest at that time, what's the point of hanging on my crooked neck tree, let him fool around first, and wait for him to go outside to see After passing through too many flowers and plants, he may understand that it is really not worth letting him give up a forest for a small grass like me.

"Brother, let's not discuss this anymore, it's getting late, let's hurry back!" Lin Lang walked forward.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Lu Zongliang's face, he hurriedly followed, and said while running: "Little Junior Sister, are you still sad because of the Hungry Ghost Festival?"

(End of this chapter)

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