Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1514 The hero’s wife 4

Chapter 1514 The Main Wife IV

Lin Lang didn't answer Lu Zongliang, so she pretended not to hear and continued to rush up the mountain.

Like a discouraged ball, Lu Zongliang hated himself for not caring at all. He knew that his junior sister was sick, so he shouldn't have been playful in the first place. He left his junior sister behind and went out to play by himself, which made his junior sister sick You are so angry with yourself that even you don't want to pay attention to yourself, let alone marry yourself.

After returning to the mountain, Lin Lang and Lu Zongliang separated. He went to find his father, and said straight to the point: "Father, I have already found out the source of the fabric when I went down the mountain today. Specifically, I need to find out the identity of the elder brother. I need to go to Jiangnan, I hope my father will allow me to accompany senior brother to Jiangnan!"

Master Lin raised his head and said disapprovingly: "Your elder brother went to Jiangnan to find out his life experience. I am not against this, but you already said yesterday that you don't want to have anything to do with your elder brother, and you don't want to marry you." Senior brother, if this is the case... as a father, I still hope that you can stay away from your senior brother!"

Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, "I know that my father is thinking about my reputation, but I went to Jiangnan with senior brother not because of senior brother, but because my daughter is not young anymore, she has been staying on the mountain, and has never I haven't gone outside to experience it, so I really can't justify it. After all, the father only has a child like a daughter. After a hundred years with the father, this middle gate will be handed over to the daughter to manage. It's useless, my daughter doesn't want the painstaking efforts of her ancestors to be wasted like this, so she wants to take this opportunity to exercise herself!"

Master Lin still hesitated when he heard his daughter say this, "Then...then your elder brother..."

"Father, you don't have to worry about this. Since my daughter said she doesn't like senior brother, she will never have anything to do with senior brother!" Lin Lang said very firmly, and then her face changed, "But...some things are still I want to tell my father, when I went to the cloth shop to inquire, the shopkeeper of the cloth shop said that the cloth is the best brocade, and only rich or expensive people can afford it, so I thought about my status as a big brother... ...Maybe it's not easy, I hope my father can be more careful!"

Master Lin's expression changed, "Then...then you can't leave with your elder brother. If something happens, what will you ask Weifu to do?"

"Father, my daughter has the ability to protect herself!" Lin Lang said firmly, "Daughter wants to go on this trip to the south of the Yangtze River!"

Master Lin sighed, "Dad, since you want to go, you must pay attention, Weiwei still has a few friends in the rivers and lakes, I will give you the list later, if you encounter any danger , ask them for help!"

With his father's support, Lin Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief. After getting the list given by his father, Lin Lang returned to the room, and Lin Lang started to pack his things. On the second day, he took his elder brother down the mountain.

But they didn't go there, but bought two horses at the market down the mountain. They didn't expect to meet an unexpected person while they were still in the city.

"It's you, I thought I was wrong!" A gentle-looking woman with a beautiful face came over, with a proper smile on her face, followed by a few maidservants.

After seeing her, Lu Zongliang said shyly, "What a coincidence!"

Wang Wan'er nodded, "Come out for a stroll, by the way, are you taking a horse and going on a long trip?"

Lu Zongliang nodded, "Well, it's right to go to Jiangnan with my junior sister, I almost forgot to tell you, this is my junior sister!"

Wang Wan'er glanced at Lin Lang lightly, her eyes were extremely flat, with a faint smile on her face, "This is the little junior sister you miss so much!"

Being teased by Wang Wan'er, Lu Zongliang blushed, "I...I..."

Wang Wan'er laughed immediately, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, by the way, why are you going to Jiangnan?"

Lin Lang stood aside and didn't speak a word, but his eyes never left them. Although he often behaved plainly, Lin Lang could sense a trace of jealousy in the way he looked at himself.

envy?Is it too early now? Although the two have met and socialized, there is no such thing as jealousy. Moreover, Lu Zongliang's current status is just a big disciple of an ordinary sect, so he is not worthy of the jealousy of an official lady ?Could it be that Wang Wan'er has such a special taste that she just fell in love with someone so casually?
Impossible, absolutely impossible, an official lady, and an educated official lady, must be extremely harsh on gains and losses, and on her own reputation. It is impossible to do such a rude thing, so... this What's going on inside?
"Go to the south of the Yangtze River to see the scenery!" Lin Lang spoke first, "There is also a poet who once wrote a poem: Jiangnan is good, the scenery is old and familiar, the sunrise on the river is red like fire, and the river is green like blue in spring, can you not remember Jiangnan?
My senior brother and I have been staying on the mountain all the time, and have never been to other places. Now that we are not young, I just want to go around with my senior brother and experience it by the way! "

Wang Wan'er nodded, "So that's the case, but what a coincidence, I'm going to Jiangnan in a while, I wonder if I can meet you two..."

No, although this Wang Wan'er is Lu Zongliang's second wife, Wang Wan'er has always behaved like a lady from a big family, and has never been to other places. Why did she suddenly think of going to Jiangnan?Are you really going?Or did it change because I fanned the butterfly's wings?
Lin Lang followed with a smile, "That's really a coincidence. By the way, if you're going to Jiangnan, where will you end up then? I can go visit with my brother!"

Of course, it’s best if you can impress my senior brother. If there are two people in pairs, I won’t stop them. It’s best that you stay in Jiangnan for the rest of your life, and don’t come back to harm their father and daughter.

Wang Wan'er reported the address with some words, and Lin Lang nodded to write it down, and the group exchanged another greeting before saying goodbye.

After leaving the city gate, Lu Zongliang couldn't help asking: "Little sister, why didn't you tell the truth to that woman just now? Obviously we went to Jiangnan to investigate my life experience, and there is nothing to hide from others Yes?"

Lin Lang explained: "Eldest brother, you also heard from the shopkeeper of the cloth shop that this brocade does not simply mean that your background is not simple, so the less people know about it, the better!"

Lu Zongliang suddenly realized, "Junior Sister is still considerate, but Junior Sister... Regarding the girl just now, I am actually not familiar with that girl. I met her at the beginning because of the lantern. I won two beautiful lanterns." Lantern, I want to give it to Junior Sister, but that girl wants it, so I naturally don’t want to give it to her. We got to know each other like this, but including today, we only met twice in total..."

No matter how many times we meet, she is still your second wife, and this will not change...

"Brother, you don't have to tell me this. Who did you meet? Who did you meet? Those are all your business and have nothing to do with me!" Lin Lang rode on the horse, "Let's go quickly, if it gets dark If we couldn’t make it to the next town before, we’d probably be exposed to the wilderness!”

"No, I..." Lu Zongliang was about to explain when he saw the little junior sister saying this, but the little junior sister rode away on the horse. Way to speak.

After finally arriving at the next town, it was already dark, so the two of them had to find an inn to rest first, and then set off on the second day.

Unexpectedly, something happened that day. Lin Lang felt that someone was putting smoke into her room, and immediately held her breath. After a while, his door was gradually opened, followed by a man in black The man came over, rubbed his hands together and said, "Hey, what a beautiful little beauty, today is really lucky!"

Lin Lang held her breath and waited for that person to get closer. Just when the person was only three steps away from her, the door was suddenly opened again. Lu Zongliang was wearing pajamas, holding a sword in his hand, angry He yelled loudly: "Brave maniac, don't hurry up and stop!"

 Thank you for the reward from the local tyrant today, thank you, I wrote a total of 1000 words today, and the extra [-] words are to thank my dear, I love you, oh, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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