Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1517 Stallion Male Big Wife 7

Chapter 1517

Maybe it was because of the crowds, the cold hall suddenly became much more lively, even the shopkeeper's face was a little more crowded, and he hurriedly greeted Xiao Er to serve the dishes.

Lin Lang was arranged to sit with Zhang Hong'er, next to her junior brother and Lu Zongliang, four of them sat on a square table, one sat on one side, and Zhang Hong'er was opposite Lin Lang.

The meals are very simple, just steamed buns with a few side dishes, and some clear porridge, but for people like them who live in the open air, this is already a very rare delicacy.

Lin Lang ate her food carelessly, and glanced at the door. It was still clear and cold outside. Red lanterns were hung on the eaves.

"Shopkeeper, I think your town is quite big, why is it so deserted?" Lin Lang couldn't help asking curiously.

The shopkeeper was greeting the guests. Hearing this, he couldn't help but sighed deeply, "Guest officer, to be honest, I think here was a big town back then, and it was also an important traffic route. There are many merchants passing by here and there, and there is a lot of people's voices...but then...don't say anything..."

"Shopkeeper, you've said everything, but now you suddenly stopped talking. Didn't this draw out our thoughts? It's too insincere!" The junior brother curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "You can just say it directly!"

The shopkeeper shook his head, "This incident happened five years ago. A group of people suddenly came and asked us to donate a pair of boys and girls every month with unknown numbers. If we don't want to, we will all be killed!
Children are the darlings of their parents, and which parent would be willing to give their children to others, so gradually some people moved out of this place, as for me... because I have no children, and my ancestors' family also has no children. They are all here, so they have been staying here all the time, but... You have also seen that a place that was so lively has suddenly become so deserted, and it is estimated that there will be no people in it in a few years! "

Zhang Hong'er slapped the table and said angrily, "It's really disgusting, what about the people in the government, do they just ignore it?"

"In the beginning, the government did take care of it, but the rascals were strong in martial arts, and they beat the government people away, so that they didn't dare to come over to take over, for fear of losing their lives!" After the shopkeeper said this, Tears welled up in his eyes, "Guest officers, you should leave here as soon as possible tomorrow morning. If you are targeted by those strong men, I'm afraid it will be bad luck for you!"

Zhang Hong'er was not afraid at all, "Someone should stop the government for such a person, since he doesn't want to take care of it, then I will take care of it!"

Lin Lang also had a gloomy face, "Miss Zhang is right, count me in too!"

Lu Zongliang also frowned, and said with a righteous face: "This gang of strong men is really abominable. They dare to attack children. They are completely inhumane, and I am one of them!"

The rest of the people are also passionate youths, and they joined in one after another. The shopkeeper looked at them with some embarrassment, "Guest officers, just listen to my advice, and leave here quickly, the people in the government can't do anything about it." They, let alone a few of them, should leave here as soon as possible, so that they can be safe as soon as possible!"

Zhang Hong'er shook her head, and said very firmly: "Shopkeeper, my father is the leader of the martial arts alliance, and he has justice in the world. Now that there are such scumbags in the martial arts world, as his daughter, I can't just sit idly by. Don't worry. I will definitely bring that group of bad guys to justice, and give this town back!"

Hearing that Zhang Hong'er is the daughter of the leader of the martial arts alliance, the shopkeeper's face showed joy, "So this girl is still a chivalrous woman, then the peace of our town is entrusted to you!"

Zhang Hong'er was a little embarrassed, so she asked the shopkeeper about the residence of that group, and early the next morning, she took her disciples to the old den of that group, but unexpectedly, no one went to the building.

"What's going on, could it be that those people knew we were coming, so they left early?" Zhang Hong'er frowned.

Lin Lang stepped forward and carefully looked at the furnishings of the room, wiped the table, and said, "No, if that group of people left yesterday, there shouldn't be so much dust on the table, so they should have left sooner rather than later." A few days!"

Zhang Hong'er said angrily, "I'm so mad that I didn't bring those scumbags to justice!"

Lin Lang also had a serious expression on his face, "But I can't figure it out. Since those people didn't know we were coming, why did they leave suddenly? Are they planning something bigger?"

Zhang Hong'er was also taken aback, "There's also this possibility that it won't work, I have to quickly write a letter and tell my father to let him prepare early!"

While Zhang Hong'er was writing the letter, Lin Lang began to look at the house, but when she came to a gloomy place, her face became more and more solemn, especially when she smelled the smell in the air, she almost threw up. Too much bloody smell.

When he saw the flowers and plants in the corner, his face became even uglier. He picked up the hoe next to him and dug up. When he saw the things buried in the soil, his eyes were bloodshot.

When Lu Zongliang heard the movement, he also ran over and saw the things buried in the ground, his face changed, "This..."

Lin Lang threw the hoe aside, "This should be the bones of those missing children..."

Lu Zongliang also felt a little uncomfortable, "How could they be so devoid of conscience, even children, this group of people... I swear, I will make them pay with blood and avenge these children!"

Lin Lang turned her head, looked at Lu Zongliang, and asked, "Is this the only thing you think of when you see these children's accidents?"

Lu Zongliang didn't react: "What?"

Lin Lang said word by word: "There is no balance between good and evil!"

"Of course I know!" Lu Zongliang said firmly.

"If you knew, you shouldn't have let that flower picker go away!" Lin Lang said slowly, "Brother, you've seen what those people in the devil way did, they are not human at all, they are devils who kill people , have done all kinds of bad things, everyone should punish them, so brother, next time you catch a bad guy, don't listen to their one-sided words, just let them go, maybe let him alone, there will be More people have been hurt because of him!"

Lu Zongliang promised: "Don't worry, fourth sister, I can swear to you just this once. From now on, I only have morality in my heart, and I will never let anyone in the devil way go!"

This...you have morality in your heart, but you don't want to let go of anyone in the devil's way.

But in any case, these demonic people really shouldn't be let go, even young children dare to attack, it is extremely cruel.

After a while, Zhang Hong'er and the others also rushed over, and when they saw what Lin Lang had dug up, their expressions were extremely ugly, "I wish I had come earlier, so that so many children wouldn't be victimized..."

Lin Lang looked at Zhang Hong'er and said with relief: "Don't think too much, for the present plan, we must quickly find out those people and bring them to justice, otherwise more children will suffer!"

"You're right, I'll let my father notify the other sects and let them watch carefully, and they will definitely find out that group of people!" Zhang Hong'er said with a solemn expression.

Although the group left in a hurry, they packed up everything that needed to be packed away, so they didn't get too many clues. When they returned to the foot of the mountain, Lin Lang told the shopkeeper about the group's escape.

The shopkeeper was overjoyed when he heard this, tears of joy fell, and he hurriedly said to Xiao Er: "Hurry up and inform the folks, that group has left, we don't have to be afraid anymore!"

Xiaoer nodded quickly, and ran outside with the gongs and drums, beating as he ran, and said: "Folks, the gang of thieves have already escaped, everyone can come out at ease!"

The shopkeeper wiped away the tears from his face, and said gratefully: "Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would live in fear for the rest of our lives, let alone leave our hometown. Anyway, thank you very much!"

(End of this chapter)

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