Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1518 Stallion Male Big Wife 8

Chapter 1518

When Zhang Honger heard the shopkeeper's words, she shook her head quickly, "Shopkeeper, I can't afford your thanks. Regarding the gang of thieves, we didn't actually bring them to justice. When we got there, we found them He's gone, and he's gone without a trace!"

"This..." The shopkeeper showed panic, "then they won't come back again?"

Zhang Hong'er shook her head, "I can't say for sure, but I have already written to inform my father to let them pay attention, shopkeeper, don't worry, I will definitely catch those people back and let them replace those who died tragically. The child will pay with blood!"

The shopkeeper seemed to have aged 10 years, and sat on the chair, "God, why don't you open your eyes? Why don't good people live long, but bad people can live to be a hundred years old?"

Zhang Hong'er was very sad, "It's our fault that the shopkeeper didn't catch him!"

The shopkeeper is not an unreasonable person. He waved his hand and said weakly: "I don't blame you for this matter. After all, you don't know that they left. You just let them run away. I'm really worried that they will And ran to other towns to harm others?"

Zhang Hong'er was also a little scared, "Shopkeeper, we are so old now, I can't believe that the group of people left without making a sound. You can ask later to see if any of the villagers noticed anything unusual?"

The shopkeeper nodded, and after a while, Xiao Er came back, followed by a large group of people, and they said their good things outside as if they didn't want money.

"You guys are really young heroes, you saved us from such a big disaster!"

"You guys are really young and promising. You are still young, so it's enough. It's amazing to catch people alive and bring them to justice!"

"Young heroes, thank you for saving the town, you are really our benefactors!"

"Thank you, young heroes. If it weren't for you young heroes, there might be more children who would have died in their hands!"

"God really opened his eyes, and sent a few young heroes to save us!"


Zhang Hong'er was a little embarrassed to be praised by so many people, her little face was flushed, but she knew that she couldn't afford these compliments because he hadn't done anything.

"Fellow folks, don't talk about it. In fact, I didn't drive those people away at all. They left by themselves!" Zhang Hong'er lowered her head and continued: "So those people may still come back, so I want to ask Has any of you found any strange places this day, maybe we can follow the clues and catch those people!"

Hearing this, the faces of the villagers changed, they didn't listen to Zhang Hong'er's words at all, and all of them showed expressions of horror.

"What should we do? Is it possible that those people will come back? My God, why don't you leave us a way to survive!"

"Isn't this forcing us to die? I have already lost a child, so is it possible that I have to continue to lose my child?"

"I think we'd better leave here. Although we don't have Tian Hedi, it's better than losing our own flesh and blood!"

"I think it's okay, everyone should pack up and leave here while the group of people haven't come back!"

"Why don't they die, why do they come to harm us!"


Zhang Hong'er was a little anxious when she heard their conversation, and said in a hurry: "Everyone, don't worry, let alone worry, my juniors and I can write martial arts, and we will be able to protect everyone well, so it's not time for everyone to leave Here, we should find that group of people and bring them to justice as soon as possible, otherwise even if you move to the horizon, they will still find you!"

Everyone's face was yes, that group of people came as soon as they said, and when they came to their side, what if they moved to another place, and the family also moved to another place with them?They can hide for a while, but is it possible to hide for a lifetime?

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts turned cold, and one of the men came out and said, "Since you say you are strong in martial arts, are you really going to bring those people to justice?"

Zhang Honger nodded resolutely, "Don't worry about that. Although my martial arts aren't among the best, it's more than enough to deal with a few villains. And even if I can't beat them, I still have my father. My father is Martial arts lord, those Xiao Xiaoxiao, dare not presumptuously in front of my father at all!"

Those villagers had never seen the world, and the biggest official they had ever seen was only the local village head. When they heard that Zhang Hong'er's father was the leader of the martial arts alliance, they all expressed surprise.

"Since you said that, I'm relieved!" The man breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "I remember that three days ago, I had a stomachache that night. When I came out to go to the toilet, I suddenly heard something, and then I crawled to the toilet. Looking at the wall, I found that the lights on the mountain were brightly lit, and there were still people walking by the side of the road, and I also heard their conversations... It seemed to say... What did the leader tell them to go back in a hurry, saying that he was planning a big event... Saying that the saint will be there too..."

"The leader? The saint?" Zhang Hong'er was furious when she heard this, her eyes were full of anger, "Sure enough, it was the people in the devil's way who did it. They are really devoid of conscience, no wonder everyone got it and punished them!"

Lin Lang's expression also changed, he didn't care what it was called, but the saint?He was a little disgusted. Lu Zongliang is not a bad person, he has justice in his heart, but his ears are a little soft, but if he really wants to marry that so-called witch saint, Lin Lang may break with this person, and will Slash him.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang glanced back at Lu Zongliang and said, "Have you seen that people in the devil way should be punished by everyone!"

Lu Zongliang lowered his head in shame, "Junior Sister, I know, don't worry, I will definitely not show mercy when I see that demonic person next time!"

I hope you can remember what you said, but I really don’t want to see any beautiful women and the like, and immediately soften your heart. No matter what heinous bad things others have done, just let it go, if it is really the case, Then he is no different from a person in the magic way.

Knowing that those people are members of the demonic way, Zhang Hong'er's face changed after she asked them where they were going, "That group is also going to the south of the Yangtze River. Could it be that they are planning something bad again?"

Lin Lang stroked his chin, and suddenly thought that if he remembered correctly, the martial arts secret book "Ziyang Gong" seemed to be in the south of the Yangtze River. It was because of this secret book that the hero got acquainted with the witch saint and the daughter of the martial arts leader.

After finding out the exact direction, Zhang Hong'er didn't dare to delay, and led her disciples to the direction of the south of the Yangtze River. On the fourth day, she really let him catch up with that group of demons!

"Finally caught up with you guys!" Did Zhang Hong'er get off, her eyes revealed a stern look, "I have hurt so many children, I need your blood to pay for it!"

Those people are not willing at all, you will make Zhang Hong'er think that it is another hero who wants to be a hero, and said impatiently: "Little girl, I don't have time today, you will tell me to get out of here quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless! "

"Who cares that you show mercy!" Zhang Hong'er pulled out her whip and rushed towards them, "Today, I want you to pay for those children's lives!"

That group of people sneered, took out their weapons one after another, and won. Lin Lang also drew out his long sword, and the group fought together. It is said that there were more people in that group than Lin Lang, but the male lead was here, and he He and Zhang Hong'er's martial arts were not considered weak, and they quickly knocked down that group of people to the ground.

One of the men clutched his chest, begging for mercy, "This girl, I have no grievances with you, and you don't need to be so cruel, right? I also know that what we have done is hurtful, but we also Just follow the orders from above and do things, if you really want revenge, go to the people above us, don't stop the people below us from venting their anger!"

"What you said sounds good. The people above ordered you to do bad things, so you don't have to do them. No one forced you to do them, but you did it anyway!" Lin Lang sneered, "Since you do it, you have to accept it." Prepare for retribution!"

Zhang Hong'er drew out her long sword, "Don't talk so much nonsense with them, just kill them and avenge those children!"

(End of this chapter)

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