Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1519 Stallion Male Fiancee 9

Chapter 1519 Stallion Male Fiancee [-]

Lin Lang raised her head and said to Zhang Hong'er, "Miss Zhang, no!"

Zhang Hong'er said angrily: "Miss Linlang, these people deserve death. No matter how sympathetic you are, you shouldn't beg for mercy for this kind of scum!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Miss Zhang, I didn't plead for them, but there are some things I haven't figured out yet. First of all, why did these people leave town and go to the south of the Yangtze River? Is there some bigger conspiracy involved?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hong'er put down the long sword in her hand, and looked fiercely at those kneeling on the ground, "Quickly tell me, what kind of conspiracy do you guys have!"

The villain raised his chin and said without fear: "Anyway, I have to die sooner or later, so I might as well die a worthy death. At least I will keep the secret. The leader will definitely appreciate my loyalty!"

"Heh!" Zhang Hong'er sneered twice, "It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine..."

Lin Lang stood aside and said, "Miss Zhang, it's easy for you to kill him, but it's hard to catch his words... I'm not talented, I know some crooked ways, and I can punish him severely, but but The method is a bit shady..."

Miss Zhang waved her hand, "Don't worry about this. These people should have died. Now they just want to know what they are planning. Since they refuse to speak up, then we don't have to be polite. Tell me, what is going on?" Any ideas!"

Lin Lang raised her head and looked at the sky, "The weather is just right recently, and autumn is breezy, so there must be many animals planning their food for the winter!

There is a jar of honey in my luggage, you can take off the clothes in that basket, cut knife marks on his body, and smear the honey on it, the sweet taste will definitely make those snakes, insects, rats and ants want to stop..."

The man kneeling on the ground showed horror, "You...how can you be so vicious?"

"I'm vicious?" Lin Lang smiled softly, "Even if I was vicious, I didn't take your life, but what about you, you killed such a small child, do you have any conscience?"

Lu Zongliang stood aside and nodded agreeingly, "Little Junior Sister said that such bad guys should be punished by everyone. I also think that Junior Junior Sister's methods are a little gentler, just let them suffer some flesh and blood. According to me, you should take a long needle and insert it directly through the head..."

Those people in the magic way are terrified, and they will wait for you to let them do it, saying one after another: "Hero, please forgive me, let us explain!"

Zhang Hong'er's face softened a little, "Quickly tell me, why did you go to Jiangnan for no reason?"

One of the devils said cautiously: "The people above told us to go, saying that Ziyang Gong had appeared there before, and asked us to find out the secret book!"

""Ziyang Kung Fu"?" Zhang Hong'er frowned, then her face changed, "Could it be the number one secret book in the world?"

"Exactly!" said the devil begging for mercy: "This hero should confess to me, and we have already confessed, so please let us go, we promise not to do evil again!"

Zhang Hong'er revealed a look of disgust, and directly drew out her long sword to chop off the heads of those people!
This action of Zhang Hong'er was like turning on a switch, and those monsters died one after another. Lin Lang took out the handkerchief and wiped the long sword in his hand clean before putting it back into the scabbard.

"Miss Linlang, I didn't expect you to be very good at martial arts at such a young age!" Zhang Hong'er praised.

Lin Lang was suddenly praised by Zhang Hong'er, and she didn't quite get used to it. She smiled at her, "Miss Zhang was joking, my martial arts are just barely on the table, and you can't compare to Miss Zhang!"

Zhang Hong'er smiled, and continued: "Supposedly... this matter has nothing to do with Miss Linlang, but Miss Linlang must have heard what those demons said just now, and the matter of martial arts secret books is very important. If people know about it, it may cause turmoil in the martial arts world, so I hope Miss Linlang can keep it a secret!"

Oh, no wonder you praised me, originally you only wanted me to keep a secret, but Lin Lang didn't care, and nodded, "I know that, but Miss Zhang, do you need to tell your father about such a big thing? "

Zhang Hong'er's face changed, "Naturally, I have to tell my father about the rush... I'm afraid I won't be able to get along with Miss Linlang, and I still need Miss Linlang's forgiveness!"

"This is understandable. The mountains are high and the water is far away. Let's meet again by fate!" After Lin Lang got on the horse, she bid farewell to Miss Zhang.

"Junior Sister, I think it's too unfair!" Lu Zongliang said while riding a horse, "Obviously we also know about the martial arts cheats, so why don't we let us get involved? Could it be that we are afraid that we will get the martial arts cheats?"

Lin Lang glanced at the male lead, "What are you afraid of? We're going to Jiangnan anyway, and the location of the cheats is also Jiangnan. Maybe we'll get lucky and get the martial arts cheats!"

Lu Zongliang showed a satisfied smile, "What the younger sister said is true, I was thinking about it!"

After hurrying, the two of them finally arrived in the south of the Yangtze River. Lin Lang went directly to the largest cloth shop in the area and handed over the piece of cloth.

"This..." The shopkeeper frowned, "This guest officer is really not satisfied. This piece of cloth was indeed sold from our shop, but it was not sold to ordinary people, but offered to the royal family!"

"Royal?" Lu Zongliang became nervous, "Shopkeeper, are you sure you remember correctly?"

The shopkeeper said very positively: "If this guest officer does not approve of anything else, I'm afraid I will remember it wrong, but Yunjin is different, the annual output is very small, and the styles are different every year, just like your brocade. The piece of cloud brocade I took should belong to the royal family who made offerings 18 years ago!

At that time, because the first emperor had just passed away, the imperial palace did not allow large-scale events, and everything was so clean, so even the brocade in the upper palace also showed a kind of sobriety, most of them were gray, white and blue. As for the colorful cloudscapes, they were rare. And less! "

After inquiring about the source of the brocade, Lin Lang grabbed Lu Zongliang and walked outside, saying in a low voice, "Brother, you also heard what the shopkeeper said, this brocade is not simple, which means your background is not simple..."

"Could it be...I'm the prince and grandson?" Lu Zongliang said cautiously.

"Even if not, you must be born rich or expensive. After all, such a precious brocade is definitely not something ordinary people can wear!" Lin Lang continued: "Since we have found out the source of the brocade, it is not just the two of us who can break into the imperial palace." Yes, let alone the two of us can investigate clearly, I think we should go back and ask father for advice, father has a lot of contacts and knows a lot, maybe he can find out your life experience!"

Lu Zongliang nodded, "Then everything is up to Junior Sister!"

Lin Lang smiled faintly, and when she was about to go back, she suddenly turned her head and said to Lu Zongliang, "I remember that Miss Wang is also coming to Jiangnan, right? I asked for his address last time, do you want to go and see her?" ?”

It's been such a long time, Lu Zongliang has long forgotten Wang Wan'er, only remembered after hearing Lin Lang's reminder, shook his head, refused and said: "Let's forget it, after all, she is the daughter of a high official. , we just have different status in the world, if we go to him, maybe it will increase the burden for him!"

Lin Lang didn't want to give up such a good opportunity. After all, she had chased away the witchy saintess. Zhang Hong'er was probably investigating the secret book, so she definitely couldn't develop a relationship with the male lead. Now there was only Wang Wan'er left, so she must not give up.

"Brother, how can you think so? When we left, Miss Wang invited us to visit and gave us the address. Now we come to Jiangnan and leave as soon as we say, what do you make Miss Wang think?" " Lin Lang continued: "Let's go and see, if Miss Wang doesn't want to see you, then let's leave, how about that?"

(End of this chapter)

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