Chapter 1520 Stallion Male Big Wife Ten

Lu Zongliang thought for a while and nodded, "Alright then!"

Wang Wan'er from Lin Lang told them the place name, looking at the mansion with carved dragons and painted buildings, Lu Zongliang hesitated, "Otherwise... let's go back..."

Lin Lang shook her head, "Brother, we have promised others, since we have promised, we must do what we say, and we cannot let others dove!
Besides, look at how magnificent this house is, it shows that Miss Wang's family background is not simple, maybe it can help us find out the origin of our brocade, and even find out your life experience! "

"This..." Lu Zongliang nodded slowly, "Then let's listen to Junior Sister, but Junior Sister, if Miss Wang doesn't want to talk to us, then let's leave, I don't want you to be angry here!"

Lin Lang also understood that the male lead was caring, and she was afraid of feeling inferior, so she smiled lightly, "Don't think too much, brother, I don't think I'm any worse than others!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang stepped forward and knocked on the door. Not long after, an old man opened the door, saw the two of them and bowed respectfully, "I wonder what the two young heroes are doing?"

Lin Lang also bowed back, "Sir, may I ask if there is a Miss Wang living here, we made an appointment with her to meet him here!"

"Miss Wang? It should be our lady!" The old man smiled and continued: "I think the two are Lu Shaoxia and Miss Lin. Our lady has already told me about the two of you, please! "

Lu Zongliang was relieved when he heard this from the back. He thought that he and his junior sister would be kicked out by others. Along the courtyard, Lu Zongliang and the others came to a side hall.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Lin!" Wang Wan'er walked over slowly in a white gauze dress. With her fresh and refined makeup, she looked like a beautiful fairy. , I thought I was dreaming, but...the two left before me, why did you arrive after me?"

"Because of some delays!" Lin Lang said lightly.

Wang Wan'er lowered her head, did not continue to ask, and forced a smile, "The two of you came to see me specially, and came to my house as guests. I must do my best to treat the two of you well. bit!"

Hearing this, Lu Zongliang couldn't help showing a simple and honest smirk, "After Miss Wang sees you, my junior sister and I have to hurry back, so we appreciate your kindness!"

Wang Wan'er became anxious, pinching the handkerchief in her hand, "Are you two leaving so soon? Is it because of something important?"

"It's nothing, but it's been a while since I came out, and I want to go home..." Lu Zongliang said slowly.

"Since there's nothing else to do, let's stay here for a while longer. I'm out of town by myself. Now that I meet people from my hometown, I feel more cordial and feel less homesick!" Wang Wan'er continued: " You two, please give me your full attention and stay at my house for a while longer!"

But Lu Zongliang still wanted to say something, Lin Lang stood up, "Then respect is worse than obedience, but Miss Wang, I think your family has quite a lot of servants, and your family must be a big family. Brother and I have something to think about." please help me!"

When Wang Wan'er heard that they wanted to stay, she was naturally overjoyed, and agreed without hesitation, "Of course it's possible, what's the matter?"

"Miss Wang, my senior brother is an orphan. He was abandoned in the mountains since he was a child. By chance, he was picked up by my parents and brought up..." Lin Lang took out the surprise in the package behind her, "Now that the senior brother is also grown up, I want to take advantage of it." I was young and wanted to see if I could find my biological parents, but there were no strong clues. The only clue was this piece of brocade that once wrapped my senior brother. We have inquired about it. This brocade is extremely expensive. The royal family, ordinary people can't afford it at all... But my senior brother and I really have no way to investigate the matter related to the royal family, so I want to ask Miss Wang to help investigate..."

When Wang Wan'er heard this, her face changed again and again, but she quickly returned to her dignified appearance, and she picked up the handkerchief and weighed it carefully, "It is indeed a rare brocade, but... I have some doubts, since Mr. Lu His parents abandoned Mr. Lu, why did Mr. Lu have to look for his parents? Mr. Lu is not afraid that your parents are not as good as you imagined?"

"Miss Wang, there are no wrong parents in the world. Even if the parents of the senior brother abandon the senior brother, they are the parents after all!" In this era of respecting the world, the monarch, relatives and teachers, parents are right no matter what they do, and children can never refute .

Wang Wan'er showed a wry smile, "So it's like this, I just feel sad for your senior brother, after all, life is hard to be abandoned, even if he meets your father by chance, the scar in his heart may never heal! "

This sentence has reached Lu Zongliang's heart, and he has lost a little expectation for his future parents.

Wang Wan'er held the brocade, "This is indeed a high-quality brocade. Although my family has some influence, it may take some time to investigate such a valuable thing!"

"It's okay, but I need to go back early, so let my senior brother stay here during this time!" Lin Lang said hastily.

When Wang Wan'er heard this, a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes. Before she could speak, Lu Zongliang hurriedly said: "Junior Sister, are you going back? Then I will go back with you, I don't want to stay here alone!"

Lin Lang shook her head at him, "Senior brother, you are so confused, I went back because I wanted to report the martial arts secrets to my father, and this matter cannot be delayed, but you are different, you can stay here until the investigation Be clear about your life experience!"

"But... we have not been separated since we grew up, and now we are suddenly separated, which makes me a little uncomfortable, and I don't worry about my life experience..." Lu Zongliang shook his head and continued: "Let's talk about you, a girl, go back , I am really worried!"

Lin Lang took out the long sword in her hand, "Brother, do you not believe my martial arts? You don't have to worry, you can stay here well. In fact, I also have my intentions for staying here. After all, the martial arts cheats appear In Jiangnan, if I go back, if the martial arts cheats are obtained by others, wouldn't it be a pity!
So the two of us should divide into two groups, I will go back and tell my father, it seems that he has a plan to let you stay here, and see if we can find news about martial arts secrets! "

Lu Zongliang lowered his head and remained silent for a while, and felt that what the junior sister said was right, but he just didn't want to be separated from the junior sister, so he hesitated.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Wang Wan'er was furious, but in order to maintain her good image, she forced a smile, "Mr. Lu, in fact, Jiangnan is not far from your place. Your younger sister should be here soon after returning." It will come, don't worry!
Moreover, the investigation of your life experience has already reached this point once, it would be a pity to suddenly say that you give up now, Mr. Lu should wait here for a while! "

When Lu Zongliang heard this, he nodded reluctantly, "Then junior sister, you must be careful when you go back!"

"I see, but you don't have to worry about staying here with Ms. Wang, Ms. Wang, and you must understand the difference between men and women, so don't ruin Ms. Wang's reputation!" Lin Lang confessed.

You must know that Ms. Wang did not become the first lady in her previous life. On the one hand, it was because the relationship between the original owner and Lu Zongliang was not as deep. Miss Wang is a dispensable concubine, but the orphan girl who was betrayed and buried has somehow become a concubine!
(End of this chapter)

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