Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1528 Stallion Male Big Wife 8

Chapter 1528
Bai Xiu'er said delicately: "Grandpa, ever since I left the palace, I think Miss Wang is right. You can't just rely on others, you have to rely on yourself, so I usually help others with work while accumulating money. Went to a nice family, gave me a job and made me some money!

After I got the money, I always wanted to repay my benefactor. After all, if it wasn't for my benefactor, I might have been dragged away by that man and suffered inhuman treatment... So no matter what, I can have such a good life today However, all this is entrusted to benefactor.

I was thinking of going back to repay my benefactor, and at least I paid back the money I owed Miss Wang. Maybe I thought about it day and night, but I didn't expect to meet my benefactor here. Office, get all the labor costs! "

Hearing this, Lu Zongliang felt flustered, and took two steps back, "This girl, actually... I didn't do anything. It was Miss Wang who rescued you from that man's hands back then. It was Miss Wang who gave you the money to bury your father, so your savior should be Miss Wang, not me!"

"But..." Bai Xiu'er racked her brains, "If it wasn't for you, my lord, who said something delicious for me, then Miss Wang would not have saved me at all, and would have kicked me aside instead. I will not leave the palace, let alone have the intention now, so after all, you are my benefactor, son!

Young master, if I have no other skills, I will help others with some work. Otherwise, young master, please take me back. I can help you with laundry, cooking, and housework! "

"No need, I really can't afford to support a woman in my poor family, and I don't need to bother others with washing and cooking!" Lu Zongliang refused, "Girl, since you have changed now, I advise you You should take this opportunity to find someone to marry, live your life well, and don't think about anything else!"

How could Bai Xiu'er leave Lu Zongliang so easily, so she put on a cheeky face and said: "Actually... I have my own selfish intentions for the princess to take me in. Although I can support myself now, I don't have enough money to return Miss Wang's money. There will be no more money, and eating and drinking next time... I'm afraid it will be a problem, I hope the young master will take me in for a while, and after I earn money, I will naturally leave, please young master!"

Lu Zongliang frowned and looked at this woman carefully, feeling even more ominous. He looked at Lin Lang beside him, his eyes emitting a signal for help.
Lin Lang also couldn't understand why Lu Zongliang was so cruel to his future woman?So she turned her head away, made it clear that she didn't want to care about such things, and wanted to see the next development of the plot by the way.

Lu Zongliang saw that the junior sister ignored him because the junior sister misunderstood that he was involved with other women, and recalled the things Wang Wan'er had done. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said coldly to the woman in front of him: "This Miss, you and I just met by chance, and we have no other intersection, so please respect yourself!"

"You..." Bai Xiu'er cried like pear blossoms and rain, "you...why are you so cruel? I am a helpless and weak woman. After you drive me away, where should I go too far? Do you want to see I wandered to the fireworks field, wasted by others alive?
People say that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. My request is very simple. I hope that you can save my life. I don’t ask for big fish and meat. I just want a place to live. Please, my lord... "

It is even easier to ask for a place to live. Lu Zongliang took out a certain amount of money from his purse and handed it over, "Girl, take the money and rent a small yard!"

"You..." Looking at the money in her hand, Bai Xiu'er became furious, "My lord, what do you think if a weak woman goes to rent a house and is seen by some bad guys? Let me tell you You go back, I can sit in the woodshed, please do me a favor and help me!"

Lu Zongliang was completely bored. He took Lin Lang's hand and was about to leave, "I've said what this girl should say, and I've done what I should do. Don't push yourself!"

Seeing the person leave, Bai Xiu'er was so angry that she didn't care about her beautiful and moving image, pointing at the far away back and yelling: "Damn stinky man, you deserve to be unable to please women. Same, smelly and hard!"

Lin Lang, you are a little puzzled, "I think you are very familiar with that girl, why don't you take her back? Anyway, the school is quite big, and there is a place to live..."

Hearing this, Lu Zongliang felt his heart was suffocated, and said sullenly: "I don't know that woman at all, and I haven't met her at all, and she doesn't know what's going on, she must be entangled with me...Anyway, I I feel very distressed, I have nothing to do with her..."

Hearing this, Lin Lang secretly thought in her heart that you have nothing to do with him, but he can entangle you because you are the leading man. God's illegitimate child will naturally have many beauties following you one after another, willing to give everything.

"But no matter what, she's just a girl, and a weak woman at that. In case something really happens, then..." Lin Lang had a trace of hesitation on his face.

On the contrary, Lu Zongliang was very open-minded, "Just listen to him, if he is really a helpless woman, he won't be able to live so well after his father's death. Look at her face, White and rosy, look at his clothes, it doesn’t look like what ordinary girls wear, and look at his hands, it doesn’t look like a woman who has done heavy work... So such a girl can’t be in this place. To live in the world, that is really the biggest joke in the world!"

Lin Lang suddenly sensed that something was wrong, because Bai Que'er in her previous life was indeed an orphan, a girl who is lonely and helpless, you shouldn't grow up like that?Clearly seducing people, like a vixen... and that song, that clothes, and various postures... It doesn't match the original personnel at all...

"There are indeed a lot of things wrong..." Lin Lang frowned, thinking hard and suddenly realized, "It can't be some bad guy, right?"

"Who knows!" Lu Zongliang laughed lightly.

Lin Lang saw that Lu Zongliang was not worried and put the matter out of his mind. After Lu Zongliang came back, Master Lin was really happy. He stroked his white beard a few times and praised: "You did it outside. I know those things, you are really amazing!"

"Master praised you, it's good that you didn't embarrass the sect!" Lu Zongliang was still a little embarrassed. He saw Lin Lang biting at the side, knelt down on the ground, and continued: "Master, in fact... there is something for this disciple. I want to ask for your disciple's kindness, my junior sister has long hoped that the master can betroth my junior sister to me, I can assure you that I will treat my junior sister well in this life, and I will never let her be wronged!"

When Master Lin heard this, he was a little shocked at first. Ordinarily, he agreed with Lu Zongliang as his son-in-law. Even if her daughter marries him, she will never be wronged, but the only thing that won't work is... her daughter doesn't like him at all.

"Teacher, get up quickly!" Master Lin shook his head, "You are a good boy, but... your little sister doesn't like you, so let's forget about this marriage, and Master will choose one for you at that time." Better girls!"

Lu Zongliang raised his head, with tears in his eyes, "Master, I don't want other girls, I just want Junior Sister!"

Master Lin quickly shook his head and waved his hands, "Twisted melons are not sweet, why are you doing this!"

(End of this chapter)

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