Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1529 Stallion Male Big Wife 9

Chapter 1529
Lu Zongliang was full of bitterness, "Why not? I really like my junior sister..."

Lin Lang stood aside, sighing, poor baby, I'm afraid you don't know that your favorite little junior sister has left, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with you in her life.

"Brother, you and I are not destined!" Lin Lang pulled Lu Zongliang up from the ground, patted the ashes on his legs and feet, "Brother is so good, he will definitely meet a better girl, there is no need to worry about me Crooked melons and dates!"

Lu Zongliang's eyes were full of injuries, "But... If you and I have no fate, then why would I be picked up by the master, and why can we grow up together? Little junior sister, I really like you, no matter we Wherever I go, I only think of you, can't you give me a chance?"

Lin Lang shook her head without hesitation, "Brother, you are still young, you will meet the girl you like again!"

Hearing this, Lu Zongliang smiled wryly, "Master is right, the twisted melon is really not sweet, it's really bitter...Little sister, since you don't like me, then don't like me, I I can be your senior brother for the rest of my life!"

Lin Lang smiled faintly, and said to Master Lin: "Father, senior brother didn't find out his background when he went to Jiangnan this time. Can you find out your relationship and find out senior brother's background?"

Master Lin also shook his head, "My contacts are all here in Wulin, and I don't know anything about things above the court... I'm afraid I can't help too much!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang couldn't help sighing, and had no choice but to let this matter go.

But on the way back, Lin Lang kept thinking about how to expose Lu Zongliang's true identity.

"Brother, I really don't understand that you have such a good relationship with Ms. Wang. Why didn't Ms. Wang find your biological parents? Did something happen during this period?" Lin Lang couldn't help asking again.

"Miss Wang is not as good as you imagined. He also has his own thoughts and is full of calculations. If you meet her in the future, try to stay as far away from her as possible, and don't get too involved with him!" Lu Zongliang thought After a while, he continued: "Little Junior Sister, I won't hide it from you. Ms. Wang did find out my real identity, but she didn't tell me!"

"Ah?" Lin Lang looked back at Lu Zongliang suspiciously, and asked, "What's going on?"

The corner of Lu Zongliang's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm, "Because Miss Wang doesn't want to help me in vain, if I want to know my own biological parents, I have to pay the due price, and I don't want to pay this price, so I just I refused, after all, it doesn't matter to me to find my biological parents!"

My silly child, what on earth are you thinking? Do you know who your biological parents are?

Lin Lang couldn't help but sighed deeply, "Then tell me what exactly Miss Wang wants? Since you can't do it, maybe I can do it?"

"Don't ask any more, it's something bad anyway!" Lu Zongliang had a look of disgust on his face.

Lin Lang couldn't help but ponder when she heard this, why did the infatuated female supporting role turn into this?It's fine if you don't help the male lead wholeheartedly, but you still plot against the male lead, which is too contrary to her personality as an infatuated female lead.

Lu Zongliang suddenly turned his head, stared at a certain place, and then frowned, "Did you hear anything?"

Lin Lang then turned around and asked with a puzzled face, "No?"

Lu Zongliang's expression gradually became serious, "I always feel that someone is following us, and their martial arts are extremely strong, not inferior to you!"

Lin Lang suddenly understood who was following them, and then said: "It seems that I am not the only one who has such thoughts..."

Lu Zongliang looked at Lin Lang nervously, "Junior Sister, what's going on?"

Lin Lang hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "I won't hide it from senior brother. Ever since senior brother left, I found that some people were following me, but I found that those people were not malicious, so I didn't take it to heart. I thought It was some people in the evil way, and those people left later, so I didn't take it to heart!

Now that the senior brother came back, those people appeared again, and I felt that my previous guess was wrong. If it was a person in the way of the devil, it would be impossible to give up on us so easily, and it is even more impossible not to do anything to us, so I suspect that the people who monitor us use Others, but I understand, who is free to watch us? "

A trace of solemnity flashed in Lu Zongliang's eyes, "This matter is of great importance, little junior sister, let's report it to the master and see what the master has to say!"

Lin Lang, you think this matter should be told, Master Lin nodded, as expected, when Master Lin knew about it, his expression was very serious.

"I heard that you got a martial arts secret book, did those people come here because of this martial arts secret book?" Master Lin looked at Lu Zongliang and asked.

Lu Zongliang shook his head, "Master won't, although I have obtained the martial arts secret book, but I have already given the martial arts secret book to Zhang Hong'er, and he also promised me that I will never be put in any danger, and they will also think about it." Do everything you can to attract those who plot against cheats!"

Master Lin also felt a bit of a headache, "No matter how much you spy on others in secret, it's not the right way. You should pay attention during this time, and let the juniors below be more vigilant too!"

Lu Zongliang nodded, "Master, although Zhang Hongwei has taken away the martial arts cheats, I still remember the mental methods inside. I can write down the mental methods silently and teach them to the younger brothers and sisters below!"

Master Lin said with a face of disapproval: "No, absolutely, no, your martial arts skills are profound, but they cannot be practiced by ordinary people. First of all, you have to have a good foundation, and then you have to be taught by a famous teacher. It is possible to go crazy!"

Lu Zongliang was also terrified, thinking that he could learn martial arts with this secret book of martial arts, but when he recalled that when he was practicing this secret book, he had also been taught by Master Yideng, so he saved himself a lot of detours .

"It turned out to be like this!" Lu Zongliang said with some fear: "Fortunately, the master reminded me, and I plan to let my junior sister practice with me!"

Master Lin smiled, "You are still young, I'm afraid there are still many things you don't know, so try to ask as much as you can in the future, but don't make up your own mind!"

Lu Zongliang said respectfully: "Follow the master's instruction!"

After Lu Zongliang left, Master Lin looked at his daughter and asked, "Tell me, what did you find? What do you think?"

When Lin Lang heard this, she was immediately amused, "Why did father ask his daughter such a question?"

Master Lin shook his head amusedly, "I just heard from your senior brother that you knew about someone following you, but you have kept silent, I'm afraid you already have a plan in mind!"

Lin Lang smiled embarrassedly, and scratched her head, "It seems that nothing can be hidden from father, it is true, at first I also suspected that it was done by the Demon Dao, but that group left soon, wait After the senior brother came back, he continued to follow, so I suspect that their goal is the senior brother... But the senior senior brother has no one to rely on, and the only thing of value is the martial arts cheat book, but the martial arts cheat book has been handed over to Zhang Honger, so this The matter was ruled out by me again, after much deliberation, it should be about the senior brother's life experience..."

Master Lin followed suit and nodded, "Your elder brother's life experience is indeed not simple, after all, only officials and eunuchs can afford the fabric!

I was still having a headache about your elder brother's life experience, but now I don't have to worry about it anymore, they have come to your door by themselves, as long as they are caught, they will be able to know the true identity of your elder brother! "

Lin Lang thought so too, "Then father... how can we catch those people?"

(End of this chapter)

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