Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1530 Stallion Male Big Wife 2

Chapter 1530
Master Lin smiled, "Of course we just wait and see what happens. Since they are here for your elder brother, there will definitely be some action in the future. As long as we are prepared, we will definitely catch them!"

Lin Lang nodded, and then asked, "Then do you want to tell Senior Brother about this?"

Master Lin thought for a while, then shook his head, "It's better not to let him know... It's not too late to tell him after we catch him!"

"Then I will obey my father!" Lin Lang obediently agreed.

Master Lin looked at his well-behaved daughter, and couldn't help but sighed, "Tell Wei Father, your senior brother is so nice, why don't you like your senior brother?"

Linlang pursed her lips, "Father, Zifeiyu is Anfeiyuzhile, and the identity of the senior brother I just told you is definitely not simple. If I marry him, then in the future... I will encounter some things in the future, and I will be affected by it." What should I do if I feel wronged?"

"You silly boy, your elder brother can tell you, after marrying you, he will treat you well!" Master Lin said a little funny.

"Father, there are some things that I can't explain to you. Anyway, I don't like senior brother!" Lin Lang said impatiently.

Seeing that his daughter looked like this, Master Lin continued to question and waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't worry about your own affairs, as long as you know what's in your heart!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and after going down, he discussed it with the big brother. On the second day, the two of them wandered around swaggeringly, and someone really took the bait. After Lu Zongliang and Lin Lang looked at each other, they walked to a remote place, and a It disappeared in a flash.

After that person arrived here, he was beaten unconscious to the ground when he didn't see the person looking around quickly and didn't react.

"How could it be her?" Lin Lang frowned, looked at the gangster, walked around him a few times, and said with a puzzled face, "Could it be that he still hates you because of what happened last time, so he has been following you?" Are you going to take revenge on you?"

Lu Zongliang shook his head, "I don't believe it. When I first saw her, she was just an orphan girl who sold her body to bury her father, but you can see how he followed us, and his martial arts are not bad. Such a woman , saying that he followed me out of revenge, it doesn't make sense..."

"Then wake her up and ask!" Lin Lang raised her hand and slapped her several times. Sure enough, Bai Xiu'er slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she began to struggle violently. Stuffed in a white cloth, he could only make a low whimpering sound.

Lin Lang kicked her a few times, and when he was honest, he pulled out the bra from his mouth, "Tell me, what is the purpose of you following us all this time?"

Bai Xueer's eyes dodged, "What's the purpose? Last time I asked you for help, you refused to save me, so I wanted to take revenge on you with resentment in my heart..."

Lin Lang smiled softly, "It seems that you still refuse to tell the truth, hey, by the way, your teeth are quite neat and beautiful, if you pull them out one by one and make specimens for collection, it must be extremely beautiful too! "

"You..." Bai Xueer looked terrified, looking at the woman in front of her as if she was looking at a devil.

Lin Lang showed off her whole body coldly, then glanced at Bai Xiu'er's tightly bound hands and smiled, "Your hands are quite beautiful, and the shape of the nails is also very beautiful, if you pull them out one by one to make specimens, It must be very pretty..."

"You...that vicious woman..." Bai Xiu'er was terrified, but she didn't dare to tell the truth, fearing that she would be silenced by her master if she told the truth, "Although I want to take revenge on you, I haven't had time to act yet. You don't have to punish me like this!

I know it was wrong for me to follow you, I apologize to you, and I am willing to give you all the money I have on my body, please let me go..."

Lin Lang slapped Bai Xiu'er hard, "I didn't hit you because I hate you, but because you told lies. If you still don't want to tell the truth, I'll shave all your hair off first." , making you a big bald head!"

A few traces of blood spread from the corner of Bai Xiu'er's mouth, her little face was also red from the beating, and her snow-white skin was covered with purple marks, "I...I don't understand what you are talking about..."

Lin Lang raised her hand again, "Actually, beating people is very addictive, especially the feeling of slapping someone's mouth and hearing the crisp voice on their face...it's really a special way to relieve stress, right? If you don't want to tell the truth, don't tell it. Anyway, the truth doesn't bring you the joy of decompression. Of course, slapping the face is not enough. It's better to beat someone's body with a wicker stick, although it will hurt. A little bit, but at least it won't hurt the internal organs, and it won't leave any traces after a long time, and more importantly, it can last longer..."

When Bai Xiuer heard this, she gritted her teeth and insisted, "Isn't it just being beaten a few times!"

Lin Lang stretched out her hand and ruthlessly touched Bai Xiu'er's face a few times, "Oh, hitting you is a matter of later time, don't worry about it now, you are so beautiful...if...if you send it to Hualou , presumably can make a lot of money..."

"You...you..." Bai Xiu'er was already terrified by what happened, "If you want to kill or kill, you can do whatever you want, why are you threatening me here?"

Linlang tilted her head, "Who told you not to tell the truth? Let me ask you one last time, why did you follow us? No, you should ask why you followed my elder brother?"

"I...I like him, I admire him, I..."

Before Bai Xiu'er finished speaking, she was slapped on the face again.

"It seems that you still refuse to tell the truth. Let me ask you again, why did you follow my elder brother?" Lin Lang's eyes were full of danger.

Bai Xiu'er bit her teeth, and continued: "Of course I like him, that's why I thought..."

Lin Lang blew on her hand, and looked at Bai Xiu'er who was in a state of embarrassment, "People say that you can't do it again and again. I've given you two chances. If you don't cherish it..."

Bai Xiu'er glared at the woman in front of her fiercely, "You really have a vicious heart!"

"Actually, my heart is also very kind. The key is who I treat. For people like you, naturally, I don't need to show mercy!" Lin Lang said with a sneer.

Bai Xiu'er was a little scared, she lowered her head to hide the guilty conscience on her face, "Actually, following your elder brother does have some secrets... But I don't know the specifics, all of this was explained by the superiors, The people above asked me to follow your big brother and let me supervise him, but I'm just a young man, so I can only do it..."

"Then who is the person above you?" Lin Lang asked hastily.

Bai Xiu'er took a deep breath, "I'm not sure about this, because when we contact each other, we usually rely on Feige to send letters, and I haven't seen my superior's face, so I don't know who he is!"

"You haven't seen your superior's face, so you don't know who he is. I can believe this, but..." Lin Lang lowered her head, her eyes were like poisonous snakes, "Don't tell me that you don't know what you are doing for Who's doing the work?"

Bai Xiu'er lowered her head, "Actually, I don't really understand. When I was very young, I was bought by a group of strangers. They have been training me until we grow up and pass the assessment. Then we will come out to do things. Every mission is sent by Feige, so I have never had contact with the people above, let alone who is my master?"

Lin Lang looked at Bai Xiu'er, vaguely believing and disbelieving, "Then tell me, who do you usually work for? What kind of things do you usually do?"

(End of this chapter)

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