Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1531 Stallion Male Big Wife 21

Chapter 1531 Stallion Male Big Wife 21
Bai Xiuer's eyes dodged, "This... I don't know exactly what I'm doing, I... Every time I take on a mission, someone else sends me a letter from Brother Fei, even if we go to the headquarters, our eyes will be blindfolded... …so I have no idea where…”

Lin Lang took a deep breath, then opened her eyes, raised her hand, and smacked her mouth again, "I wanted to settle this matter with nice words, why did you not cooperate so much? I'll ask you one last time and tell me everything you know!"

Bai Xiu'er could only feel the burning on her face, her tears flowed all over the floor as if she was worthless, and her voice became hoarse, "I...I really didn't lie to you, I really don't know anything..."

"It seems that you are toasting and don't eat fine wine!" Lin Lang pulled out the whip from her waist and whipped it hard, only to see two red marks on Bai Xiu'er's body in an instant.

"Do you know why I don't punch you in the face? Because such a pretty face, if it is damaged, it will be worthless!" Lin Lang smiled, "There should be blood on your body, right? I still have some blood on my side." As for the honey, if you say to put some honey on the wound, and then attract some snakes, insects, rats and ants...it must be very nice..."

"Ahhhhh..." Bai Xiu'er finally couldn't hold it anymore, and burst into tears, "I'm still a girl, why are you so vicious? Don't hit me, I'll say everything..."

Although she would be killed by her master if she revealed the secret, if she didn't reveal the secret, she might be tortured to death by Lin Lang. Compared to being killed directly, Bai Xiuer was still afraid of being tortured by a soft knife.

Bai Xiuer hurriedly said: "I am indeed a killer organization... and our organization is dedicated to serving someone in the royal family. I don't know who it is. Anyway, our organization is very powerful and has many relationships. Officials have contacts...

As for me, I do have a place in the organization. This time following Lu Zongliang, there are other people besides me, but because Lu Zongliang has left here, those people have already withdrawn... But the truth is not satisfied, those people Knowing that Lu Zongliang is back, he probably will come back sometime soon!

I also don't understand why the people above want us to monitor Lu Zongliang, but I know that this matter was explained by the master above, and he attaches great importance to this matter. He sent letters to us several times to ask us for news!
Recently...someone from above said that they wanted to kill Lu Zongliang without leaving any room, so I took the risk and prepared to do it...but who would have thought that you would find out..."

A trace of solemnity flashed across Linlang's face, she glanced at Lu Zongliang who was not far away, and said, "Senior Brother, this matter is no small matter, how are you going to deal with it?"

Lu Zongliang looked at Bai Xiu'er who was in a panic, "I'm sure you can't handle this matter, I'm going to ask Zhang Hong'er for help!"

"Alright, as long as someone in the martial arts world intervenes, the imperial court will definitely sit idly by. Maybe it will show the person in the dark, and maybe it will find out about your background, senior brother!" Lin Lang nodded.

As for Bai Xiuer, the two of them locked up the demolition house. Just when Lin Lang was about to leave, Bai Xiuer hurriedly said: "Actually, I didn't know that Lu Zongliang came back here, but someone told me the exact truth about him." The news also said that catching you is tantamount to catching Lu Zongliang's lifeline, who do you think this person is?"

Lin Lang and Lu Zongliang turned their heads at the same time, "Who is it?"

Bai Xiu'er said proudly: "If you want to know, then let me go!"

Lin Lang sneered, "Looks like we haven't had enough of suffering. It's getting late, and our sect is also poor. We really can't afford to support an idler. Don't eat dinner tonight and save us some food!"

"Ahhh!" Bai Xiu'er was an orphan since she was a child and was lucky enough to be selected by the organization, but she was also living in the wind and sleeping in the open. Wouldn’t it be okay to say it... Wang Wan’er was the one who told me this news, and I don’t understand why he told me this, but his face was very ugly at the time, and his tone was very fierce, and he said that he wanted you to die badly, let me You go to hell or something...Actually, I didn't do anything bad. At most, I tricked you into following me. Even if you wanted to kill you, didn't that mean you didn't do anything? Please do me a favor and give me Let it go, I promise not to tell others what happened today, even if the people above ask me to kill you, I promise not to fight with you, and I will protect you, do you think it’s okay? You can do it, I beg you, let me, a helpless and weak woman..."

Lin Lang gave Bai Xiu'er a blank stare, "If I really let you go, it would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, so, you'd better stay here honestly!"

"But..." Bai Xiu'er said aggrievedly: "I've already told you everything I know, why do you have to keep me? You've already said that your school is not rich. If you let me go, you might be able to Save a lot of food!"

Lin Lang raised her eyebrows, "Our sect is indeed not rich, so we didn't hire any servants. We need to do a lot of work by ourselves. It's different now. Now that we have you, we can feel a lot easier!"

"You guys..." Bai Xiu'er burst into tears, "You're deceiving people too much!"

Lin Lang smiled, and after closing the firewood gate, she looked at Lu Zongliang solemnly, and asked, "Brother, this Miss Wang has no grievances or enmity with us, why would she do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself?"

Lu Zongliang: ...

He also couldn't understand why that crazy woman did such a thing. Could it be because he rejected her?But it's good for her to reject her. After all, I really don't like her. Even if she follows me, the two of them will not have a good result.

What's more, he, a lady of a big family, will definitely not end well with a helpless and lonely boy like him. It's better to marry someone who is well-matched.

So why this girl can't figure it out, and why she has such a strong desire for revenge. Fortunately, I refused at the beginning. If I really get together with her, then I will have a bad life in the future.

"Who knows, maybe the brain is sick!" Lu Zongliang said mockingly.

As soon as Linlang heard this, she immediately understood. It is estimated that Miss Wang became angry after her courtship failed, so she did this kind of revenge. But you said that you are a big man, so what's wrong with dedicating yourself?Besides, you don't suffer from this kind of thing, isn't it your life to hug left and right?Why don't you accept Miss Wang?
Lin Lang sighed, "This matter has not been resolved yet, and another enemy has been established. I really... don't know what to say..."

Lu Zongliang didn't know what to say, shouldn't Junior Sister comfort herself?After all, I was the one who was wronged, fell in love with that kind of femme fatale woman, and was even tricked by her...

Lu Zongliang, who seemed to have the same dignified expression, knew that he was not in a particularly good mood, so he didn't mention this topic, "Then senior brother, you will tell the juniors below to be vigilant later, I'm afraid those people will kill you! "

"Don't worry!" Lu Zongliang nodded nonchalantly, "It's getting late, you should go and rest early, I have everything in the sect!"

Thinking that this senior brother has acquired a peerless magic skill, it is still possible to deal with those little fellows, so Lin Lang nodded and went to sleep with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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