Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1532 Stallion Male Big Wife 22

Chapter 1532 Stallion Male Big Wife 22

After waking up, Zhang Hong'er and the others had already arrived here, and when they realized what happened to them, their expressions were not particularly good-looking, "It's really deceptive. There is no contact with the organization. Now that they have crossed the boundary, it is tantamount to breaking the rules. Naturally, we people in Jianghu cannot allow such a thing to happen!

Mr. Lu, don't worry about this matter, I will leave it on me. I will send a letter to my father to report this matter later, and let him check your life experience by the way! "

Master Lin is only the head of a small sect, so naturally he can't reach the threshold of the imperial court, but the leader of the martial arts alliance is different, and the people he comes into contact with are all big figures who are in charge of the entire martial arts.

The leader of the martial arts alliance acted very quickly. After receiving a letter from his daughter, and based on the fabric of the wrapping leather, he quickly found out Lu Zongliang's life experience. He turned out to be the current emperor's son.

After the death of the queen empress, the current emperor quickly came to his senses, and after finding out who murdered the empress empress, he mercilessly beheaded the imperial concubine and her family members!
Although he knew that his son was still alive, the emperor had never dared to look for it with great fanfare. On the one hand, he was afraid of other concubines' tampering, and on the other hand, he was afraid of causing turmoil in the court.

The emperor is old now, and his greatest wish is to see his son before he leaves. When he received the news from the leader of the martial arts alliance, he almost cried with joy. When he knew that someone was assassinating his son, he immediately mobilized My own dark guard, after finding out who it was, spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What a wonderful son I have raised!" The emperor gritted his teeth when he said this, with a red light in his eyes, "Everyone is really talented, since he is still cultivating his own dark guards, since he is so talented, You must be able to live a good life as an ordinary commoner!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor issued a decree to demote the prince to a commoner. Even if the prince wanted to fight for the throne again, but the emperor didn't recognize him anymore, and there was no name on his genealogy. It's not right.

As for Lu Zongliang, he never thought that his parents were the current emperors, but I would think of everything that happened to him, and he felt relieved.

"My son is already old, I hope you can inherit the throne before you leave!" the emperor said earnestly.

Becoming the king of a country is naturally the dream of many men, but Lu Zongliang hesitated. If he became the emperor, would he be farther away from his junior sister...

"Father, you are still young, there is no need to abdicate so early, besides, you still have some unfulfilled wishes, and you don't want to enter the court so early!" Lu Zongliang declined politely.

Hearing this, the emperor sighed deeply, "Forget it, since you don't want to, then I won't force you. I can help you for a few more years now, but when I get older, you must Come back and inherit the throne!"

Lu Zongliang nodded, and suddenly thought of an unpleasant person who said to the emperor: "Father, in fact, in these several adventures, besides a few brothers, there is another person who also took action!"

Yes, Lu Zongliang directly confessed Wang Wan'er, murdering himself is counted, since he dared to plot against his little junior sister, he really couldn't bear it.

Just like that, Wang Wan'er's ambition has not yet been realized, her whole family was confiscated, and she also became a prostitute, with a little red lips for thousands of people to taste!

"Why are you here?" Lin Lang thought that everything was settled, but when she saw Lu Zongliang again, she couldn't help asking in surprise.

Lu Zongliang smiled softly, "Stay with my junior sister!"

"What about the throne? You didn't give up the throne, did you? Why are you so stupid? After you become the emperor, what kind of woman do you want? Why do you have to hang yourself on my crooked neck tree? Go back quickly. Your father apologizes!" Lin Lang hastily persuaded.

"Don't worry, I'm not so stupid as to give up the throne. I just... just have some things I haven't figured out yet, and I want to stay here..." Lu Zongliang lowered his head. As for whether he wanted to stay here, he still wanted to accompany him. I'm afraid no one can figure it out.

Lin Lang sighed softly, "Tell me about you, why don't you go to the court to practice at a young age? After all, you have never learned anything. When you ascend the throne, what if you don't know anything? Why don't you learn more and ask more questions while you are still paying, so as not to be in a hurry after you ascend the throne..."

In fact, Lu Zongliang also had such thoughts, but when he saw the emperor, he quickly understood that although the emperor said he was old, his thoughts were still above the court, although he said that he punished his brothers just to feel sorry for himself. But in fact, they want to maintain their own status. What kind of family relationship is nothing in this royal family.

Look at him, he didn't know anything before, he could only ride horses and enjoy the scenery of the Central Plains, he was just like a blank piece of paper, but once he saw his father, he immediately aroused his potential royal blood, what? His thoughts surged up, and he quickly realized that he could not fight for the throne now, because the emperor did not allow anyone to threaten his throne. Once he had the idea of ​​becoming emperor, he promised that his fate would never be good. It will be better than those brothers.

"Zifeiyu, the joy of Anfeiyu!" Lu Zongliang smiled softly, "Little sister, look at the few books I have read and only know a few big characters, but now I can speak well, don't I?" Is it special?"

Lin Lang burst out laughing when she heard this, "You're really glib, but... that Miss Zhang hasn't gone back yet, what are you going to do about it?"

Lu Zongliang smiled mockingly, "The leader of the martial arts alliance is really willing, but I don't like his daughter!"

"Ms. Zhang is also good for you. After all, if you marry Ms. Zhang, you will gain the power of the entire martial arts world!" Linlang said earnestly, "And Ms. Zhang is simple-minded and generous, you must have a good conversation with her." Come!"

"I talked to him because I only wanted to treat him as a brother, and didn't want to marry him as a wife!" Lu Zongliang shook his head, "Besides, the martial arts leader is not a fool, I married his daughter, he It is not necessary to hand over all the forces of the martial arts to me. After all, the court and the martial arts are two different things. Although the well water does not interfere with the tide, but one day, there will definitely be disputes between them. After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. At that time, I will marry the daughter of the leader of the martial arts, maybe it will be a bad thing for me!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang looked at Lu Zongliang in surprise, and said, "Brother, I think you have changed a lot... You never thought about such things before? I... I feel so strange... It's as if I've never known you before... It feels like you are two different people from the previous you... completely different..."

Why is it different?It's like a young man on Moshang who suddenly turned into that deep-minded person. People were caught off guard, and felt a little scared, and a little caught off guard, but Lin Lang clearly understood that the young man in front of him would never hurt her, so lightly He said softly: "Although you have changed a lot, you are still my elder brother. I believe you will never harm me!"

When Lu Zongliang heard the little junior sister's words, he had a gentle smile on his face, like a spring breeze, refreshing, but slowly blowing into people's hearts,

He looked at the mountains in the distance, and then at the clouds in the distance, with a calm expression on his face, and then said softly: "I have changed a lot because I am learning to grow, and Mr. Long has to learn to grow." , but I clearly know that my heart will never change. For example, my heart at this moment wants to quietly look at the mountains, quietly look at the clouds, and then quietly...watch...you... ..."

 Hey, think about the ending for yourself, stay together if you want to be together, stay together if you don't want to be together, how about it, is it interesting?

(End of this chapter)

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