Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1533 The Scumbag 1

Chapter 1533
When Lin Lang opened his eyes again, he found that he had become a man through time travel, but he was used to it, as long as he was still a man, everything would be fine.

Looking at the clean and tidy house, Lin Lang couldn't help but sigh twice. Boys who love cleanliness are either gay or have a cleanliness, so is this boy gay or cleanliness?

Lin Lang sat up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to wash up. When he saw the person who saw you, he couldn't help but exclaimed, my dear, the Creator loves this man too much.

The facial features are exquisite, the bridge of the nose is straight, a pair of red phoenix eyes are slightly raised, the light black eyes are like fine glass, the thin lips are pink and tender like cherry blossoms, and the whole person exudes a clean smell.

Lin Lang touched his face, and took a look at his 6-pack abs. I love it, I love it, I really love it, but when he finished accepting the plot, he wished he could spit on his face.

"I have been the pride of heaven since I was a child. I have good looks, good grades, and a good family environment. Because I always have willful capital, I started to have girlfriends when I was 16 years old. Later, I felt bored, so I dumped him again. Yes, after graduating from university, I started my own company, which is quite a success!
But I always found it boring. After I made a girlfriend who was a good match, I stepped on three boats... I made two girlfriends and a boyfriend!

I know I'm a scumbag, but I didn't pursue them directly. Those women were willing to be with me. I just pushed the boat along with the flow, and I didn't promise anything to them. I thought I was getting married. Just break up with people outside and marry my girlfriend who is well-matched. Of course, getting married does not mean that I can rest assured. I may still find women outside. There is no way, I have the capital to indulge!

In this way, I lived happily for a long time, but... I was very depressed recently. My girlfriends who were well-matched began to force marriage to me, and even my girlfriends began to criticize me. Because I have never justified their names, they seem to have noticed something, my boyfriend... then he is even more daring, since he ran into my parents' house, if I hadn't had an idea, he would have been almost exposed!
Among these people, my first girlfriend is from a similar family background, so I will not break up with her. As for the rest, one has big breasts and no brains, and is very easy to deceive, otherwise I would not be casually caught by me. With just a few words, I didn't know how to lie, and the other one... was interested in my money... As for the third one, I was with him at the beginning just for the excitement, but in his eyes, the two of us Individuals are true love, and they can break through everything together!

In the past few days, I have been feeling distressed about the breakup. The one with big breasts and no brains...Although it is easy to lie, but it is a sin. I am afraid that after I mention the breakup, she will be sad and even more likely to act. Some bad things, although I am a scumbag, I never thought of murdering other people's lives, so I hope to break up peacefully, at least I hope that she will not go into the horns and do something that hurts her life, after all, she is dead, I'm afraid that trouble will find me!

Regarding the second woman, I know that she likes money, and I can use money to break up with him, but this kind of woman obviously regards me as a wealthy son-in-law, and the purpose of marrying me is also for money. In front of Qian, and I am so good-looking, the woman who worshiped me would definitely not break up with me, so I was a little distressed, but I didn't dare to use other means, and I didn't dare to bring it up on the spot, because women who like money , Will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals!

Regarding that man, I did like him, but when I thought about it later, I still liked women more. Men... can't get married and have children. It's embarrassing to say it, but that man should not be underestimated. After all, in the shopping mall I've seen it before, I don't want to make the relationship so stiff!

Well, the above is what I want to say, I just hope that the breakup will be smooth, and after the separation is over, give me your body, thank you! "

Lin Lang almost threw up after accepting the plot, what kind of superb man is this?Today's women should really keep their eyes open, and don't follow a man desperately just because he is good-looking. Choosing a man is not only based on his appearance, but also his heart.

Just as Lin Lang was thinking, the phone rang suddenly, and it was his boyfriend who called, and a gentle voice rang out.

"Are you up? I cooked porridge here, and I also fried your favorite side dishes. Would you like to come over?"

Hearing this voice, Lin Lang couldn't help but slapped me to encourage me. This voice is so magnetic and beautiful.

Lin Lang touched her chin, how could she break up without offending this man?Forget it, let's meet this man first, and then make a reasonable plan after knowing the real situation, and let's break up properly.

"Okay!" Lin Lang agreed, "I'll be there in a while!"

"Then..." The person over there seemed to laugh lightly, his voice was like a spring breeze, gentle to the bone, "Do you want to stay tonight?"

want!want!want!Check it out!
Lin Lang almost agreed, quickly bit her tongue, and when she woke up, she said, "It's inconvenient today, let's talk about it another day!"

"Why is it the same as the girl's excuse? Could it be that you are here as an uncle?" The man over there smiled slightly and made a low voice.

Lin Lang said arrogantly: "People only do this in front of you!"

Lin Lang couldn't believe that the man couldn't vomit, as expected, there was silence for a while, and then said: "You...are you unusual today?"

"That's how I am, you just haven't gotten to know me all this time, well, it's getting late, I have to clean up!" Lin Lang's eyes flashed with pride, then she hung up the phone and started to think How to break up!
Just as he was thinking, the phone rang again, and Lin Lang couldn't help sighing again. How did this man deal with these few people perfectly without being exposed? It was very difficult, and I didn't expect to come to the second one again.

The caller was a genuine girlfriend named Zhou Xue, a gentle and decent woman with a high IQ, very IKEA and IKEA.

"Auntie's birthday will be in a few days. I'm going to the mall to buy some gifts, but I don't know what Auntie likes, so I want to ask you to give me advice!" Zhou Xue said softly.

Lin Lang's heart softened when she heard the beauty speak so softly, "I'm free tomorrow, let's go shopping together!"

"Okay!" Zhou Xue on the other end of the phone happily agreed, "Then tomorrow...shall we meet at the mall, or..."

Of course you can't let the girl go directly to the mall, it's too ungentlemanly, I just wanted to say that I would go back to pick her up, but after thinking about it, a scumbag like the original owner is not good enough, such a good girl, bitten Gritting his teeth, he said, "Of course we met at the entrance of the shopping mall. You must know that I am very busy with work. It is already difficult to squeeze out a day to go shopping with you. If I go to pick you up again, I am afraid there will not be enough time. You have to be obedient , don't trouble me!"

What kind of quotes from a scumbag is this? I think the 4 women can't help it. Miss Zhou Xue should try her best to explode, scold this scumbag, and break up with him!
Unexpectedly, the person on the phone was not angry at all, but said very gently: "You have worked hard, and I learned how to make soup recently, do you want me to make some nourishing soup for you?"

No wonder that scumbag is willing to give up other people to be with this girl. It turns out that this girl is really nice, not to mention gentle, and especially knowledgeable and reasonable, which made even this girl fall in love with her.

"No need, I'm impatient to drink those soups and waters!" Lin Lang hastily made a trace of impatience in her tone, "Then it's settled, we will meet at the mall at 9:[-] tomorrow morning, you go early so you don't be late, I can't wait for others!"

 The purpose of writing this book is not to talk to scumbags, but because I read the recent incidents of scumbags in Peking University. I feel sorry for that girl. What a girl, she has a bright future. Jin, I didn't expect it to be ruined by a man. The purpose of writing this scumbag is to let more girls see the true face of some scumbags.

  And that's it, even though the scumbag is the task entruster, I will never make it easy for him, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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