Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1534 The Scumbag 2

Chapter 1534

As expected of a scumbag, Zhou Xue is his girlfriend, and Han Yang is also one of the best. Hearing what Lin Lang said, she still kept her gentle temper, "I know, the weather has been a little cold recently, so keep warm and don't catch a cold!"

"Okay, okay, I got it!" Lin Lang said in an impatient tone, "It's really long-winded, like an old woman!"

If a woman hears others say that she is old, she will probably be very angry, but Zhou Xue smiled lightly, "Then I am just your old woman!"

When it was so sweet, it felt as sweet as eating sugar. Lin Lang was instantly elated and almost burst out laughing, "Okay, okay, I'll hang up when it's getting late!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Lang realized that it was getting late, so she tidied up a bit, and just about to go out, she put her feet back, changed her formal attire, and put on a pair of big pants and a pair of pants on top. A simple T-shirt and flip-flops on the feet, and it passed leisurely like this.

"You..." Liang Jingxiu couldn't help frowning when he saw Linlang in this look. Although Linlang's clothes were rather sloppy, she didn't look obtrusive because of her good looks. ?”

Although Lin Lang used to be a fool, he was good-looking, plus he was rich, so his taste was not low, and his clothes were exquisite, so when he suddenly saw Lin Lang like this, he was caught off guard, and at the same time... ... There is also an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Seeing Liang Jingxiu's expression, Lin Lang understood what Liang Jingxiu was thinking, showing a nonchalant expression, and said casually: "I just like to wear this way, what's the matter? You are enough, usually you ask questions. , you are a man, why are you such a dick, it's really annoying!"

Liang Jingxiu also felt that he had gone too far, opened the door, and said with a trace of apology: "I'm really sorry, it's just that you suddenly dressed like this, but I'm not used to it!"

Lin Lang sneered, and sat on the side, "I hate that I don't look good in the clothes, and I'm embarrassing you, right? Liang Jingxiu, let me tell you, I like to dress like this. If you don't like it, you don't have to look at it. At worst, break up!"

Liang Jingxiu immediately said: "Okay, it's all my fault, don't break up, don't break up, I apologize to you!"

What a good man, why did he bend?

Lin Lang didn't continue to hold on to this point. Looking at the food on the table, she poured a bowl of porridge for herself, drank it in a daze, and made a loud noise. A lot of porridge and rice fell on the table. The big chopsticks were held in place by the big chopsticks, and I licked the chopsticks from time to time, which was very vulgar and unsightly.

Liang Jingxiu was shocked when he saw such a scene. He sat on the chair blankly, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, "You... this is..."

After Lin Lang finished eating, she wiped her mouth and patted her stomach, "I've been busy these days and haven't had a serious meal, so I'm a bit gobbled up, don't you mind?"

Liang Jingxiu: ...

Liang Jingxiu was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "I don't mind, but next time you eat slowly, voracious eating can easily hurt your body!"

"You are so kind to me!" Lin Lang was not stingy with her praise, "By the way, your food tastes good, but I prefer meat, so I will make more meat next time!"

Liang Jingxiu nodded ignorantly, with a hint of book scent on his gentle face. After clearing the table, he found Lin Lang lying carelessly on the sofa, the coffee table was piled up with snacks, and there was an open can of beer .

Lin Lang took a sip of beer, ate some snacks, picked her feet and nostrils, watched the football game on TV, and uttered a few foul words from time to time.

"I * * * your mother!" Lin Lang yelled, "Don't you have eyes? You can't even play football, go to hell, go eat shit!"

"My God, the kindergarten students can play better than you, use your brain!"

"Look at the fat on your body, I think pigs will be ashamed of themselves!"

"These people only know how to eat and drink on weekdays, why don't they have any sportsmanship? Fuck them, beat them up, bastards!"


Liang Jingxiu was completely stunned. Although he and Lin Lang had only been in love for three or four months, in his eyes, although this boy was a bit unreliable, he was well-bred anyway, but the one in front of him Who is the vulgar man?Why do you look like a street gangster?

"Lin Lang..." Liang Jingxiu couldn't help but yelled softly, "Watch TV when you watch TV, don't scold others!"

Lin Lang turned her head and said with her nostrils upturned: "Are you teaching me a lesson? Even my parents didn't teach me a lesson, what kind of face does your kid have? Although I like you, it doesn't mean I can tolerate you , Besides, we are both men, so why should I let you go, why don’t you know how to let me go, I just like watching football games, I just like to swear, what’s wrong! "

Liang Jingxiu's face was a little pale, and his excellent self-cultivation prevented him from uttering some ugly words, his lips turned pale, and his voice trembled, "You are very different now than before!"

Lin Lang sneered, "That's natural, I've already tricked you, maybe I have to act like that, anyway, you are my boyfriend anyway, in order to be with you, I don't care about the world, Disregarding everyone's opposition is beyond ethics, so from now on, you have to treat me well, and you must not let me be wronged.

By the way, I was not full from the meal just now, so go cook me a bowl of instant noodles, add two pieces of ham sausage, and wash some fruit by the way, what are you looking at, hurry up, there is no color at all, sure enough, man And women are not the same! "

After Lin Lang finished, she turned her head to the TV, slapped her legs and cursed while watching, turned around when she found no movement, and reprimanded angrily, "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you hurry up and do it!"

Liang Jingxiu looked a little pale, he took a deep breath and said to Lin Lang: "I think... there is a little problem between us, or you should go back first, let's calm down for a while, let each other think about it, you how do you feel?"

Linlang became angry all of a sudden, picked up the cup next to her, and threw it on the ground forcefully, "What do you mean? I just asked you to cook a bowl of instant noodles and wash some fruit, and you are so ruthless Who will pretend to be wishful? I married a woman and asked her to work. She didn't dare to say anything, and she would serve me comfortably. Why is it so troublesome for you? Let you do a job You put such a dead face on me, sure enough, a man is a man!"

Liang Jingxiu's expression became more and more ugly, and he stepped forward, took Lin Lang's hand and pushed it away, "You go back first, I don't want to talk to you about this right now!"

"What do you mean? Do you want to break up with me? Just break up, don't regret it!" Lin Lang said angrily.

"You..." Liang Jingxiu didn't think about breaking up either, but today's Lin Lang is really different from before, which gave him a headache, "I didn't say break up, I just think we should be quiet, let's contact again later!"

"Contact again?" Lin Lang sneered, "Are you trying to hang on to me? If you don't want to be with me, just tell me, why bother to talk nonsense and waste my time. I'm so good-looking, I'm sure I can find someone better A good woman, being with you is a self-deprecation. You don't want to cherish me, and you want to drive me out, and now you are cold and violent to me. I don't care about you, and I won't let you, you Just ignore me now, sooner or later one day I will make you unable to climb high!

Get lost, scumbag, break up, no matter what you say this time, I will never apologize to you, and I will never be with you again! "

(End of this chapter)

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