Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1536 The Scumbag 4

Chapter 1536

"You are our Yueyue's boyfriend, right? I'm Yueyue's roommate!" said the girl on the other end of the phone.

Hearing this, Lin Lang changed into a foolish expression, "Oh, you are the people Yue Yue often mentions, right? Why are you calling me?"

The girl gets angry when she hears such a voice, she is so foolish, and she is not a serious person when she hears it, "Why do you say I called you? What did you say to Yueyue just now? Why do you say that we are the same Self-defeating?"

Lin Lang said in a tone of yin and yang, "Do I need to say that? How can she be the daughter of a good family after being admitted to such a low-ranking university? I wanted to talk to you in a more tactful way, but I didn't expect you to be shameless." It’s delivered to your door, so let me tell you the truth. In fact, I have always looked down on Yueyue. It’s just because I think that he can do well, looks good, and listens to me. That’s why I’m willing to associate with her. , otherwise there are so many girls, and the people who chased me went from BJ to foreign countries, how could I choose a girl who didn't enter the top school?

But since I chose her, I can't say to break up, but she must listen to me and break up with you people. I don't want to wait until I get married with her, you vampires will come up and ask her to borrow money every day What……"

"Fuck you bastard, you son of a bitch!" The roommate said angrily: "Yueyue is a person with his own thoughts, he likes you, so he is willing to give everything, but that doesn't mean you can humiliate him at will, he If you have your own thoughts, you can choose your own friends, you can choose your own life, you can't control his life!"

"I am his boyfriend, and I will be her husband from now on. Everything about her is mine. Naturally, I can control her thoughts and even her life!" Lin Lang said as a matter of course: "There is more, wait for her to get along with her." After I get married, I can't go out to work, so I just stay at home as a full-time nanny, and I will give her home every month!

Also, there is only me in my family, so she must give birth to a son for our family! "

"Give birth to a son, so do you have an heir to the throne?" The roommate on the other end of the phone yelled, "With your aggressive appearance, it's already great if someone asks you, how dare you pick and choose here? How dare someone give birth to a son for you, you were born in a feudal society, if you want a son, give birth to yourself!
Why do you let our family be housewives every month?Our family's monthly grades are among the best. Although we haven't graduated yet, several companies have already offered us an olive branch. Why do we have to give up our ideals for a man like you? Let's make your dreams come true! "

Lin Lang said calmly: "She is a woman, she doesn't want to take care of her husband and children at home, why does she have to go out to work?

If you work outside, you have to bow to others, and you only get a little money a month, but staying at home is different, I can support him, and I have my own house, and I will give him money every month, how much? A good life, so many women can't ask for it, but she is the only one who has it. She doesn't know how to cherish it, and she wants to go out to work. Alas, I don't know what your woman thinks. All restless! "

"An Fen your mother's fart, your thinking is still in the feudal society, because you have two wrong powers, it's great, because all the women in the world have to be like feudal women? Let me tell you, it's impossible, now It's a new society, and women can hold on for a long time, they have their own thoughts and abilities, so why should they be confined to a small corner?" the roommate retorted.

"Those are just your own opinions, but what does Yueyue think?" Lin Lang smiled softly, "Give the phone to Yueyue, I want to ask her what she thinks!"

The roommate was so angry that she naturally didn't want to play with the phone, but Wang Yueyue had heard the voice while standing aside, subconsciously picked up the phone, and said to the other end of the phone, "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!"

Lin Lang couldn't help but sighed for Miss Wang Yueyue, you said your roommates are so good, why can't you learn more about their strengths?Why did he have to hang himself on a tree like a scumbag like him?Although the face is good-looking, but the good-looking face does not mean everything, there is such a good girl, and there will be such a good life in the future, why do you have to stop?

"You also know that you are causing me trouble!" Lin Lang reprimanded angrily: "Forget it this time, don't casually disclose my phone number to others next time. Take some harassing phone calls!"

"I...I..." Wang Yueyue's eyes were red again, "They...they are just doing it for my own good..."

"What do you mean? Did I harm you?" Lin Lang was so angry that she shouted loudly, "Wang Yueyue, it's your honor to see you, don't be shameless!"

"That's not the case, I have no other intentions..." Wang Yueyue cried, "They are only thinking of me, don't be angry, I apologize to you!"

"Okay, I will get angry when I hear you talking, and I will give you one last chance. You tell me in front of your roommate, after we get married, you want to go out to work, and the child wants to stay at home and work full-time. Nanny, give me a bunch of children!" Lin Lang asked directly.

When Wang Yueyue heard this, she opened her mouth wide and was about to say yes. After all, it is her lifelong wish to have a child for the man she loves, but when she thought of not being able to go out to work, she hesitated again. After all, she just wanted to go to school for decades. Do you want to go out and find a good job, and be filial to your parents?And he also wanted to go out to work with his roommates and enjoy his own life, but she didn't dare to refute Lin Lang, for fear of breaking up because of this, looking at the faces of her roommates, she was silent for a long time...

The roommate was anxious, and hurriedly persuaded: "You must not agree to it. Once you agree, you can only ask for money in the future. Although you ask for money, he will give it to you, but asking for money is not good. And You are young and beautiful now, so he likes you, but if you are old, do you think he will still like you?"

"Yes, women must have their own independent lives and independent careers, so that they can have confidence!"

"They are all right. Although women earn less money, they still have a source of income. You don't have to keep asking for money. You must think about it carefully!"

"Yes, yes, there is not only one man, but only one life, you must think clearly!"


Wang Yueyue: "I...I...I don't know, I think my head is so messy..."

Naturally, Linlang heard the commotion on the other side, and pretended to be impatient and said: "Wang Yueyue, have you thought about it? There is only one chance. If you want to go out to work, then we are probably not suitable. What I am looking for is an IKEA Yishi, the girl who goes up to the hall and down to the kitchen, who gave birth to a lot of sons for me, not a woman who only knows about work but doesn't care about her family!"

As soon as Wang Yueyue heard about the breakup, she immediately became anxious, "I never thought about breaking up, I really like you, I...I can promise you, after we get married in the future, I will stay at home and be a family The housewife will also give birth to several children for you..."

When the roommates heard this, they all showed expressions of resentment, "Do you know what you are talking about? Wang Yueyue, you have ruined your life!"

Wang Lele lowered her head in shame, and said in a low voice: "Actually... there's nothing wrong with being a housewife, aren't people like our parents' generation all being housewives?
And my boyfriend also said that he will never let me go hungry, and he will give me money every month, which is already very good..."

"You...are you stupid!" The roommates shook their heads one after another, "I think your boyfriend has lowered your head for you!"

Lin Lang heard the movement over there, pretending to be very satisfied and said: "Don't listen to your roommates' nonsense, they are just jealous of you, jealous that you have such a good boyfriend as me, after all, not every man is willing to give his woman money flower!"

(End of this chapter)

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