Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1537 The Scumbag 5

Chapter 1537

The roommate became even more angry, "Jealous ass, a scumbag like you, I wish I could stay away from you!"

"You say this because you haven't seen me like this, you find a time, let's get together, so that you ignorant women can see what an excellent man I am, and how unworthy Wang Yueyue is for me !” Lin Lang said with a pretentious face.

"Okay, let's get together, just this Saturday!" The roommate said angrily: "Don't stop going because you are afraid, I'm waiting for you anyway. If you don't come, I will take what you said It's bragging and farting!"

Lin Lang agreed without hesitation. After hanging up the phone, she still took a breath, and the second call came in again.

"Honey, what happened just now? The phone has been on the line, who are you talking to?" Jin Cancan's delicate voice came in.

Lin Lang quickly understood that this was her third girlfriend, the one who liked money, and her tone was not very good, "Let's talk about business, is there anything wrong with calling at this time?"

"I just got off work, come to pick me up from the company, and by the way, we can have dinner together, I know there is a restaurant, the steak is so good!" Jin Cancan's voice called Didi can drip water, "After dinner Let’s go to the movies together later. There’s a new movie recently. It’s pretty good, but it’s a midnight movie. It might be a bit late, but it’s okay. After we eat the steak, we can go shopping for a while… ...Recently, a new bag has been released, which I think looks pretty..."

"I have something to do today, I'm afraid I can't take you to eat steak, you go with other colleagues!" Lin Lang said calmly.

"Oh, I really miss you, what is more important than me!" Jin Cancan said coquettishly.

"You are indeed very important, but baby, making money is also very important. I also want to make more money so that I can provide you with a better life in the future!" Lin Lang said good things as if she didn't need money.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Jin Cancan was elated, "Forget it, but only once today, I will let you take me out to play soon, you can't shirk it anymore!"

"Naturally!" Lin Lang pretended to be tired and sighed, "I've been too busy at work recently, so I can't spend more time with you. Take you to Paris to play!"

When she heard that she was going to Paris, Jin Cancan was overjoyed, "Then it's settled, you can't lie to me!"

Lin Lang nodded, and said promisingly: "How could I lie to my darling, and... don't you like bags the most? I have quite a lot of bags for you, and I will take you shopping for you when the time comes, Buy any bag you want!"

"Honey, you are really kind to me!" Jin Cancan smiled happily, and after saying a few more sweet words, she reluctantly hung up the phone.

For this vanity-hungry woman, Lin Lang had thought of a solution, but what about the remaining few people?
In the early morning of the second day, Lin Lang went to the shopping mall. As soon as she reached the door, she saw a gentle and beautiful woman in a white dress standing at the door, holding a small bag in her hand. A shallow smile is the indescribable tranquility of the years.

Lin Lang stepped forward and said in a calm tone, "Have you been here for a long time?"

Seeing Lin Lang coming, Zhou Xue took Lin Lang's arm naturally, "No, I just came!"

Lin Lang noticed Zhou Xue's actions, and didn't say anything, but took Zhou Xue to the jewelry area first. Rich people like them naturally couldn't look at the goods in front of the counter, but were taken to the VIP area by the manager .

"Do you think Auntie will like this?" Zhou Xue took out a sapphire necklace and asked gently.

Lin Lang raised her head, "Not bad!"

Zhou Xue smiled embarrassingly, "Do you think it's good, the most important thing is that Auntie thinks it's good!"

"My mother and I have similar tastes. If I think it looks good, she should think it looks good too, so let's buy this one!" After speaking, Lin Lang stood up, "I still have something to do today, so I'll go first!"

"Ah?" Zhou Xue was a little disappointed, "But... we have been together for less than an hour..."

Lin Lang said in an even more impatient tone, "I'm already very busy with work, and I'm already doing you a favor by taking the time to go shopping with you. What else do you have to complain about?"

Zhou Xue lowered her head, "I...no..."

Lin Lang just wanted to say something serious, but seeing Zhou Xue's expression, she swallowed those words, "I'm sorry, I've been a little busy recently, and something happened in business, so I have a bad temper! "

"Something happened to the business... What is it? Tell me, maybe I can help you solve it!" Zhou Xue raised her head and asked with concern.

"It's just a little thing, don't worry!" Lin Lang waved her hand, "As for the gift for my mother, it's just that sapphire necklace, I think it's pretty!"

Zhou Xue nodded disappointedly, "Okay... then where are you going later?"

Lin Lang said naturally, "Of course I want to go to the company!"

"Well, then you have a good trip!" Zhou Xue nodded, not playing petty temper like ordinary women, but very gentle.

Linlang's color was also softer, and after talking to Zhou Xue for a few words, she suddenly thought of something, and smiled at Zhou Xue, "We have been in love for a while, and I don't have your photo yet. Let's take a picture, I want to save it to my phone, so I can see it every day!"

As soon as Zhou Xue heard this, her beautiful face instantly turned red, like the morning glow in the sky, and she stuttered, "Then...well..."

Lin Lang took out her mobile phone and took a photo. After saying a few words, she turned around and left. As soon as she got in the car, she sent the photo of Zhou Xue to Liang Jingxiu, and captioned it: This is the photo my mother introduced to me. Girlfriend, how do you look good?Don't think I'll be lonely after you break up with me, I'm welcome!As soon as I broke up with you, I can get another girlfriend.

Soon, Liang Jingxiu replied.

"If you are dating this girl to get revenge on me, I advise you not to do it. It will not only ruin you but also that girl. I am really sorry about what happened yesterday. I didn't mean it. I just feel a little Headache, need quiet!
Regarding the breakup, I never admitted it. "

Upon hearing this, Lin Lang quickly typed on the keyboard: Then what do you mean?Don't admit the breakup, but don't want to see each other, isn't it obvious that I want to deal with it coldly?Rather than doing this, it's better to break up early, you take your Yangguan road, and I cross my single-plank bridge.

See that girl just now?Her family background is comparable to mine, she is also pretty, and more importantly, she is very obedient, she will never disobey me, let alone be indifferent to me, and she will not make me face.

Liang Jingxiu rubbed his aching forehead: Lin Lang, I really like you, I don't want us to break up because of this trivial matter, let's get together well, don't let each other miss the rest of our lives, okay?
Lin Lang: Liang Jingxiu, I really like you, I like you so much that I am willing to disobey everything for you, the same gender as the two of us, we are not blessed by outsiders, we all have our own pride, just like you, it is impossible to put down your face to coax Me, I don't want to put down my face to coax you to be exactly the same, the two of us are a thorn in the side, if we are forced to be together, we will only hurt each other.

As for the girl I went on a blind date with today, although I don’t like her, my parents like her very much, and her family background is exactly the same as mine. I feel extremely relaxed when I’m with her, and I have face when I take it out, which is more important. The most important thing is that I can openly admit to the world that this person is my girlfriend.

Liang Jingxiu had a hint of anger: Are you not with me because you are afraid of the worldly eyes?So what were those vows at the beginning?
Linlang quickly typed on the keyboard: I love you, but there are some things that cannot be solved by saying that I love you. There are too many gaps between us. If we are forced to be together, we will not be happy!
So for your own good and for my own good, let's separate the two of us!It may be sad for a while, but it is better than being sad for a lifetime! "

(End of this chapter)

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