Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1538 The Scumbag 6

Chapter 1538

Once this message was sent, Liang Jingxiu was silent for a long time, and there was no reply.

Lin Lang struck while the iron was hot, and replied: You dare not!Because you are a teacher, and you are also a university teacher, you are afraid that you will lose face if you announce such a thing, and your family background does not allow you to have such a sexual orientation.

So admit it, you may like me very much, but if you like me, you will never give up your principles because of me, let alone give up your self-esteem because of me. This is not the love I want, what I want is A person who loves me wholeheartedly. As for the girl just now, maybe I don’t love her as much as I love you, but I know clearly that that girl is very suitable for me.

So don't say anything more, let's break up, and you don't come to me again, as for the previous things, let's just treat it as a passing thing.

Liang Jingxiu looked at the message on the phone, was silent for a long time and then sent a word: "OK!"

When you received Liang Jingxiu's reply, you were really relieved twice to deal with this man, and then the remaining two women will be easily dealt with.

On the second day, Lin Lang came to the hot pot restaurant that Wang Yueyue had ordered, and specially drove the Porsche she bought, and dressed up like a man, looking very handsome, but there was an evil spirit in his handsomeness, Danfeng's eyes slightly raised , It tickles people's hearts.

Wang Yueyue's roommates were talking, but when they opened the door and saw Lin Lang, they were all stunned, their mouths wide open, unable to speak a word.

"This..." The roommate looked at the man sitting in the upper capital, feeling his heart beating and his mouth dry.

Lin Lang smiled lightly, "Oh, another shallow woman!"

The roommate came back to his senses, blushed when he realized what he had done, suddenly came to his senses, pointed at Lin Lang, and said tremblingly: "You...you...you are Yueyue's boyfriend, how can this be?" possible?"

Lin Lang raised a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, "How is this impossible?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang looked at Wang Yueyue and hooked her, "Why haven't I seen you for a few days, I'm getting more and more stupid, and I don't know how to call my boyfriend, come quickly, let me take a good look at you I haven't seen you for a while, do you think you have lost a lot of weight?"

When Wang Yueyue saw Lin Lang, she showed a shy smile, walked over in small steps, and sat beside her, with her head slightly lowered, her little ears swollen, "I'm not skinny, when I went to weigh myself yesterday, I still weighed a lot !"

Lin Lang smiled, hugged Wang Yueyue and took a few deep breaths on his body, "But why do I feel thinner? It's better for girls to be fatter, so it's comfortable to hug!"

Wang Yueyue was a little shy, and gently pushed Lin Lang, "Don't be like this, my roommates are watching!"

"They look at theirs, we do ours, what does it matter!" Lin Lang was cheeky, then raised her head and rolled her eyes at those roommates, "What's wrong? Everyone is really impressed by my beauty Are you speechless? Now I understand that Wang Yueyue is really not good enough for me, but I don't care, after all, I like Wang Yueyue because she is obedient, as long as she is obedient, I will not break up with her anyway!"

The roommate was silent for a long time, then said through gritted teeth: "Money doesn't represent everything!"

Lin Lang sneered, took out her wallet and threw it on the table, took out her car, and threw the keys on the table, "Hehehe, you women are stupid with reading, right? Money is in power, ghosts without money will ignore you!"

A few roommates stood aside and looked at Lin Lang angrily, "Although you look good, but the reality is too vicious, Yueyue finally finished college and hasn't enjoyed the outside life, why marry you You have to be a housewife, if you really like Yueyue, why don't you think about her?"

Lin Lang took out a cigar, swallowed ~ clouds ~ smoke, and soon, the room was filled with smoke, which made several girls cough unaccustomed.

"Hehe, let me say that you are shallow. You have to believe that it's because I like music that I want him to stay at home as a housewife. You think it's good to go to work, but is it really that good? Nine nights every day Going out to work on the fifth day, you have to be scolded by others after being exhausted, and the little money you can make just by being angry with others is not enough to fill your teeth!" Lin Lang said here, with a hint of sarcasm on her face, "Why don't you be here? I work tirelessly for others outside and don’t stay at home honestly as a young mistress. After all, there are useful things at home, and I don’t need her to do anything. I just need to give birth to a few sons. I have money to spend all day long, so I don’t have to worry about every day monthly salary, not to worry about rent, utilities, and you can buy whatever you want!”

"Then do you regard Yueyue as a golden bird?" The roommate said angrily: "You think going to work is hard, but we think going to work is very fun, you can meet different people, you can learn more knowledge, and more importantly What’s more, don’t put your palms up!”

"All you talk about is actually just making excuses because you can't be young mistresses!" Lin Lang said with a look of disgust.

"You...you're farting..." the roommate cursed angrily.

"You're really vulgar!" Lin Lang said mockingly, "One swear word after another, you really deserve to be a lowly person, with a sour air and dirty mouth Yueyue, I'll have to leave you after graduating from university Stay far away from these roommates, but don't be distracted by them!"

Wang Yueyue lowered her head and defended in a low voice: "Don't say that, they didn't say those words on purpose, it's just...just because they were angry..."

"You can swear when you're angry, that's not a good behavior, let alone something a gentleman would do!" Linlang narrowed her eyes, and said warningly: "Wang Yueyue, I'm warning you, after you and I get married , but don’t imitate these poor people, and ah, I will enroll you in a few more etiquette classes to insert flower petals, so that you can get rid of all those poor habits on your body!”

"Why do you say that to Yueyue? If you have a few contributions, it's great. If you have a few contributions, you can dislike Yueyue's poverty?" The roommate hurriedly argued.

Lin Lang glanced at Wang Yueyue, "Look at your roommates, I just talked to you a few words, and they started yelling one by one, they are not educated at all!"

"You...you..." The roommate was so angry that she said to Wang Yueyue, "You are not really ready to listen to this man, give up your ideals in life, and become a housewife. You must think about it, you Maybe you can come to Shanghai now, but when you grow old, are you sure he won't cheat? And he also let you have a son, what if you gave birth to a daughter?"

"If it's a girl, it's natural to have a son. Anyway, I'm the only one in our family. Since Wang Yueyue married into my family and became my daughter-in-law, she must give me a son. If she doesn't have a son, she will never give up! "Lin Lang said emphatically.

"Are... are you illiterate? Biology books say that it is up to you men to decide whether to have a boy or a girl, not us women!"

Lin Lang said indifferently: "Anyway, I don't care who decides whether to have a boy or a girl, but no matter what, we must have a boy in our family. If she still can't have a boy, I will definitely divorce her and marry another one at that time." The woman who gave birth to a boy for my family!"

"It's really shameless!" The roommate said angrily: "I grew up, and I have never seen such a shameless man like you. His head is full of feudal and corrupt thoughts, full of feudalism. Makes me sick!"

Lin Lang didn't like it any more, and directly patted the table, "What are you talking about? If it weren't for the fact that you are a woman, I would have slapped my ears on it a long time ago!"

"You still want to hit someone?" The roommate looked at Wang Yueyue in horror, "Yueyue, don't think about it anymore, break up with such a man quickly, if one day you provoke him, if he beats you What should you do? You must not want such a domestic violence man, or you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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