Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1539 The Scumbag 7

Chapter 1539

Wang Yueyue's face turned pale, and she looked at Lin Lang with some fear, "You...will you hit me?"

Lin Lang nodded firmly, "Of course, I think a man who doesn't beat a woman is very worthless, and besides, it's only natural for a woman to beat a man!
But don't worry, I'm also an educated person and an intellectual, as long as you don't do anything wrong, I won't beat you, but you must listen to me! "

Wang Yueyue shrank back in fear, "I...I think...I don't think it's good to hit someone..."

"What's wrong!" Lin Lang waved her fist, "Fist is the last word. Forget it, what are you talking about? I just want to ask you a question, are you willing to be with me?" Together? Or do you want to be with your friends?"

"I... I like you and these friends of mine... There is no conflict during this period, why do I have to choose one of the two?" Wang Yueyue said sadly.

"You can't have it both ways!" Lin Lang said firmly, "Anyway, I can't tolerate friends who are so depressed like you. If you choose to be with them, then you don't want to be with me. Those who are close are those who are close. Mo Zhehei, maybe one day you will be infected with poverty!"

"Clean your mouth!" The roommate stood up and reprimanded angrily.

Lin Lang raised her head, "What's the matter? I was wrong. They are all so poor that they don't even have a decent thing on them. Don't say I look down on you. I think the shop assistants look down on you when you go to a brand store to buy clothes. !"

"You...not everyone is as snobbish as you..." One of the roommates said emphatically: "It's not like you are so snobbish!"

"Oh, the mouth is quite poisonous!" Lin Lang said mockingly: "So Yueyue, you must not be with such a person, it's not terrible to be a little poor, but if you learn dirty words like him , that's really ridiculous... After all, our family is also a rich family. It is already a shame to marry a woman who is not popular like you. If you get contaminated with some messy things, our family's face will probably be ruined. Throw it to Siberia!"

Wang Yueyue stood up, "Stop talking, Lin Lang, I really like you, but...just because I like you doesn't mean I can lose everything, I can give birth to you, but having a boy or a girl is not I can decide, I will not give up my life for you, I will go out to work, let alone give up my communication for you, I will still be with my friends, because I am an independent person, Not a doll in your palm!"

Lin Lang clapped her hands, and a hint of amusement flashed across her face, "I didn't expect you to have a personality, yes, after talking for so long, I'm a little thirsty, go out and buy me a glass of orange juice!"

Wang Yueyue was a little puzzled, and still couldn't figure out why Lin Lang had changed so much?He was still talking about friends just now, why is he talking about food and drink now, but she never refuses Lin Lang's request, she nodded, and walked outside with her wallet.

After Wang Yueyue left, Lin Lang returned to her romantic appearance, stretched out her slender knuckles, and touched Wang Yueyue's roommate's face a few times, "Okay, Yueyue actually said that she wanted to be with you, so I won't force her." They're gone, actually...I think you guys look good too, and I like the type, so are you interested in having a...exciting love?"

The roommate didn't realize it all at once, but when he did, his complexion changed and he stood up, pointing at Lin Lang and said angrily, "That scumbag, a bitch with two feet on his back!"

Lin Lang was not angry when she heard such insults, and still said with a smile: "Is there any need to be so angry? The society is like this now, and it is very open. It is not a big deal for a man to find several girlfriends. Besides, Oh, you are all good friends, why don’t you share anything, what’s wrong with sharing your boyfriend? I’m rich and handsome, I guarantee that after you follow me, I will give you Qian Hua, if you give me a son, maybe I will buy you a house!"

One of the roommates directly poured the water in his cup onto Lin Lang's face, "Don't you want to slap your face!"

Lin Lang took out the handkerchief in her bosom and gently wiped the water stains on her face, and said slowly: "I don't believe that you are not tempted at all after seeing a handsome man like me? I will give you another chance, are you willing to follow me?" I'm together, of course, if you don't want to tell Wang Yueyue, I won't tell her, after all, it's quite exciting to do so!"

"Get the hell out of here!" The roommate said angrily, "Even if all the men in the world are dead, I won't be with a man like you, so stay where you are!"

Lin Lang stood up and patted the water stains on her body, "You don't have to drink a toast, but that's right, you haven't experienced the blows from society, so you're naturally not interested in the beautiful things in front of you. After you leave the society, Then you will understand how good my proposal is for you!
I am a kind-hearted person. I just suggested to you that you can keep it forever. When you get out of society and encounter troubles and want to come back to me, the promise just now is still valid! "

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and Wang Yueyue held the bottle with an unpredictable expression.

When Linlang saw Wang Yueyue, she didn't feel the urgency of being caught at all, and said very flatly: "You've heard that, so I won't hide it from you. That's the kind of person I am, and when I'm with you, I like you." To be honest, after I marry you, I won't take it easy, and I will go outside to find a girlfriend!
But don't worry, I'm not a wolf-hearted dog. You just need to listen to me and give me a son. I guarantee that my wife will always be you, not someone else! "

"You think it's a feudal society now, you can have three wives and four concubines, go ahead and live your dream!" The roommate stepped forward and patted Wang Yueyue on the shoulder, "Yueyue, don't pay attention to such a man, he He is simply a psychopath, don't hesitate, break up with him!"

Wang Yueyue raised her head, with tears in her big watery eyes, "Is what you just said true?"

At this moment, Lin Lang's heart softened a little, but she put on a tough face, "Of course it's true. In fact, I've always been like this. When I was with you, I saw that you were honest and good-looking... But just like Your roommate said, you can’t be so beautiful forever, after you give birth, maybe your figure will be out of shape... The reason I’m with you is because you look good, if you don’t even look good, what? Why don't you let me find another woman?"

"Shameless! Despicable!" The roommate scolded: "What do you think of marriage? What do you think of love? People like you should die alone. Get out, scumbag! You are not welcome here!"

Lin Lang picked up the clothes on the sofa, and took the orange juice from Wang Yueyue's hand. She curled her lips when she saw the bottle, "I really can't change my poverty, I only know how to buy some blended juice, but I don't know Buying a glass of freshly squeezed juice, I'm really at a loss to be with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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