Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1540 The Scumbag 8

Chapter 1540

As soon as the roommate heard this, it was like a volcano erupting. He pulled up the cup and was about to smash it on Lin Lang's head, "Have you said enough? Get the hell out of here and stay here, I'll smash you to death with a cup!"

Lin Lang hurriedly pretended to be scared and walked outside, and said as she walked, "Wang Yueyue, you saw that your friends not only smell poor, but also tend to be violent. You can't learn from them. Hurry up!" Separate from them!"

Wang Yueyue was silent for a long time, looked at Lin Lang and said word by word: "Although I like you, it doesn't mean I'm stupid. For a man like you, I don't mind the two of us breaking up!"

Hearing Wang Yueyue's breakup, Lin Lang wanted to jump up and down, but he pretended to be calm and said to Wang Yueyue: "Okay, you broke up with me for your own woman, don't regret it!"

"Of course I don't regret it. On the contrary, I feel lucky. Fortunately, these roommates are with me and let me see your true face clearly. Get the hell out of here. I don't want to see you again in this life!" Wang Yueyue shook her head Stay aside.

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "Looks like someone backed me up, and I got more courage to break up and break up, it's your loss to miss out on a good man like me!

Of course, if you want to get back together with me one day, that's also possible, but you may not be my wife anymore, it's still okay to be a little lover..."

"Get out of here!" Wang Yueyue said angrily.

Seeing Wang Yueyue's appearance, Lin Lang knew that Wang Yueyue would never get back together with her, so she nodded coldly, then left here, and almost laughed out loud when she got out of the gate.

"Lin Lang!" Suddenly, a woman in cool clothes ran over, "I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it was really you. What are you doing here?"

Linlang breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the person who came was Jin Cancan, but she still glanced at the gate with a guilty conscience, "Come over for dinner with friends, by the way, what are you doing here?"

Jin Cancan covered his mouth and smiled, pointed to the group of people behind him and said, "Come to eat with our colleagues!"

Linlang glanced at Cancan, and the people behind nodded to them, "So that's the case, by the way, I've been with you for so long, and I haven't invited you and your friends to dinner yet. Time, let's eat here, thank you for taking care of Cancan!"

When the colleagues heard this, they all laughed, "Oh, how embarrassing this is!"

"Yeah, it really cost you money!"

"I've been hearing Cancan say that I have a handsome boyfriend, and today I finally met the real person!"


Everyone walked inside while talking, but luckily Wang Yueyue didn't come out, so Linlang directly asked for the biggest box, and after the group entered, Linlang waved her hand and ordered more than 20 dishes.

"Honey, how's work going?" Because Lin Lang gave her a long face, her golden voice became more and more delicate.

Lin Lang just smiled casually, "It's just like that, it's still okay to raise you!"

Jin Cancan smiled embarrassingly, "Actually, it doesn't matter how much money you earn, dear, I'm a good person to support, as long as you give me a bite to eat, after all, the person I love is you and not your money! "

Yo, you said it the other way around, you should love my money, not me.

Lin Lang just smiled and greeted everyone to eat. After drinking and eating, Lin Lang called the waiter and handed over a credit card.

Jin Cancan sat aside, with a smile on his face and a hint of complacency in his eyes.

After a while, the waiter came back, holding a credit card in his hand, with a very hesitant expression on his face, "This gentleman is really sorry, we can't swipe your credit card!"

"Ah?" Lin Lang scratched her head and took out another credit card from her wallet, "Oh, then try this one!"

But the waiter came back after a while, and his face became more and more ugly, "Sir, this card can't be swiped anymore!"

Among these people, the one with the ugly face was Jin Cancan, who could hardly maintain the fake smile on his face, and there was a trace of ferocity in his voice, "Honey, what's going on? Did you take the wrong card? Or is the card degaussed?"

Lin Lang pretended to be silly and laughed a few times, "Maybe, after all, this wallet is kept with the mobile phone every day, and maybe the real school bus may also be there. I'll go to the bank tomorrow to see if I can get a new credit card!

Since you can't swipe your card, pay cash! "

After finishing, Lin Lang took out all the cash in her wallet, but there was still a few tens of dollars short, and the waiter stood aside, almost bursting out laughing.

Jin Cancan felt extremely ashamed, "This... If it doesn't work, just use your mobile phone to pay..."

Linlang's eyes rolled round, "This won't work, my mobile phone has some malfunctions, and I can't pay with my mobile phone. I'm still short of money, please help me!"

Jin Cancan suppressed his anger, and took out 100 yuan from his wallet and handed it over, "You can talk about this, and you don't need to change the rest of the money!"

The waiter was just about to nod, but Lin Lang quickly took all the change from the waiter's hands, and said to Jin Cancan with a disapproving expression, "What's the matter? Our money is not blown by the wind." Come on, you still need the money you need, and you can’t do such a thing next time!”

Colleagues sat aside, bowing their heads one by one, in order to hide the smile on their faces. Of course, this smile was not a kind smile, but a mocking one.

You must know that Jin Cancan has always boasted that he has a boyfriend who is a diamond king, and that his boyfriend is so kind to him, and how rich his boyfriend is, but now he looks at whether he is rich or poor. That's right, the credit card can't be swiped several times. It should be that there is no money in the card, or the card has been swiped.Unless there is no money in the mobile payment...

Jin Cancan gritted his teeth and said, "It's not easy for these waiters to do hygiene. What's the matter with giving them some money? Don't care about that little money. After all, you start a company and earn tens of millions a year. Why bother about that! "

Lin Lang pretended to have a guilty conscience and said, "Even if I earn so much money...but it's my hard earned money, so I can't just give the money to others. Don't say it if it's okay...it's getting late , let's go back quickly..."

Jin Cancan suppressed his anger, and after seeing off all his colleagues, he immediately changed his face, and angrily scolded: "What happened just now? I can't swipe my good bank card, and I can't pay with my mobile phone. Don't think that I You're a fool, you can fool me with just a few words!"

Lin Lang squeaked and said, "Why am I lying to you? It's because the bank card has been degaussed, so I can't swipe it. As for the phone...some problems have happened recently, so I didn't put any money in the phone, but put it on the bank card. ...Okay, why are you so fussy? I can treat your colleague to dinner today, and it cost me thousands of dollars!"

"Thousands of dollars are nothing. You used to spend tens of thousands of dollars to treat me to dinner. Why are you so fussy now? Tell me, what happened?" Jin Cancan asked angrily.

Linlang typed sloppily and said: "Nothing really happened. Although it only cost a few thousand yuan, because the money was not spent on you, I feel distressed. I once swore that I would earn my money. Every penny of my money will be spent on you, baby, and spent on outsiders, so I naturally feel uncomfortable!

Okay baby, don't worry about this anymore, it's getting late, I'll take you back! "

(End of this chapter)

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