Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1541 The Scumbag 9

Chapter 1541

Jin Cancan always felt that there was a ghost here, and there was a gloomy cloud on his face. Could it be that he met a fake rich man?Otherwise, why when paying the bill, it’s fine if you can’t swipe two cards in a row, but why there is no money in the phone? This is totally unreasonable.

"Honey, have you encountered any problems recently?" If the person in front of you is a fake rich man, that's not justified. When I was pursuing myself, there were many flowers and famous brands. He also owns a famous watch with a famous brand, drives a luxury car, and lives in a luxury house, so Jin Cancan began to wonder if there was something wrong with his business.

Lin Lang forced a smile, and rubbed Jin Cancan's head, "What are you thinking? I've been doing well recently, it's getting late, hurry back, I have something to do tonight!"

Jin Cancan nodded, but she didn't let go of her guard because of Linlang's few words. She also made up her mind that she had to find a time to try to see if Linlang was really rich or fake. You have to seize the opportunity, if you are pretending to be rich, leave this point quickly, after all, the golden age of a woman is only a few years, if it is wasted on this man, it would be too bad luck.

The rest of the time was very easy. After solving Liang Jingxiu and Wang Yueyue, it was equivalent to releasing most of the pressure.

Lin Lang went straight back to her parents' house. As expected, her father nodded happily after seeing him come back, "Your mother's birthday will be in a while, do you want to bring someone back?"

Lin Lang thought of Zhou Xue, then nodded, "Okay!"

Mom followed with a smile, "Zhou Xue is a good girl, you must not let her down!"

It's because Zhou Xue is a good girl, and a scum like me is not good enough for her, so I have to break up with Zhou Xue.

"Mom, you know my temperament, I will treat Zhou Xue well, but outside things... you can't control it!" Lin Lang smiled.

My mother didn't feel angry when she heard this, but said as a matter of course: "Don't make too much noise!"

Well, it seems that this scumbag also has his parents' credit for developing his appearance.

After eating, Lin Lang began to implement her plan for the next stage.

"Dad, I thought about it. I'm not young anymore. I'm going to get married soon. Although the company outside of me is doing well, it's hard to become a big player. So I want to close the company outside and go home. What do you think about inheriting the family property?" Lin Lang suggested.

As soon as Dad heard this, he immediately became interested, "Didn't you say that you don't want to inherit my family business? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Of course it was to solve Jin Cancan, but Lin Lang didn't say it out loud, showing a look of admiration, "That was when I was young and immature, but now that I have grown up, birds have to return to their nests, and fallen leaves have to return to their roots. Working hard outside, it is better to come back and carry forward the family business!"

"Okay, okay, my son is ambitious, just come back, and the family property will be reserved for you!" Dad nodded quickly.

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. After having this beginning, Lin Lang went to find a few of her friends on the second day. Although he could not start a company anymore, his company had a good development prospect. You can put a part of your shares Gave it to a friend, and gave up the position to that friend.

And Linlang explained what they said to the outside world, saying that he was in urgent need of money, so he sold all the shares in the company. Although his friend didn't understand why Linlang did this, but thinking that Linlang was his good brother, he readily agreed.

Lin Lang parked her luxury car at home again, and she usually rides electric cars and bicycles when she travels.

When Jin Cancan asked Linlang out again, she found Linlang was riding a bicycle and couldn't help frowning, "Where's your car?"

Linlang laughed a few times, "Oh, the car is being repaired, Zaizai said, I think riding a bicycle is very good, it can not only exercise the body but also protect the environment!"

Jin Cancan doesn't think so. He asked you to come here today because he wanted Lin Lang to drive him so that his colleagues could see how rich his boyfriend is. The last checkout must be due to a problem with the card, not The boyfriend has no money, so he can save face for himself.

"This..." Jin Cancan shook his head, "It's too dangerous to sit on a bicycle. Besides, the sun outside is so strong. If I sit on a bicycle, what if I get sunburned? You go and get your skin damaged. Bring your car over here, I want to sit in the car!"

Linlang pretended to be terrified, and said cautiously: "Chancan, I really need to lend my car to my friend. Let's take a bicycle today. If you don't want to take a bicycle, I will call you." How's the car?"

Jin Cancan was naturally unwilling, "You said just now that you sent your car to be trimmed, and now you said you lent it to a friend, which one is true and which one is false?
Lin Lang, tell me, are you hiding something from me? "

"Honey, I like you so much, you are my darling, how can I hide something from you, don't think too much, I really have something to do today, since you don't want to take a bicycle, then I will call you a bike Come here!" Lin Lang smiled wearily.

Although Jin Cancan was a little angry, but seeing that he was going to be late for work, he reluctantly nodded, but what happened next made him even more headache.

Lin Lang called a taxi for herself, then turned around in her trouser pocket for a long time, finally took out dozens of dollars and handed it to the taxi, and said presumptuously: "This money is enough to reach the destination. You can send my girlfriend to me!"

Jin Cancan looked at the pile of loose money, her veins were about to come out, her eyes were burning, and she looked at Lin Lang angrily, "What's going on?"

Lin Lang smirked a few times, "Isn't it because I came out in a hurry, I didn't bring my wallet!"

Jin Cancan panting heavily, who are you lying to?If you didn't bring your wallet, what happened to the change in your trouser pocket?Don't think that I didn't see that you were not looking for your wallet at all, but for the change in your trouser pocket. This proves that you have long known that you have no wallet and only change.

"Lin Lang, I'm really angry!" Sitting in the car, Jin Cancan said solemnly: "You annoy me very much. When I paid the bill yesterday, you made me lose face in front of my friends, and just now... You don't have a word of truth, I suspect that you don't love me at all..."

Lin Lang quickly showed a anxious look, "Honey, I really love you, don't break up with me, by the way, don't you want the latest brand-name bag the most? I'll buy it for you, please Don't break up with me, okay?"

Hearing that her boyfriend wanted to buy her a brand-name bag, Jin Cancan looked a little better, "Okay, that's all, I'm going to the company first, let's contact another day!"

After the people left, Lin Lang still pretended to be reluctant to leave. After she couldn't see the car at all, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed her chin, and had another idea in her mind.

That night, Jin Cancan went to the bar she often went to. It was in this bar that she met Lin Lang. Afterwards, she developed rapidly. In just one month, the two were together.

Jin Cancan is a frequent visitor to the bar. He actually comes here not only for entertainment, but more importantly, to find someone to take advantage of. The bars here are of a very high standard, and the people who come here to spend money are either rich or expensive.

Jin Cancan drank two glasses of wine, rejected the two men's strike-up, and then went to the bathroom sullenly. To be honest, he is quite satisfied with Lin Lang's boyfriend. First of all, he is handsome, yes, he is handsome compared to those fat There are too many good old men with big ears. What's more important is that the rich are generous to themselves. The two fairest points are golden, and they are completely devoted to him. They can't wait to marry him immediately.

But in the past two days, it seems that she has found that Lin Lang's financial situation is not good. If this man is poor, what should she do?Want to break up with him?And she was just guessing about Lin Lang's financial situation. If Lin Lang was really rich, wouldn't it mean that she let go of a wealthy son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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