Chapter 1542

Just as Jin Cancan was thinking, she suddenly heard a familiar voice, which made her stop...

"What are you pretending in front of me? What kind of virtue are you doing now? I know better than anyone else, if you don't want to do it, just leave me. I'm here to consume, not to get angry!"

"Sister Wang, give me another chance, I really didn't mean it!"

"Heh, Lin Lang, I thought you were a good-looking talent back then, but I didn't expect that after the failure of the investment, you would be worse than a dog, and now you are even more reduced to come to serve me. Maybe I will agree to be with you again, but now you are down and out, even a dog is not as good as my old lady, and I feel disgusted if I look at you more than once!"

"What Sister Wang said is that it's all my fault, which made Wang Jie sick. I beg Sister Wang to give me another chance and lend me some money!"

"I can give you money, but the money is not for free. You know what you are doing here!"

"Of course, Sister Wang, please give me another chance. My girlfriend recently ignored me and wanted to break up... So I want to earn some money to buy her a brand-name bag. I hope she can forgive me!"

"I didn't expect you to be very affectionate, but you are bankrupt, you don't have a penny in your hand, and you owe a lot of money outside, and now you have the cheek to ask me to borrow money for your girlfriend Do you think it's worth buying a bag?"

"My girlfriend is the best woman in the world, and she deserves the best. Even if I go bankrupt, the poor can only eat dirt, and the poor can only drink northwest wind, I will give her the best!"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a lover, but will your girlfriend be with you after she knows you broke up?"

"I believe in the relationship between the two of us. I believe that my girlfriend has a pure heart. She will not ignore me because I am broke. Even if she really left me, I will not blame her. , because I think she is such a good girl, she deserves a better man!"

"Hahaha, you are a lover, but... I will not see you as a lover, so I will pity you and lend you money. After all, my money is not from the wind, but from my hard work. Earn money, kneel on the ground if you want money, kowtow to me!"

"Then... Sister Wang, you must promise me that as long as I kowtow to you, please lend me some money..."

"Okay, let's talk about it, as long as you can make me happy, let alone money, I can give you anything!"


Jin Cancan stood beside her stiffly, but couldn't stand it anymore, and ran directly to the sound, only to see Linlang kneeling on the ground, like a dog, and sitting on the sofa was a fat ugly woman wearing gold and silver.

"You..." Seeing such a scene, Jin Cancan felt mixed emotions in his heart, and he didn't know what to feel.

Linlang stood up in a hurry, ran to Jin Cancan, and begged bitterly: "Honey, it's not what you think, don't watch it anymore, give me one more chance, I really love you, I promise to give you a better life, can you give me some more time?"

Jin Cancan just wanted to open his mouth to agree, but he thought about being with such a man with no money, would he really be happy?

Jin Cancan hesitated, then he gritted his teeth, and said to the man in front of him with a cruel face: "Do you think I'm a 7-year-old kid? I can be deceived by others at will? You're already bankrupt, and you owe a lot of money to others." A lot of money, if I marry you, I will suffer, don't drag me down if you are like this, let's get together and break up, let's break up!"

"No, I really like you. For you, I am willing to beg Sister Wang to give me another chance. Dear Sister Wang just promised me that since I knelt down and kowtowed to her, she will give me money... ...I... When I have money, I will buy you your favorite bag..." Linlang started to cry as she spoke, "I've already made plans, when I pay back all the money After finishing it, I will definitely work hard to make money, and when the time comes, I will buy a house and a car, and then give you a better life..."

"Stop talking big!" Jin Cancan held her head aside and said forcefully, "I know it won't work, but don't blame me either. Love without money is like a pot of loose sand that the wind hasn't blown away. It's gone in two steps, I don't want to live that kind of life without guarantee!
More importantly, I really don't want my man to beg beg for such a disgusting woman...I feel disgusting when I think about it, it's really not suitable for the two of us to break up! "

Sister Wang was not happy when she heard this, she shook her little fat hand, "What did that dead woman say? I think I'm disgusting, I'm disgusting, at least my money comes in a dignified way, but you, besides relying on men, are doing nothing. Relying on a man, have you ever relied on yourself? What you say sounds better than anyone else, but in fact, it’s just that you despise her for having no money, and she’s just a gold digger!"

Jin Cancan's face turned pale, "I don't understand what you're talking about, at least when I have money, I won't spoil other people's self-esteem!"

"It was your boyfriend who came to beg me on his own initiative, and I didn't force your boyfriend!" Sister Wang sneered, "I have never forced anyone, if you don't believe me, ask your boyfriend, if he is not Thinking of buying you a bag, how could you come to me and beg me? You woman, although a man has no money, he is devoted to you anyway. What happened to you spending the rest of your life with her? It’s nothing more than being poor, but at least you can Harvest a true love!"

"But the love I want is not like this!" Jin Cancan looked at Lin Lang who was ashamed, "You know me, I have my own wishes, I have my own ideals, breaking up now is better than hurting each other together in the future Okay, so don't feel bad, and besides, after the two of us break up, you won't beg such a woman for money, so it's a good thing for you!"

Lin Lang covered her face and cried bitterly, "You are a good woman, I am not good enough to be worthy of you, you go, I will not implicate you, I just hope that after you leave me, you can find someone Love your man more!"

Jin Cancan nodded, and quickly left here like a plague god. When he left the gate of the bar, he was deeply moved. Fortunately, he realized the true face of that man. If he really married him, wouldn't he be Unlucky forever?Good thing we broke up, good thing we broke up...

Just when Jin Cancan was feeling lucky, Linlang stood up from the ground, patted the ashes on her body, and nodded to Sister Wang, "Thank you for what happened today!"

Sister Wang smiled heartily, "It's okay, these are trivial things, but brother, I heard that you sold all the stocks in your hand. Could it be that you are really bankrupt?"

Lin Lang chuckled, "Sister Wang, this is personal privacy!"

Sister Wang didn't continue to ask, he is the owner of this bar, even if Lin Lang really has no money, but he is rich, so Sister Wang's attitude towards Lin Lang remains the same as before.

"But this kind of thing can only be done once. If you provoke some girl next time, the same method may not work. If you meet someone who is devoted to you, is it possible that you really want to marry her?" Sister said jokingly.

Lin Lang nodded firmly, "Of course, actually, Sister Wang, you also know that I have been excellent since I was a child, and my family is also very rich. Girls who like me can go abroad from here, but what they like Not real, I either like my face wish like my money, none of them are really coming for me at all!
If there is a girl who really likes me, doesn't mind that I'm broke, doesn't mind that I'm poor, and is willing to follow me wholeheartedly, then I will treat her well in my life! "

Sister Wang sighed when she heard this, "It seems that this guy is handsome and rich, and also has his own troubles!"

Lin Lang smiled, and after talking with Sister Wang for a while, she picked up the clothes she put aside and was about to leave when she suddenly ran into an acquaintance, which gave him a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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