Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1543 The Scumbag 1

Chapter 1543 Scumbag Eleven
Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him, he hesitated to speak, and finally could only turn into a deep sigh.

Liang Jingxiu looked at Lin Lang, who seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and couldn't help showing a wry smile, "We..."

Lin Lang shook her head at him, "You are you, I am me!"

"But..." Liang Jingxiu's eyes were full of sadness, "I still love you!"

Lin Lang couldn't help showing a sneer, as if hearing a big joke, "If you love me, you won't separate from me because of my bad habits. Love is tolerant, and you should be tolerant when you love someone." Everything about him, what you love is not me, maybe what you love is my skin or something else... Liang Jingxiu, the love between us is mixed with many things, your love is not pure enough, I also have mine Don't worry, it's better to separate and forget each other now!"

"Is this your real idea?" Liang Jingxiu asked cautiously.

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, I really like the girl I'm on a blind date with. If there is no accident, I should marry her after a while. I hope to get your blessing!"

"Then... I wish you happiness..." Liang Jingxiu said with a bitter face.

"Also..." Lin Lang sighed, "For your own good and mine, I hope you don't tell others about our relationship!"

"Do you really want to erase everything between us?" Liang Jingxiu's eyes welled up with tears, "If that's the case, then as you wish, from now on, you and I are just strangers!"

Lin Lang nodded, turned around and left here mercilessly.

After solving these people, Lin Lang put all her focus on Zhou Xue. For such a good woman, Lin Lang really didn't want her to marry such a bad man as the original owner.

"You have a lot of time recently..." Zhou Xue lowered her head and said cautiously.

Lin Lang smiled softly, "That's because I'm with you!"

Zhou Xue lowered her head shyly, "I like it very much!"

Lin Lang also smiled, started casually, and suddenly found a few girls not far away looking at him.

"Huh?" Zhou Xue also stopped and followed Lin Lang's gaze, "Are they your friends?"

Lin Lang thought about it for a while and thought it would be better to tell the truth, "I had an ex-girlfriend among them, but they broke up because of disagreements!"

Zhou Xue looked at those girls and found that they were all good-looking, but their clothes were relatively simple. She quickly understood the family background of those girls and smiled lightly. It was not at all because one of those girls was Lin Lang. Feeling jealous because of your ex-girlfriend, "Oh, shall we go up and say hello?"

Lin Lang also finally understood why the original owner was willing to break up with those people and wanted to be with Zhou Xue. Not only was Zhou Xue and herself in the same family, but more importantly, Zhou Xue had gathered the advantages of all women from all over the world. A good wife and mother in every man's heart.

Lin Lang grabbed Zhou Xue's hand and shook her head at him, "We didn't have a good time breaking up, so you better not go there, what if they get angry and hurt you?
Let me go over and say hello, don't worry, I won't get involved with them too much, just go over and say a few words with them to let them know that I'm doing well and have a girlfriend I like very much! "

Zhou Xue nodded generously, "Okay!"

Lin Lang let go of her hand and walked in front of those girls, and nodded to Wang Yueyue, "It seems that you have a good life after breaking up with me!"

Wang Yueyue glanced at Lin Lang, then at Zhou Xue not far away, her face was pale, "Is that your new girlfriend?"

Lin Lang nodded, "It was introduced by an elder at home, it suits me very well!"

Wang Yueyue showed a pale smile, "Congratulations, I saw that girl, she is beautiful and has a good temperament, I hope you can be really happy!"

Lin Lang smiled at Wang Yueyue, "You are a good girl, but you are not suitable for me. I hope you can have a better life!"

The roommate stood aside and heard such words, and said sarcastically: "It's not that our family Yueyue is not suitable for you, but that you are not worthy of our family Yueyue!"

Lin Lang couldn't deny it, but just smiled flatly, "Okay, I won't bother you anymore!"

Seeing that Linlang was going to leave, Wang Yueyue hesitated. After all, she really liked Linlang. She lost herself because of Linlang, but she was unwilling to give up everything she had now for Linlang!
"Yueyue, don't think too much, it might be the best choice for you to break up with him!" the roommate said comfortingly.

One of the roommates followed suit and nodded, "Yeah, look at how long it's been since you broke up. You haven't come out yet, but he found a girlfriend again. It's obviously a big carrot. It's good to break up, so as to save future troubles." If the roots are deep and then break up, it will be so sad!"

Lin Lang returned to Zhou Xue's side, held her hand, and walked forward step by step. When she found Zhou Xue was unusually quiet, Lin Lang couldn't help but asked, "Don't you want to ask?"

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force it!" Zhou Xue smiled gently.

Lin Lang patted Zhou Xue's hand, and explained as she walked: "I really like that girl, because she is obedient and looks the type I like, but then I got bored again, maybe I am very I like him, but the spiritual level of the two of us is not in the same position at all!

There are many things he doesn't understand at all, and I don't understand many things he did... So in order to break up, I used some means, although some immoral, but for me and her, it is the best way ! "

Zhou Xue didn't show any jealousy when she heard this, and said comfortingly: "Many people in this world are like this. They obviously have a destiny, but they just walk away without a part..."

Lin Lang likes this girl very much, but he understands that he is about to leave here, and when he leaves the original owner, he will take over his body, so what will this girl do then?Do you want to face your husband's cheating again?
"I..." Lin Lang lowered her head and said hesitantly, "Zhou Xue, I hope you can consider the relationship between the two of us?"

"What?" Zhou Xue stopped in her tracks and asked in disbelief, "What were you talking about just now? Do you want to break up with me?"

Lin Lang didn't admit it or deny it, and said in a matter-of-fact way: "You look at me as a good-looking talent, but in fact I'm one of gold and jade, and I'm not what you think. I hope that on the premise of getting married, you We can think about our future!"

Zhou Xue was silent, "I... I don't quite understand that at our age, we are all going to get married. Instead of marrying someone else, it's better to choose someone I like. I like you very much. What exactly do I like about you? I can't say it, but after thinking about it, I should be prettier than those other boys... I'm also an extremely vulgar person..."

Lin Lang burst out laughing when she heard this, "Although I'm good-looking, I'm really not a good man. After I get married, I might mess around with women outside, and even domestic violence..."

Zhou Xue also laughed when she heard this, "Well...how can I say this, in fact...that's the case...without exception!"

Now it was Lin Lang's turn to not understand, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Xue patiently explained, "Look at the friends around us, which one of them didn't get married at the right age, and the people who got married were all of similar family background. In layman's terms, it's basically marriage. !
Obviously everyone doesn't like each other, but they are together because of some irresistible factors, which has caused their face affection, you play your way, I play mine like this!
When I was very young, I knew what my future marriage would be like, and I had prepared for the worst. Regarding what you just said, I actually thought about it, but I am not afraid. Instead of marrying Some men who are ugly, old, and... have no ability will not marry you. At least you are good-looking and start your own company. Even if at least you really have something outside, then I will not be afraid. Because you dare to be the first day of junior high school, I will dare to be the fifteenth day! "

(End of this chapter)

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