Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1544 The Scumbag 2

Chapter 1544 Scumbag Twelve
Lin Lang opened her mouth in surprise when she heard this, "I...I've never heard of these..."

Lin Zhouxue turned around, with a different look on her face, "That's because you never knew me, that's how I am, I walk by myself and watch 10 steps, every time I make a decision, I will miss him Bad consequences, so I am very restrained and have my own plans!"

Lin Lang smiled slowly, "At first, I thought that a bad man like me was not worthy of a good woman like you, but now that I heard what you said, I suddenly understood that a wicked man must have a wicked man." , a mountain is higher than a mountain!"

"Huh?" Zhou Xue tilted her head, "What kind of adjective is this? I don't quite understand..."

Lin Lang grabbed Zhou Xue's hand, "Forget it if you don't understand, it's getting late, let's go back earlier!"

Zhou Xue didn't continue to question, and the two of them got back together peacefully. On the day of Lin Lang's parents' birthday, Zhou Xue came early and greeted the guests as a hostess.

Lin Lang also stood beside him to greet the guests, the purpose was to support Zhou Xue, but she didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

"What's the matter? Have you been stunned for a long time?" Zhou Xue asked softly.

"Oh, I just didn't expect Chairman Wang's girlfriend to be so young!" Lin Lang smiled, "I'm a little surprised!"

"You surprised me a little. Chairman Wang often changes girlfriends. It's not like you don't know that rich people have this virtue!" Zhou Xue said disapprovingly: "As for Chairman Wang, it's even more important to change girlfriends." Girlfriends are taken for granted, and the longest girlfriend I have been with is no more than two years!"

Lin Lang patted Zhou Xue's hand when she heard this, "It's really hard for you today, by the way, I just saw some of my friends, I'll go get together with them!"

A light flashed in Zhou Xue's eyes, but it disappeared quickly. Under the light, she looked more gentle and generous, and gently warned: "Okay, by the way, you didn't have dinner today, don't drink too much wine !"

Lin Lang nodded to show that she had made a note of it, and went to a remote place. Sure enough, not long after, a gorgeous woman in a champagne dress came over, with a hint of reluctance in her tone, "You never told me I, you are the son of the chairman of the Lin Group!"

Linlang looked at Jin Cancan and asked, "Is this important? Do you love me or the son of the chairman of the Lin Group?"

"I..." Jin Cancan lowered his head and said unwillingly: "Your father is so capable and has such a big company. If you want to start over, you don't have to work so hard or ask others, but why are you Going to beg Sister Wang, and say some bankruptcy words? Do you want to break up with me?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Linlang's eyes, "It's true that my company went bankrupt, and it's true that I begged Sister Wang. The main reason for all this is that I don't want to ask my dad, because my dad said it's easy to help me, but he must ask me to come back. Inheriting the family business, and asking me to marry a well-matched wife, I thought of breaking up with you, so I refused, because I thought you would definitely be reluctant, and I thought you would not break up with me because I was poor, but I guessed wrong Oh, woman, it's really scary in reality!"

Jin Cancan paled, "I... I really didn't mean to..."

"Is it useful to say so much? Now you already have a boyfriend, and I already have a girlfriend, don't mention the past!" Lin Lang waved her hand and said indifferently.

But Jin Cancan is not reconciled. She knows that her ex-boyfriend is so rich, so her heart that is about to move will also itch, and she will think of her current boyfriend. Although he is rich, he is fat and big. Lin Lang, in his prime, handsome and unrestrained.

"I..." Jin Cancan gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, during the time we broke up with you, I have been thinking about you and the days we used to be. If you are willing to look back, I am also willing to break up with our boyfriends." , I know that we have missed a lot, and I also know that I have done a lot of things wrong, and I am willing to spend the rest of my life to make up for it!"

"Don't you think it's too late for you to say these words?" Linlang shook her head, "Jin Cancan, if you said you loved me before, I would have returned to you without hesitation, but it's already too late, you With your boyfriend, I already have a girlfriend, I can't break up with her because of you, I will hurt an innocent woman, I may not like her enough, but... I know she is the best for me woman!"

"You... have you forgotten the relationship between us?" Jin Cancan couldn't help asking.

"Of course I still remember, but if I am with you, I will give up all my current family property and become a poor bachelor with nothing. Will you be with me? Don't think about anything, after giving birth to a child After that, I will be liked by my parents. Don’t think about it. My parents are all experienced people, and they are all smarter than monkeys. I will accept you..." Lin Lang shook her head, "I dare say that as long as I break up with my girlfriend and come back to you, my parents will immediately cut off my finances, and maybe I will go to the UK to have a baby. some type of……"

Jin Cancan lowered her head, feeling a little guilty, "I... I was just joking, don't take it to heart, and don't tell others that we met, let alone that we two have dated..."

Looking at this girl, Lin Lang couldn't help but shook her head, "You are in the prime of your life, you are beautiful, and you graduated from a prestigious university, why do you have to rely on men?"

Hearing this, Jin Cancan burst into tears, "It's easy for you to say, you don't even know how poor girls like us survived. My own world, but whenever I achieve any success, others say that I achieved it through my face and body. Do you know that feeling?
Later, I really didn’t want to hear other people say that anymore. Instead of relying on my own efforts to endure it, I might as well take a shortcut. Although this is wrong, I didn’t do anything harmful. Take a look at your own advantages and find a shortcut for yourself!

You see, when I was with you, you didn’t have a girlfriend, and you weren’t married, so I didn’t count it as a slasher, and I didn’t want to be someone else’s child~ Three, so I also inquired about being with Mr. Wang Well, Mr. Wang doesn't have a wife, and I don't count as destroying other people's families...

I know I'm doing something wrong, but I also have my own bottom line! "

For this girl, Lin Lang didn't know what to say, so she could only remind her kindly, "It's your business that you and Mr. Wang are together, but I also want to remind you that Mr. Wang is not a good destination. The longest time for each girl to date is no more than two years, and the fastest is only one week!"

Jin Cancan's face changed, "You don't have to worry about it, I only have my own plan, just take care of yourself!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and the two parted ways. Lin Lang continued to receive guests, and Jin Cancan continued to accompany Mr. Wang to socialize!
After this incident, Linlang's family and Zhou's family sat down to discuss their marriage. After choosing a good day, the two held a party first, expressing their engagement, and then they were busy with various wedding matters. up.

When the two were about to get married, the original owner appeared and nodded to Lin Lang, "You did a good job!"

Lin Lang's soul slowly floated out of her body, and said to the original owner: "Zhou Xue is a good girl, I hope you can cherish her well, and don't let her down!"

The original owner said disapprovingly, "Of course Zhou Xue is a good girl, otherwise I would not be able to break up with other people because of her, let alone marry her, so you don't need to remind me, where should you go back!"

Lin Lang smiled, and then slowly the smile was in the air.

Back in his body, Lin Lang only felt refreshed. Although Zhou Xue broke up with those people, it didn't mean that he and Zhou Xue couldn't be careless after getting married. Thinking of this, he touched his chin , with a smug smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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