Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1545 The Scumbag 3

Chapter 1545 Scumbag Thirteen
After finally getting through the wedding and the honeymoon period, Lin Lang’s mind became active again, and he began to participate in gatherings of various friends. As for the child, he got a girlfriend again, who was innocent, cute and exquisite, although It will make some petty temper, but it doesn't matter, I like to watch it, so I can tolerate it.

Just when Lin Lang was indulging in the happiness of his new girlfriend, he was suddenly beaten by others and limped. Before he found someone, the new girlfriend knew that he was married. He slapped himself a few big-eared melon seeds and kicked him hard.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Xue asked blankly when she saw Lin Lang's appearance.

Lin Lang was ashamed to say that these injuries were caused by attracting bees and butterflies, and he was also ashamed to say that he was under the sway of others, he said hesitantly: "I didn't look at the road when I was walking, and I accidentally fell into the pit, yes How did you know I was in the hospital?"

"I don't know anything about you..." Zhou Xuan smiled slowly, "Do you know that it's actually very easy to kill a person, especially a rich person like us, who can be settled with just a little money?" Yes, as for men, it's even easier..."

"Hahahaha..." Lin Lang smirked, "I don't understand what you're talking about, honey, I'm a little hungry, go get me something to eat..."

Zhou Xue rubbed her stomach, "My dear, I forgot to tell you that I am pregnant, and it has been more than two months. My mother was very happy when she found out that I was pregnant, and said that the Lin family finally has a successor!"

Lin Lang also became happy when he heard this, "Is this true?"

Zhou Xue nodded, "Of course it's true, this is your biological son, your first in line heir, and your parents' only grandson!"

Lin Lang is not a fool, he soon heard the meaning of Zhou Xue's words, and asked indifferently: "What do you know?"

"It seems that you are not stupid..." Zhou Xue found a corner and sat down, "Actually, I am not a fool. I thought you were really good at first, but women have a strong sixth sense, so I just I found a private detective, guess what I found, I found out that you actually found two girlfriends behind my back, and you also had a boyfriend... Later you broke up with them, I thought you changed your mind, so I was going to Let go of the past and live a good life with you. Unexpectedly, this is the honeymoon, and you are old again!

Lin Lang, I am not a woman you can casually dismiss outside, and this is not a feudal society. If you want three wives and four concubines, I advise you to save yourself!
I am pregnant now, and your parents like me very much. I don't mind that I will become a widow in the future, and I don't suggest that my future children will not have a father! "

Lin Lang looked at the woman in front of him as if seeing a ghost, "You...why are you like this?"

Zhou Xue smiled lightly, "If you don't pretend, how can you sell yourself? My dear, you can lie on the bed and rest during this period of health preservation, and leave everything to me about your diet!
By the way, dear, I almost forgot to tell you something, I once won the first place in the National Women's Fighting Championship, and I studied Western medicine, so it's easy to match something... I don't know Have you ever heard of a story about a woman studying medicine, after learning that her boyfriend was cheating, she took out a knife and chopped her boyfriend 1 times, and the knife avoided the vital point...

You know what's more amazing?That woman was not sentenced to death, but was sentenced to three years..."

Lin Lang looked at Zhou Xue as if seeing a devil, "You...I...I don't know anything..."

Zhou Xue rubbed her stomach, "You better not know anything, my eyes are too small for sand, your lame leg is a warning to you, otherwise next time...it won't be so simple... "

In the days that followed, Lin Lang was indeed a lot more honest, and he didn't dare to make friends with other women blatantly, but it didn't mean that this matter was gone. He turned everything underground, but gradually he I felt something was wrong. I used to be able to go up to the 8th floor in one breath, but now I was panting when I went up to the 2nd floor. My hair started to fall out a lot, and my body was not as good as before.

Lin Lang thought it was a normal phenomenon. After all, every man would slowly decline after going through the heyday, but the decline was too fast, and the top of his head gradually became bald. spot.

Lin Lang also realized that something was wrong with his body. When he went to see the doctor, the doctor simply said that he had an endocrine disorder and prescribed a few medicines for himself. He didn't believe it, so he went to other places to rub it. The doctor also said this, and he gradually gave up, thinking that he was really like this.

When he was 40 years old, he was already as old as a 60-year-old man, and his mind was much more peaceful. Usually, you either go out for a trip or go fishing, which is very honest.

However, Lin Lang still did not live past the age of 70. Before he left, Zhou Xue sat on the head of his bed and said slowly: "In fact, you can live longer, but who made you ignorant? I told you very clearly at the beginning, don't go outside to play with some messy people, but you insisted on not listening to me, and the result... I casually gave you a few hormone pills, and you became this look, alas~"

Lin Lang's eyes widened when he heard this, and he never thought that the reason for his physical decline was because the woman opened her mouth wide and just wanted to speak, but she didn't catch her breath, so she followed.

Zhou Xue looked out the window, squinted her eyes and said slowly: "Actually, I have liked you, especially knowing that you are willing to break up with those people and return to me. I really like you, but... Why does one person change so much..."

Lin Lang didn't know the development of the previous world. When he opened his eyes again, he found that since he could spit bubbles, when he realized it, he saw all kinds of small fish swimming around him, and the beautiful coral The clumps are fluorescent, the seaweeds are waving around, and the sun above the head refracts into the sea, emitting colorful rays of light.

Lin Lang was a little confused, and hurriedly touched her face. Fortunately, it was still a human face. Then she looked at her hands. Fortunately, they were normal hands. Then she looked at her feet... No, not feet, they should be It is said that the tail itself has no feet, only a beautiful tail with colorful scales, colorful and dazzling.

Lin Lang looked at her own tail in silence for a long time, then glanced at her seaweed-like hair, blinked her eyes, and then realized that she had transmigrated into a non-human being.

"Princess, the king told you to come over!"

While Lin Lang was thinking, suddenly a man like a shrimp came over and chirped.

Lin Lang nodded confusedly in such a voice, "I see, I'll be there later!"

Xia Bing nodded, and left quickly again, Linlang was floating in the water, looking blankly at everything around him, at this moment, the waves rolled over, and a shadow covered Linlang, Linlang raised his head slowly, holding back again. I couldn't help opening my mouth, oh my god, this fish is too big, it's about tens of meters high, half the size of a football field...

Lin Lang swam back in fright, but before he could react, he had already appeared tens of meters away. He didn't expect his tail to be so useful, so he laughed happily, and finally spat out a small amount of water from his mouth. bubbles.

Lin Lang gritted her teeth looking at the huge monster above her head, quickly found a remote place, hid in it, closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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