Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1547 Mermaid Princess 2

Chapter 1547 Mermaid Princess II

The king looked at Lin Lang warningly, "This is the rule left by the previous king. We have to abide by it. If we violate the rule, we will offend the gods and may suffer disaster!"

"But Seventh Sister will be fine once she runs ashore, so the so-called catastrophe is nothing worth mentioning!" Lin Lang said indifferently, "Father, how long has it been since you went to land? Do you know what is happening now?" What is human development like? They are the same as us, but they live on land and we live in the sea. If one day they become extremely powerful, what should we do?"

The king said nonchalantly: "It's just a small human being, how can it compare to us? We must know that the area of ​​our sea is twice the size of the land, and we can come and go freely on the bottom of the sea, which is much better than those humans on land." Too much, I heard that they still have to rely on two feet to walk now!"

"Father..." Lin Lang was about to say something, but the king waved his hand, with a look of impatience on his face, "Okay, I don't want to hear you continue, the task I entrusted to you is very simple, you can Use any means, but you must bring your sister back!"

Lin Lang's eyes flickered when she heard this, "My sister is on land. If I want to find my sister, I have to go to land, but I'm afraid I can't do it alone, so I need some help..."

"Whatever!" said the king nonchalantly.

Seeing the king like this, Lin Lang couldn't help sighing. Can such a fatuous king really lead his people to glory?

Lin Lang left the palace in a daze, and immediately rode his mount to the sea, but he was not looking for his sister, but the boats on the sea.

Lin Lang damaged their boats one by one, but saved one after another, and said to them, "I am the mermaid princess under the sea, I just destroyed your boat, just a warning!"

Those people were terrified, never thought that the legendary mermaid princess would appear in front of their eyes, "Dear princess, please tell me why you want to damage our ship?"

"That's because the people on the land abducted my dearest sister!" Lin Lang looked at them and said word by word: "Go back and tell the people on the land that as long as my sister can be brought back, I can give him money." The silver treasure can also protect him to sail on the sea and become the overlord of the sea!"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. They were naturally interested in guaranteeing something, but they were more interested in becoming the overlord of the sea.

Sure enough, the story of the mermaid princess being abducted by humans quickly spread throughout the continent. All countries began to investigate the foreign girl, and then splashed sea water on the girl. If there is no change, the girl is an ordinary person. If the girl If a fish tail grows out, that girl is the mermaid princess.

When the seventh princess learned about this, she was so anxious that she asked her lover for help, "My father must have sent someone to look for me, but I can't go back. If I was caught by those people, then I would die." Being locked in the endless hell, accepting punishment forever!
Honey, I really don't want to leave you, I want to be with you forever, you and me hide in a place where there is no one, so that others can't catch me! "

When the man heard this, his eyes flickered, and he quickly agreed to the Seventh Princess, but she was just a woman, nothing compared to gold and silver treasures, power and status are important.

So when the seventh princess woke up, she found herself trapped in a fish tank, and there were a few luxuriously dressed men standing outside. They looked at him as if they were looking at some novelty, which made the seventh princess sick!

"You can't hurt me!" Seventh Princess warned, "Otherwise, my father won't let you go!"

A duke came out and respectfully said to Princess 7: "You must be the mermaid princess under the sea. Hello, I'm very glad to meet you. Don't worry, we won't hurt you. It's mainly yours to catch you." My sister once promised that as long as we bring you back, she will let us go smoothly on the sea, so I hope you can understand!"

When the Seventh Princess heard this, she said angrily: "It must be my eldest sister. She has been jealous of me since she was a child. Now that she sees me sneaking up on land, she must hate me to death. She can't wait to put me to death..."

Several people looked at each other and no one said a word. The Seventh Princess couldn't bear her temper and asked, "I want to ask who brought me here?"

The duke smiled, "Dear princess, you are so clever at judging people's hearts. We just offered a reward of a few gold coins and promised a lot of conditions, and someone jumped out impatiently and took you out without hesitation. Dedicated to me, and without regard for the child in your womb!"

Hearing this, the seventh princess soon understood who that person was, and said sadly: "How could he do this? In order to save him, I spent all my divine power and betrayed myself for him." My father, but he betrayed me for a few gold coins, for some vain things..."

Several people smiled again, and said mockingly: "Dear princess, you are so innocent, you can be fooled casually into believing other people's words...Of course, maybe it's because You have no experience, you will never know what a poor person will do for money and rights, I hope today’s incident can teach my dear princess a lesson..."

The Seventh Princess was carried onto the boat just like that, but although the Seventh Princess was a little in love, it didn't mean he was a fool, the night was dark and the wind was high, he sang softly while everyone was asleep.

Everyone was moved by the beautiful singing, and one of the crew members uncontrollably opened the fish box and let the seventh princess go.

At this time, the ship had left the port and was drifting in the sea. After the Seventh Princess escaped, she could only enter the sea first, hoping to find a suitable opportunity, and then run to the shore to ask the man why she did this. to myself?
But as soon as she went into the sea, she was surrounded by a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Seventh Princess looked at those shrimp and crabs with horror on her face, "Do you know who I am? Hurry up and get out of the way!"

"Princess Seven, it's because we know who you are that we surrounded you!" Xia Bing still had a trace of disgust on his face, "As a princess, it's really shameful not to abide by the laws of the country!"

Seventh Princess blushed, "Why do you say that about me? Hurry up and get out of the way, I can forget about what happened today!"

Xiao Xia shook his head, "It's too late, because the eldest princess is here!"

While speaking, Lin Lang had already come in front of the Seventh Princess, and she couldn't help but sigh that this Seventh Princess is so beautiful, with long pink hair and pink fishtail, the whole person is like a delicate fairy, beautiful and moving.

Lin Lang took another look at Seventh Princess's slightly swollen belly, and smiled softly, "So you're pregnant, but...we've never been at odds with each other under the sea and on land, if father knows you're pregnant, will he force you? Kill the child?"

Seventh Princess turned pale, "Of course not, my father loves me so much, he will definitely not force me to kill the child, you must be talking nonsense here, please show me quickly, I want to leave here!"

Lin Lang smiled and shook her head, "Sister Seven, it seems that you still don't understand the seriousness of the matter, because you have violated the law, your father is very angry now, and the people of the whole country are also very disappointed in you!"

A trace of fear flashed across Princess Seven's face, "I don't believe what you said, my father loves me so much, he won't bear to see me being punished!"

"Father may love you, but can he compete with the entire nation?" Linlang asked back, and then said lightly: "Seventh sister, don't take chances here, just follow me honestly, Maybe you can suffer less!"

The Seventh Princess knew she was afraid at this time, and she pretended to be weak and said: "Sister, I really know that I was wrong, because of the love we had when we were young, please let me go, please..."

(End of this chapter)

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