Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1548 Mermaid Princess 3

Chapter 1548 Mermaid Princess III

Lin Lang sneered when she heard this, "It's okay if you don't say this, I remembered it as soon as I mentioned it, if I remember correctly, when you were young, you often said bad things about me in front of your father, And you often wronged me... At that time, I thought that you were not as fussy as you were when you were young, but now that you think about your scheming at that time, it was really deep, even my own sister was cheated. Two feet, I am really sorry for my conscience!"

The seventh princess turned pale. When she was young, he really didn't like it. The eldest sister did say something bad about her. The main reason was jealousy. Why was the eldest sister able to get her father's throne when she was born a few years earlier than herself, while I didn't want anything? She couldn't get it, but she could only get the title of a princess, so she was not reconciled, and often played tricks in front of her father. She thought that the eldest sister didn't know, but she didn't expect her to remember it in her heart.

Thinking of this, the Seventh Princess really panicked, and quickly said: "Sister, I really know that I was wrong. I used to be ignorant, so I took many wrong paths. Now I really know that I have sincerely repented. You For the sake of the child in my stomach, let me go, I promise not to go back, and never compete with you for father's favor..."

Lin Lang shook her head, "I've already resigned, even if you go back, you won't be able to compete with me for my father's favor, because you are now...everyone is beating you... If your father doesn't punish you severely, you will probably be severely punished." Damage... But it is impossible for me to watch my own sister die, as your sister, I have an idea, I don't know if you dare to do it..."

The Seventh Princess hurriedly said as if she had grasped at a straw, "Sister, hurry up!"

Lin Lang said slowly: "Actually, the main reason why you were punished was the rules left by the previous king, but my father is also a king, so it shouldn't be a big deal for the king to abolish the king's rules, as long as you can persuade your father to abolish these rules." If you follow this rule, maybe you can avoid this penalty, and even more maybe you can go back to the shore to find your beloved little lover..."

Seventh Princess lowered her head, "Is this really possible?"

Lin Lang followed up and said: "Of course it is possible. You see that nothing happened to you when you landed, which means that the laws enacted by the previous king are useless at all. If we can go ashore, then there is no need to fall in love with human beings." It’s one thing, but it’s even more so when it comes to giving birth to a human child, don’t you think so, dear sister?”

Rather than deal with the king and prevent the king from abolishing this law, we just need to wait for mermaids like them to come ashore, learn the advanced knowledge of humans, and interact with humans more, so that humans will not do poisoning.

"Okay!" Seventh Princess nodded, "I'll go back and persuade my father!"

Lin Lang patted Seventh Princess on the shoulder, "I'll leave everything to my sister!"

The Seventh Princess quietly followed Lin Lang back home. As expected, as soon as she entered the palace, the king angrily threw a cup in front of the Seventh Princess.

"You still have the face to come back, do you know how much trouble you have caused!" The king said with some hatred, although he knew that his daughter was usually ignorant, but because he loved her daughter, so he Usually they turn a blind eye, perhaps because they love this daughter too much. This daughter dared to violate the laws of the entire seabed, ran to land, and even fell in love with a human being.

"Father!" The Seventh Princess hurriedly knelt down, tears fell drop by drop on the ground, forming pink pearls, "I know it's all my daughter's fault, but... my daughter, you are mainly too curious, and now my daughter I suffered a lot and became pregnant... I hope my father can see his hard work before and spare his daughter. This time, my daughter promises to be obedient in the future..."

When the king heard that his most beloved daughter had a baby, he stood up quickly, with a flash of joy on his face, "You are pregnant? Get up quickly, the ground is cold, don't scare my grandson!"

Seventh Princess stood up slowly, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth. When he raised his head, the smile on his face disappeared again, but with a hint of guilt, he continued: "Father, daughter knows This time a catastrophe happened, but... the woman really didn't understand why the previous king forbade us to go to land, obviously this time my daughter went to land without any punishment at all, and nothing terrible happened things..."

The king sighed, "Daughter, do you know why we can become the kings of the seabed?"

Seventh Princess nodded, "Naturally, we know this, because we have the magical method bestowed by God!"

It was because of magic that the man who should have died was resurrected...

The king continued: "This is what the gods bestowed on us, and the gods have given us an explanation. We are not allowed to go to the land. If we go to the land, we will lose our magic and become an ordinary mermaid!"

This is also the reason why so many people didn't notice his strangeness after Princess Seven went to land, because she couldn't use magic anymore, and because she couldn't use magic, she and that man suffered a lot.

"Father can live well on land without magic. You see, those humans don't have magic, but they do a lot of amazing things. They can build houses, and they can build carriages... By the way, they can still live on land. They sail the seas, they make fine clothes, they make fine china, they do all kinds of things, but none of these happen to be what we know...Father, magic is not everything, if we If we stay at the bottom of the sea, sooner or later we will be surpassed by humans!"

The Seventh Princess glanced at the pensive king, recalled what Lin Lang had said to herself, gritted her teeth and continued, "Besides this, I have to tell my father that my sister has already contacted humans in order to get me back. We already know the existence of us mermaids, if we don’t learn the advanced knowledge of human beings now, sooner or later we will be swallowed up by human beings, maybe... we will disappear from this bottom of the sea..."

The king was shocked when he heard this, "Those humans also know about us?"

The seventh princess nodded, "Yes, my sister also promised them that whoever can bring me back will reward them with countless gold and silver treasures, and let them become the overlord of the sea!
Father, do you know that the human world is developing very fast now, there are light bulbs that can illuminate without fire, and human voices can be recorded and then played with special tools!

They still have gunpowder, which can be made into various things, and they can also attack a country...Father, human beings are developing more and more rapidly. If we don't take action, sooner or later, we will be swallowed up by human beings! "

The king shook his head, "Dear daughter, do you know what we will become after we lose our magic? We will become ordinary people, we have to walk on two feet, and more importantly... we can no longer be superior, Can you live with such a gap?"

The Seventh Princess naturally couldn't bear it, but if he didn't change, he would never be able to fall in love and never see that man again, and the child in his belly might be executed by his father, even if the child really The child will not be executed by his father, but the child's father is a human being. What kind of person will be born from the combination of a human and a mermaid?It's okay if it's a mermaid, but if it's a human being, he can't stay on the bottom of the sea all his life...

For his own sake, and even more for the sake of the child's life, the seventh princess tried his best to persuade his father to go to land to see more and learn more. It would be best to let them go to land together.

"Father, are you stupid? We are mermaids. Although we will lose everything if we go to the land, as long as we return to the bottom of the sea, we are still gods high above! If we stay on the same land, we can go back to the sea. In the seabed, these are all convertible, not static!

And with everything under the sea, I believe we can call the wind and rain on land! "

(End of this chapter)

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