Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1549 Mermaid Princess 4

Chapter 1549 Mermaid Princess IV

Listening to what the youngest daughter said, the king was thoughtful, "Let me think about it again..."

Seeing her father's appearance, the youngest daughter knew that the matter had a 7% chance of winning, and said sadly: "Father, even if you don't think about me, you should think about the flesh and blood in my belly. Do you really miss him?" Will you leave me at birth?"

The king sighed, "You ask your eldest sister to come over, I have something to discuss with her!"

What are you discussing?It's not about discussing going to land. In order to get back the 7th princess, Lin Lang offered a lot of benefits to the people on the land. Now they have returned the person, no...not that it can only be said that they took the person back. They sent it to the sea, and they found the rest by themselves, but no matter what, the promise had already been made, and now that things were almost done, it was time for her to fulfill her promise.

"Father, this gold and silver treasure is easy to handle, but protecting those caravans to become the overlord of the sea... This is not something I can do..." Lin Lang said slowly.

The king didn't take this matter to heart at all, and said indifferently: "There can only be one overlord of the sea, and that is us, just give some money and send it away!"

"Father, my sister must have told you that those people already know of our existence. If we don't hurry up and find a way to become stronger, sooner or later we will be a knife for fish and meat!"

The king naturally knew about it, "What's your idea?"

Lin Lang showed a smug smile, and said slowly: "Father is now in the age of great voyages, and every country has built the most powerful ships, but there are unpredictable circumstances, and not all ships can go out safely. Come back safely!
If we want to survive on land, we can make deals with those humans, and we protect them to travel safely and they establish diplomatic relations with us!

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with living on land. There are many scenery on land that cannot be found in the sea, such as birds in the sky, animals running on land, and beautiful cloth...

Father's time has changed, we have to try to change it! "

The king nodded, "You're right, but once we land on land, we will lose the magic on our bodies!"

"It's just lost on land, but we can still use magic when we go back to the bottom of the sea!" Lin Lang said indifferently.

"That's what your sister said!" The king stood up, "It's time to make a change!"

Lin Lang was finally relieved when he heard this. He knew that if the seventh princess came to persuade him, the king would definitely be able to listen, but he didn't expect it to be so successful. Sure enough, the palm of the hand and the back of the hand are completely different from the fingernails.

As for the Seventh Princess, who violated the discipline of the seabed, she was not punished and stayed in her palace obediently. Except that she was not allowed to go out, other treatment was exactly the same as before.

"Seventh sister, thank you so much. If it weren't for your great help, I believe father would not have agreed to that matter!" Anyway, Lin Lang came over to thank the hero.

The Seventh Princess looked calm. If he hadn't come back, he would have been afraid of you, but after he came back, he wouldn't be afraid anymore, because his father was still on his side, so his tone was casual, "I helped my sister I'm so busy, my sister won't just want to say a few words and let it go, there are no such good things in the world..."

Lin Lang smiled at Seventh Princess, "Sister, do you know that the man who abandoned you has been found, do you want to see him?"

Seventh Princess hurriedly stood up and asked anxiously, "Where is that man?"

Linlang couldn't help curling her lips when she saw the appearance of the Seventh Princess. The Seventh Princess's brain circuit is really amazing. That man betrayed her and even abandoned her. I didn't expect the Seventh Princess to still miss that man. It's a fairy tale Have you watched too much?

"I'm currently locked up in a prison on land!" Lin Lang said with a hint of contempt in her voice, "Sister, don't you still think about him?"

Seventh Princess panted heavily, "How could I still miss that man, I hate him too late, I want to see him mainly because I want to take back the magic I cast on him!"

Oh, I almost forgot, that man was able to survive the waves at the beginning, because this good sister used magic to save that man!
"The younger sister needs to take good care of her body. It's best to get my father to quickly agree that the seabed people can go to land, so that you can meet that man earlier and take revenge on him earlier!" Lin Lang smiled, "The time is not right. It's too early, I still have a lot of things to do here, so I won't be with my sister anymore!"

Lin Lang didn't say that he had something to do just to leave, he really had something to do, the king's attitude had relaxed, and he had summoned many ministers to discuss whether to go ashore, but actually...the ministers didn't care, Because the terms and conditions of going ashore did not imprison them at all, it was their mermaid clan that imprisoned them.

If the animals on the bottom of the sea cannot go ashore, what about the small fish, shrimp, and shells on the beach?Moreover, the human world is so prosperous, those grown-ups would go there every 3 to 5, and would often bring back some exquisite things, so when they heard the king talk about this matter, they agreed without hesitation. .

Now that everyone agreed, and the king didn't hesitate, he started to discuss these matters with the people on land. They were responsible for giving the king a piece of land, allowing them to establish a kingdom of their own, and the king was in charge of trade on the sea, of course. , The most basic premise of being responsible for trade exchanges is that diplomatic relations must be established with their country. If diplomatic relations have not been established with his country, then the king will not be responsible for the safety of that country's sea fleet.

In order to allow their fleets at sea to flow smoothly at sea, many countries actively established diplomatic relations with the king, allowing them, the seabed clan, to quickly gain a foothold on land.

When the Seventh Princess learned that she could return to the land, she breathed a sigh of relief. She went to the prison immediately. When she saw the man, she asked angrily, "Why did you do this?"

The man raised his head slowly, showing a tired look, "You are the little princess under the sea, and you have been loved since childhood, but I am just a child from a poor family. As far as I can remember, I have never had dinner at home. When I grow up, I have to learn how to make money... I know that you treat me very well, and I also know that what I have done is sorry for you, but I am really afraid of being poor..."

Seventh Princess covered her mouth, tears fell down like worthless tears, "Then what am I to you?"

The man said affectionately: "You are the love of my life!"

The Seventh Princess was a little loose, but she really couldn't let go of the fact that this man had betrayed her, but she couldn't get along, and often killed this man, gritted her teeth, turned and left here.

When the man saw that Princess Qi was about to leave, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he continued: "Honey, I know you hate me, but please don't transfer your hatred to the child. The child is innocent. I hope to wait After the child is born, don't tell him I exist, because I don't want the child to know what a useless man I am, who abandoned his mother for the sake of glory and wealth, and betrayed his mother..."

Seventh Princess turned her head, her voice was hoarse, "You...stay here well..."

The man was really relieved when he heard the Seventh Princess say this. During this period of time, he was worried every day, fearing when he would die. Until he waited for the Seventh Princess, he knew that he would not die. Because he knows that the seventh princess still loves him, if the seventh princess doesn't love him, the child in the seven princess's stomach will be gone long ago.

After figuring out this joint, the man revealed an affectionate look. Sure enough, Princess Seven's body was loose, and he didn't mention whether he was going to die or not. But thinking that his head was kicked by a donkey back then, Princess Seven was the princess of the sea. Ah, as long as I curry favor with her back then, I will have all kinds of glory and wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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