Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1551 Twin Sisters Flower 1

Chapter 1551 Twin Sisters Hua Yi
Seeing that they were honest, Lin Lang didn't hit them hard. She gave everything that should be given, and didn't give anything that shouldn't be given. As for the rest, Lin Lang put all her energy into building the kingdom, and soon, The kingdom of mermaids has been recognized by human beings. In addition, their mermaids are naturally beautiful and have good voices. In the post-modern era, many people have become big singers.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she found that the room was drowsy, and she couldn't see the real situation inside. She saw a blue-gray curtain in front of the bed, and there was a picture of Eight Immortals not far away, with some thing.

Lin Lang touched her head, feeling faintly hot, she sat up slowly, and before she could react, the door was slowly opened, and a woman with a double bun and a blue skirt He walked over slowly, holding a big red lantern in his hand.

"Third Miss is awake, how do you feel?"

Lin Lang replied honestly: "My head hurts, and my throat hurts too. Go and make me a cup of hot water!"

The maid put the lantern aside, quickly brought Lin Lang a cup of hot water, served Lin Lang to drink it, and then said slowly: "Miss San, why are you so stubborn? Although you are not born to the second master, these Over the past few years, the second master has basically regarded you as his own, and now he is only asking you to participate in the draft instead of the eldest lady, why do you refuse?"

Lin Lang heard the maid's words, looked at the teacup in her hand, and said nothing.

Seeing Lin Lang's appearance, the servant girl said earnestly, "Miss, don't think too hard about who pulled you out of the refugee pile, who gave you food, and who gave you food." You are a home!

I know Miss San is not willing to participate in the draft, but for the sake of saving her life, isn't Lan Chen willing to participate in the draft instead of Missy?Besides, the palace is not a place to eat people..."

Hey, little girl, how do you know that the imperial palace is not a place for cannibalism? That place is the most cannibalistic place in the world, especially women.

Because Lin Lang didn't understand the origin of the matter, she didn't say a word. After the servant girl finished talking, she smiled at her, "Okay, I understand what you said. I feel a little uncomfortable. I want to Rest early!"

What else did the servant girl want to say, but seeing Lin Lang's gray expression, the servant girl gritted her teeth unwillingly, "That's fine, girl, it's better to make plans early, after all, girl... is not the serious master of the Wang family..."

After the maid left, Lin Lang lay on the bed, closed her eyes and began to accept the plot.

[I am indeed not the biological daughter of the Wang family. To be honest, if I didn’t have a previous life, I wouldn’t remember who my parents were. I just remember that our family got along very well back then. I have a lovely younger sister, but everything was interrupted when the rebels rebelled. My parents were killed by the rebels, and my sister and I got separated!

I was really lucky. I met the second master of the Wang family. He saw a little girl who lost her parents and stayed in the refugee pile. She was so pitiful and took me back. His wife is also a kind person. Although there are already several children under my knees, the children recognize me as their own daughter!

I am really grateful to them, without them, maybe I would have starved to death, or wandered to other places, definitely not as lucky as I am now, with food, drink and shelter!
But the unfortunate thing happened like this. When I was 14 years old, the palace suddenly promulgated the imperial decree of the draft, and our family had a spot!
If it is to earn money and become a concubine in the palace, everyone will be willing, but now the emperor is old, older than his father, and the deep palace is not a good place, there is a rule in the palace However, all concubines who have not given birth to children will be buried after the emperor's death, so many families are unwilling to send their girls to the palace!

Originally, this spot was not the turn of the Wang family's second room, but no one thought that the girl from the Wang family's first room suddenly had an affair with someone else. Although everyone knew what the real situation was like inside, they dared not expose it. After all, destroying the eldest daughter of the Wang family is equivalent to destroying all the girls of the Wang family, so everyone in the Wang family can only swallow this matter in their stomachs, and they cannot send the eldest daughter of the Wang family to the palace, so this matter falls It's on the head of the second girl of the Wang family!
The second wife of the Wang family is naturally unwilling to let her daughter participate in the draft, but it is the emperor's order, which cannot be violated.
At this time, someone mentioned me to them. After all, I am also a girl of the Wang family, and I am also eligible to participate in the draft. Among them, the parents of the Wang family are not willing, but they can't bear to see their own children suffer, and they are in a dilemma. !
I also understand that they don't want to send me in, but there is always someone who wants to go in, so I agreed to enter the palace for a draft. No one would have thought that we show girls are not chosen for the emperor at all, but for the people below. Chosen by the emperor's son and grandson!

I was given the third son of the prince, but it was not because of my noble status, but because the status of the third son of the prince was not obvious, and my biological mother was not favored, so I was given a child of a small official. I!
My father's official position is not good enough, but he has a pure and gentle personality. When I found out about this, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh!

Then I developed too fast, the emperor died, and the crown prince ascended the throne, the eldest prince should have ascended the throne, but no one thought that the eldest prince would go away just like that after getting a little cold!
As for the second prince, he has been weak since he was a child and his legs are disabled, so naturally he has no way to compete for the throne, so the generation of the prince fell to the head of the third prince, and I also ascended to heaven and became the crown princess.

But because my family background is not obvious, when adding people to the Prince's Mansion, those concubines were all of higher status than me, and they didn't take me seriously. In order to maintain my status, I chose a few maids. It was really the most regrettable choice I made in my life, because one of those people was my sister, yes, it was my own sister who had been separated since I was a child!

But I didn't know that person was my own sister, I just thought she was very close to the eyes, and I didn't know that she had someone she liked, and she would marry someone when she was old and released from the palace!

It is true that I harmed him, but I have harmed him in many ways. She is beautiful and mischievous. She soon gained the favor of the prince and became the thorn in the eyes of many concubines!
I'm happy to see it happen, after all, those women fight each other, and I'm the one who reaps the benefits. My poor sister was targeted by many people, suffered from many people, and later shed tea a few times, okay? After Yi gave birth to a child, he died within a short period of time. As for who did it, I knew who it was, but I didn't help him, because I thought it might be a good thing for me to lose a child. , because my child will be able to have one less competitor!
My thoughts at that time were really too dark, so I watched quietly, watching the flower-like sister slowly wither away like this, and slowly she died!
Regarding the death of a woman, I didn't take it seriously. I should still be busy with my own affairs. After my son ascended the throne, I began to find out my identity. When I was separated from my parents, I was adopted by a farmer's family. Later, the collarbone family couldn't survive, so they entered the palace as a maid, and came to me again by chance...

They are obviously biological sisters, but their status is very different. She is a servant in the palace, and I am a master outside the palace. Later, I even harmed her for the rest of her life. I am really ashamed of my parents. Guilty things, if time has a chance to come back, I hope you can take good care of my sister, hope she can get a beautiful marriage, and live happily ever after! 】

 My family is from Hubei, and there was an earthquake just now, which really scared me to death.

(End of this chapter)

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