Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1552 Twin Sisters Flower 2

Chapter 1552 Twin Sisters Flower II
After Lin Lang received the plot, she couldn't help sighing, the world is really bloody, because the story of these two people can be compared to the 8 o'clock in the evening, the palace fights, the sisters turn against each other... It's exciting to think about it.

Just as Lin Lang was thinking, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Miss San, it's time to get up and eat!"

Linlang slowly collapsed, "Then come in and take care of me to freshen up. As for the meal... Go find someone to inform, today I want to have a meal with my father and mother!"

The servant girl seemed to have heard some terrible news, she hesitated for a moment, and then there was a trace of surprise in her voice, "Miss, have you figured it out? Alright, the servant girl will go down to report later!"

Under the service of the maid, Lin Lang wore a bright red narcissus cross-neck triple train, revealing a pink-blue neckline, a purple-backed powder belt girdle to hold her slender waist, and a water-blue skirt with a long skirt. Ke dragged the ground, but simply wore a narcissus bun on his head, and wore a white jade hairpin. He was delicate and sensitive, like a fairy. This is why the original owner was able to become the third concubine. She is good-looking and obedient , is a favorite of elders.

"Miss San is so beautiful, she will definitely be pampered in the palace!" the servant girl said flatteringly.

Lin Lang glanced at the maid next to her calmly, "Even if you enter the palace, you might be selected, so don't say such things, so as not to be heard by outsiders. If you lose the election, that's true." I'm going to be laughed out of my teeth!"

The servant girl didn't know whether it was joy or sadness. It was written that the young lady was finally willing to participate in the draft. The sad thing was that the young lady actually said herself, but after thinking about it, she showed a smiling face and said flatteringly: "Miss is so beautiful Definitely be selected!"

Lin Lang just smiled, didn't say anything, and went directly to the second room under the leadership of the maid.

When Mrs. Wang saw Lin Lang standing up nervously, she hesitated a lot, and finally shouted, "You're here!"

Lin Lang nodded, stepped forward and gave them a slight salute, "I've seen my father and my mother!"

Mrs. Wang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Get up!"

Lin Lang stood up slowly, glanced at Mrs. Wang, and then at Mr. Wang, knowing that they didn't want to send her to the draft, but what could be done?The people in the first room saw that the color was not good and picked out their girls in time, and in the end they had to let the second room take the blame!

In fact, Erfang is also wronged. Originally, it was not up to them to do this matter. Normally, the family has no resources to turn to Erfang. But now, if there is any bad thing, everything will be placed on Erfang, and Erfang is not willing to do it. But if they don't want to do it, an unfilial hat can be put on their heads, not to mention protecting their wives and daughters, it will be considered light for the whole family not to be beaten to death.

Lin Lang looked at them and said slowly: "My daughter also understands the difficulties of father and mother, so my daughter is willing to participate in the draft for my second sister, and I have repaid the kindness of nurturing for many years!"

Mrs. Wang burst into tears when she heard this, and beat her chest hard, "You are digging out my heart, if your father and I raised you just to let you repay us, it would be impossible to raise you After so many years, I really regard you as my own daughter!"

Lin Lang really understands this truth, so Lin Lang said: "Mom, don't cry anymore. My daughter knows your difficulties. She doesn't blame you. In fact, if it wasn't for her father and mother, she would have died in the refugee camp long ago." up!

It is already a great blessing for the daughter to be able to survive for so many years and be able to be raised under the knees of her father and mother. Thinking of being able to repay her mother, her daughter naturally wishes for it! "

The second young lady sat at the side, feeling guilty when she heard this, she lowered her head and rolled her eyes roundly, "The words are really nice..."

Mr. Wang naturally also heard what his daughter said, patted the table, and said to her angrily: "How dare you say such a thing, you must know that your sister is going to the place where you can't vomit bones because of you!" !"

The second young lady blushed when she heard this, raised her head, and said weakly: "Third sister, I know I was wrong..."

Naturally, Lin Lang wouldn't be as fussy as the Second Miss. After all, the Second Miss treated her pretty well. Several ladies in the palace didn't recognize her as Miss Wang, but only the Second Miss regarded herself as her own sister and protected her all the time.

As for what I said just now, the main reason is my attitude a few days ago. In fact, Lord Wang and Mrs. Wang also understand that the third daughter is not willing to participate in the draft, but they are embarrassed to say it. These words, in the eyes of the second daughter, it seems that she is putting on a show.

"It's okay!" Lin Lang smiled faintly, "Father, mother, let's not discuss these sad things anymore, I'm hungry, let's eat quickly!"

Mrs. Wang came back to her senses when she heard this, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "You're right, come here, let someone serve the meal quickly, and the third girl's favorite shrimp dumpling will also be served!"

After the family finished their breakfast in harmony, Lin Lang left. In fact, he didn't need to participate in the draft. After all, if he refused, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang would not force him, but if he didn't enter the palace, how could he How about taking care of your younger sister?

Because Lin Lang agreed to participate in the draft, the second room of the Wang family invited a nanny back the next day to teach Lin Lang how to behave.

After learning the rules for a few months, under the leadership of the eunuchs, Lin Lang entered the palace draft. However, girls from small families like them are not qualified to lead servants, so Lin Lang only memorized one. Xiao Baolu went to the palace in a small sedan chair.

There are a lot of girls participating in the talent show, some from high families and some from small families. Hundreds of women gathered together, chirping and buzzing.

"Which family are you from?" A girl stepped forward, looked Lin Lang up and down, and asked in bewilderment, "Why have I never seen you before?"

Lin Lang replied honestly: "I'm the second wife of the Wang family, but because I'm shy physically and mentally, I don't often come out to socialize!"

Of course, the main reason is that Wang's family is not popular, and the second room is so-so, so there is very little time for socializing, and even if they go out to socialize, they are basically visiting relatives.

The woman's face paled when she heard this, "So, although I don't know you, I do know the eldest girl of your Wang family. By the way, the eldest girl of your Wang family is also a girl of the right age. Why didn't she come here? Why did she just come here?" sent you?"

This question was really heartbreaking, Lin Lang said calmly: "This is our Wang family's family affairs, there is no need for the girl to worry about it!"

Being choked by someone, the girl was naturally angry and lost face, but she didn't bother with Lin Lang, turned around and left. Before leaving, she couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "It's really a small door! He was born in a household and has no manners at all!"

Lin Lang stood there obediently, acting obediently as his own background board. During the period, several girls came to look for him, but seeing that Lin Lang was so boring, they made excuses and left.

Lin Lang thought it was nothing at the time. Under the leadership of the maids and eunuchs, they were divided into several groups, and several of the girls were assigned to a courtyard alone. These families were quite the most outstanding among them. The girl in the middle school, her father is a fifth-rank official, and she can be regarded as an official woman.

As for Lin Lang and the others, they really came from a small family. Lin Lang's father, Mr. Wang, who is in the second room, is only a junior seventh-rank official. real power.

But among these people, Lin Lang's birthday is really not particularly bad. The father of one of the girls is just a gatekeeper. Although he has some status, his status is not high.

Because Lin Lang didn't get along with the girl with the highest status, the other girls who lived in the same room with him also treated her indifferently. Usually when they went out to eat or do something, they were basically in pairs, and they never called her. Guo Linlang.

(End of this chapter)

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