Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1553 Twin Sisters Flower 3

Chapter 1553 Twin Sisters Flower Three
For this kind of children's tricks, Lin Lang didn't pay attention at all, and she still did what she had to do. Although she went to eat alone and stayed alone, everyone never felt lonely. A comfortable and peaceful atmosphere.

Although they learned the rules from someone outside, after entering the palace, these girls still learned the rules from the nanny and took various assessments.

Although the original owner married the prince's third son in the previous life, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, so Lin Lang did not let down his vigilance.

Seeing that Lin Lang was cold and cold, and ignored them, those girls naturally felt bored. Coupled with the little girl's temperament, the anger of the past few days quickly disappeared, and gradually everyone discussed it together.

The draft is going on day by day, and many girls have been rejected. Two of the girls in their room have already left. The first one to leave is of course the girl who didn't get along with Lin Lang. But think about it. After all, that girl has a really bad temper Too irritable, even a master would want such a person.

In the end, the group of them made it to the final stage, and helped them get dressed neatly and walked to the hall in unison.

"This group of girls is really good!" A graceful and luxurious woman looked at them and nodded in satisfaction, "Crown Princess, I remember how many children in your family are not married, right? What do you think of these girls?"

Those who can break through this level are basically from family background, or if there is really something that can be obtained, the princess glanced lightly, and she naturally knew why the imperial concubine said this to herself, and it was not for the sake of being with herself. Is it blocking?His own son has already married a wife, and the rest are bastards.

Although she didn't mind marrying those bastards wives, she didn't want to choose too good ones for those bastards, lest they dare to challenge her son when their wings hardened.

So the concubine pointed lightly, "Just the girl in the blue dress, my concubine heard from the nanny that the girl has very good manners, and she has a stable temper!

The third child in our family is pretty good, the only bad thing is that he is too quick-tempered, and it would be nice to choose a wife who is now peaceful for him, at least it can make him calm down! "

Don't think about things you shouldn't have...

The imperial concubine heard this, glanced at it, and soon understood in her heart, she didn't know whether the princess was stupid or smart. Although she didn't choose a good wife for the concubine, it was equivalent to choosing other good ones. The girl pushed into the other prince's house, which is not a good thing for their prince!

But the imperial concubine didn't worry about it, she drank a cup of tea leisurely, "The crown princess has really good eyesight, I also think this girl is okay, I originally wanted to be a side concubine for our third child, but I didn't expect The princess is the first to strike!"

The concubine smiled bluntly, hehehe, who are you lying to?In order to compete with our husband for the throne, the third child of your family basically has powerful women in the family around you. Can the third child value this woman's identity?The cowhide is really amazing!

The princess lowered her eyes, "There is no way, this is all taught by the empress!"

When the noble concubine heard the crown prince mentioning the empress, her complexion was not so good-looking, and she said with a cold expression: "Yes, the empress has a good vision, otherwise I wouldn't be able to choose you as the crown prince!"

After that, the two smart people basically didn't say anything. As for Lin Lang, she was taken away by the eunuch after the draft was completed.

"Congratulations, Miss Wang!" the eunuch said flatteringly.

Lin Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and handed over a purse, "Eunuch, you are welcome, I would like to ask Eunuch, when can girls like us who play in the talent show go home?"

The father-in-law laughed all of a sudden, "Is Miss Wang so homesick? It won't be long, but after the girl returns this time, I'm afraid she will be very different from the family members at home..."

Although Lin Lang married only a small bastard from the prince's mansion, he was also a relative of the emperor. If the prince could ascend the throne one day, that little bastard might become the prince, and maybe he could become a prince in the end!
"Elder-in-law was joking!" Lin Lang lowered her head, showing an embarrassed expression, "The main reason is that I have been out for too long, and I miss home so much, I want to go back and see my parents soon!"

"Miss Wang, don't worry. After the audition, there will be a special carriage to take Miss Wang back!" After the eunuch finished speaking, he found two more servants to serve Lin Lang. After making arrangements for Lin Lang, he left.

On the second day, as soon as Linlang walked to the door of the house, she found that the sedan chair had stopped. The palace maid helped Linlang lift up the curtain. Seeing the entire Wang family standing outside, Linlang's eyes showed a hint of astonishment.

"This..." Lin Lang supported the maid's hand and slowly got off the carriage, and asked puzzledly, "Why are you all here?"

The Second Mrs. Wang came out, held Lin Lang's hand tightly, and said with a sigh: "My son finally survived!"

Lin Lang hurriedly glanced at the maid at the side, then at the second Mrs. Wang, and said cautiously, "Mother, it's my good fortune to be able to go to such a place!"

Mrs. Wang also realized that she was wrong, "Ah, I'm confused, it's cold outside, let's go in quickly!"

Lin Lang and Mrs. Wang chatted as they walked, "By the way, mother, why are there so many people standing outside? They didn't come here to pick me up, did they?"

Mrs. Wang nodded her head with embarrassment, "That's natural. After all, my daughter is about to become a princess, and maybe she can be a princess in the future. Those snobs are naturally eager to curry favor!"

Fortunately, the voices of the two people were relatively quiet. When Lin Lang heard such words, she whispered: "Mother, although I married a relative of the emperor, I am just an unfavored bastard. There is no need to be so ostentatious. I can only marry you." Let others see the joke!"

Mrs. Wang also realized that she had gone too far, "You don't have to be afraid. Although the prince's third son is not a serious son, he is still a relative of the emperor, and his status is much higher than ours in this mansion. So you don't have to worry about not being able to bear it!"

Lin Lang lowered her head and followed Mrs. Wang to the main hall. As soon as Mrs. Wang saw her, she said with a smile: "It turns out that the third girl is back. How are you staying in the palace?"

"Everything is well!" Lin Lang stepped forward and saluted the old lady, "Greetings to the old lady!"

The old lady quickly raised her hand, "Get up quickly, the family doesn't need to be so polite, now that you have become the third concubine, don't forget the Wang family's support for you!"

What support can the Wang family give me?It's not the second wife of the Wang family who treats me well on weekdays!

But Lin Lang didn't say it out, she lowered her head and could only say yes respectfully.

The old lady looked better, and her spirits improved a lot. She talked a lot this year, and at dinner time, the whole family sat together, and everyone's good words were thrown at Wang's family as if they didn't want money. The second room, even the second lady looked much better, but she still had a sullen look on her face.

Lin Lang also understood what the little girl was thinking, so she didn't expose it, and she didn't go up to the pole to make fun of it. After finishing the meal, the second bedroom of the Wang family walked to the yard under the leadership of the maid.

"The third one is really, it's my brother who is the loser, so I don't know how to help stop the drink!" The second wife of the Wang family complained.

"Then we are drinking wedding wine today, what are we going to do?" Mr. Wang Er waved his hand, "I have never been so proud as I am today!"

"Of course, have you ever seen the face of my sister-in-law? My darling is really ugly. Although the third son of our family married just an ordinary grandson, but... that is also a proper county king. , maybe he is still a prince, but he is much better than the man chosen by their eldest daughter!" Mrs. Wang said with a hint of complacency in her voice, "No wonder the ancients said that the mountains are poor, and the rivers have no way out. Feelings Our Another Village is here, do you know? When I knew that our third child was going to be drafted, I was worried all day long, afraid that he would encounter something, or... just stay for the rest of my life It's in the palace...I didn't expect the Buddha to protect our daughter after all, and bestowed her with such a good marriage..."

(End of this chapter)

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