Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1554 Twin Sisters Flower 4

Chapter 1554 Twin Sisters Flower Four
Second Miss stood aside and said sullenly: "Okay, isn't it just a little thing? Are you so happy?"

The second master Wang didn't hear the meaning of his second daughter's words at all, and said in a daze: "Of course it's a big deal. Your sister marrying the third emperor's grandson means flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix, which can reflect the essence of our entire Wang family." Ah, if I can give birth to a prince or something...then..."

Mrs. Wang Er is not a fool. She understood the meaning of her youngest daughter's words. She pushed her husband gently, and said to her second daughter: "There are some things that I can't explain to you. Different people have different ways of doing things. In the end, instead of complaining that God is unfair to you, you should accept it with your heart and treat every day of life well!"

When Miss Wang heard this, she lowered her head in shame, "I...I see, congratulations sister..."

Lin Lang smiled softly, patted Second Miss Wang's head, and said, "My sister, how can you be so polite?"

Seeing that their sisters reconciled as before, Mrs. Wang was really relieved, and there was a gleam of joy in her eyes, "Now that the matter of the third child has been resolved, it is time to prepare for the matter of the second child. Second, if you don't marry, it won't look good for the third child to marry... Now that the third child wants to marry the grandson of the third emperor, he can even raise the status of the second child in our family, and the selection standard has also increased..."

When Second Miss Wang heard her parents talking about herself, her little face blushed, and she walked forward quickly, "Mother, I don't want to hear you say such embarrassing things!"

Mrs. Wang Er patted herself on the head, "Look at me, my brain is so confused after drinking, I shouldn't say this in front of other girls!

But Linlang, you are different. I still need to clarify some things with you, because the person you marry this time is not easy, so I discussed it with your grandmother, and the family will use three layers as your dowry. Add a little more to each of the remaining households, and I will add some to you when the time comes. Presumably after you get married, you should be no worse than other girls! "

The most important thing for a woman to marry in this life is the dowry. The richness of a woman's dowry can represent her confidence in her husband's family, but those are ordinary people. If she is married to the royal family, no matter how rich the woman's family is, No matter how powerful you are, you still have to bow your head in front of the royal family.

"Thank you mother for worrying about me!" Linlang said gratefully: "Mother, don't worry, after my daughter gets married, she will never forget her father, let alone her second sister and younger brother!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang Er showed a smile on her face, and patted her hand lightly, "It's good if you have this heart, in fact, your father and I don't want anything, and your little brother's is not that big. ambition, I only hope that you can be safe and sound!"

Lin Lang nodded obediently. In the following days, Lin Lang stayed at home obediently and prepared to marry. Although she was only marrying a grandson of the emperor, she was still a relative of the emperor. The procedure still had to be followed, especially Crown Princess, she also didn't want to lose her tongue, so she prepared everything that should be prepared.

It has been more than a month since Qin Tianjian got a good day, and the prince's mansion also sent people to start hiring, but the ones who came to hire were not adults or the like, but the grandsons of the three emperors.

Lin Lang also hid behind the screen and took a few glances, and vaguely saw a tall and straight man. As for the face and the like, he couldn't see clearly, but his temperament was quite good, cool and cold with a touch of elegance.

Seeing that her future husband-in-law wasn't so ugly, Lin Lang was really relieved. On the way back, the second lady teased and said, "I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be quite good-looking. You are really lucky!"

Lin Langping said flatly: "Is it considered a blessing to have a good-looking face? That second sister is too vulgar. If that's the case, then I'll talk to my mother about it tomorrow, saying that she is choosing a husband for the second sister." You don’t need to pay attention to some housework or anything, you just need to choose good-looking ones!”

"Well, you little girl, since you have teased me, you really want to beat me!" The second lady gave Lin Lang a light thump, "Hey, I just went to see the maid, and the third grandson is really a rare one. I heard that the grandson of the Three Emperors is also familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, so he is not that kind of dandy!"

Lin Lang just smiled flatly, the third grandson is naturally not a playboy, after all, to be able to win the throne from the mouth of the emperor's grandson, his brain must not be that stupid and sweet.

But that's okay, as long as I'm not a fool and I'm smart, then there is hope for the future.

Lin Lang was at home preparing for her marriage with peace of mind. During this period, the third emperor's grandson sent several things over one after another, and Lin Lang also sent a few things she sewed herself.

After finally getting married, Lin Lang felt dizzy when she sat in the bridal sedan chair. After finally getting off the bridal sedan chair, with the help of the maid, she reluctantly finished worshiping heaven and earth. The maid said: "Okay, I'm so hungry that I can't take it anymore, hurry up and get me some pastries to pad my stomach!"

The air was silent, and it took a long time before the voice rang out. It was clear and pleasant to the ear, and the voice was not slow, "Are you really that hungry?"

Hearing this voice, Lin Lang sat up straight, and said with some embarrassment: "I made the third grandson laugh. From last night to now, I have not eaten, and my body really can't bear it. That's why Made a request to the servant girl!"

The man smiled slightly, "So that's the case, then you wait!"

When he spoke, he saw that the man seemed to have gone out, but he came back after a while, and the sound of food could be heard in the air.

"By the way, don't move, I have to find a steelyard!" The man clapped his hands and took two steps in the room, "The matchmaker told me that you must lift the hijab on your head with the hook of the scale, so that the husband and wife Only then can we love each other for a long time and grow old forever!"

While talking, the hijab was slowly lifted, Lin Lang looked at the man opposite and blinked, he was indeed very good-looking, with the feeling of a teenager as an adult, refreshing, gentle and handsome.

"Son of the Three Emperors!" Lin Lang pretended to be shy and lowered her head.

Zhao Bingqian smiled slowly, like the wind in spring, gentle and moving, "You should call me husband!"

Lin Lang honestly called her husband, but when his eyes saw the table, his eyes didn't move at all, and he stared straight at the table.

Zhao Bingqian was amused by Lin Lang's actions, "Go and eat, I rented this room for you specially!"

Lin Lang wasn't hypocritical either. After all, she was hungry, so she really nodded at the third grandson, and walked quickly to the table. Just as she was about to pick up chopsticks and start eating, she touched her face, only to feel wrinkled. , the whole face was suffocated, and I lost my appetite immediately. I found a pot of hot water and scrubbed it reluctantly. I felt much more comfortable.

Zhao Bingqian stood on the side all the time, with a warm smile in his eyes, watching Linlang finish his meal, and then thoughtfully picked up the handkerchief, and wiped away the stains from the corners of Linlang's mouth.

Lin Lang was also a little embarrassed, "I made my husband laugh!"

"You and my husband don't need to say such polite words, as for those just now..." Zhao Bingqian had starlight in his eyes, "I think the lady is really temperamental!"

After a good start, the following two people get along much more happily, instead of treating each other as guests, on the contrary, there are some secret adjustments.

But Lin Lang knew that everything in front of her was fake. Although the man in front of her was kind to others, he was going to become an emperor after all. It was impossible for her to have a woman of her own, so when she knew that she was marrying this man, she had already died of love. heart.

Early the next morning, Lin Lang opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Bingqian, who had closed his eyes tightly, like a white and holy angel. Lin Lang came immediately, rubbing his long eyelashes lightly out of curiosity, and rubbing his eyes again. After a while, Zhao Bingqian opened his eyes and smiled at Lin Lang.

"Do you want to get up?" Zhao Bingqian asked with concern.

Lin Lang nodded, looked outside, the sky was getting dark, "It's time to wake up, otherwise I'll be late to greet my mother-in-law!"

Zhao Bingqian yelled outside, got up and said, "It's time to greet my mother early. If it wasn't for my mother, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to marry a wife as good as my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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