Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1556 Twin Sisters Flower 6

Chapter 1556 Twin Sisters Flower Six
Zhao Bingqian sat on the chair calmly, looked at Lin Lang enjoying himself, and said with a sour smell in his voice, "It seems that I didn't come back, are you doing well?"

Naturally, Lin Lang also heard something wrong in her tone, so she sat up and said with a smile, "Is it because my mother gave me a few more people, so I have more money and a better mood?" ...Furthermore, I haven't congratulated the grandson of the Three Emperors yet, it's really a blessing to have these beauties for nothing!"

Zhao Bingqian lowered his head, and suddenly smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in his smile, "You, you, I really don't know how to say hello... As for those women, I'm not a lecherous ghost, Just find a yard and arrange them there, anyway, on weekdays, I don't want to see them..."

Lin Lang smiled and agreed, but she dismissed it in her heart. You said you didn't want to see them, who are you lying to?When a big man sees four beautiful women like this, he probably has already jumped on him. You are saying this in front of yourself, probably for the sake of putting on a show.

Linlang's side is calm and calm, but the other sisters-in-law's place is not so beautiful. After all, not all men are Liu Xiahui, and those sisters-in-law who are angry can't wait to eat the princess alive.

After half a month passed, the crown princess found out that the third child had never touched those women, so she directly approached Lin Lang and questioned her angrily.

Lin Lang was a little surprised at first, and then she blinked her eyes. In fact, the third emperor didn't want to touch those women, and she understood why. After all, those women were given to the third emperor by the princess, and the princess couldn't see the third emperor. Sun is better off, no wonder the third emperor's grandson is unwilling to touch those women, he is deliberately afraid of being caught in those women.

"Mother, although I'm in charge of the backyard, the third grandson doesn't want to see those women, and the concubines don't understand why... After all, those women are good-looking, sing well, and they're likable. If I were a man, I would I can't wait to accept them, but...the third grandson doesn't like them, probably because those women are not the type they like. If it doesn't work, mother will give me a few more, and there will always be one that the third grandson likes..." Lin Lang Said ignorantly.

The princess laughed angrily when she heard this, "What are you talking about in such a mess? Thanks to you, you are still a lady, and you don't know a little bit of etiquette, and what you say is extremely vulgar!"

Lin Lang hurriedly clutched her chest, "Mother, does it make you unhappy because of your daughter-in-law? It's all about your daughter-in-law, right? Daughter-in-law..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Lang fell to the ground. The princess quickly stood up and said in a panic, "What's the matter? Why did you pass out after talking? You didn't faint because of me. Come here!" Ah, hurry up and find the imperial doctor... what's going on..."

The concubine of the crown prince is really anxious, afraid that she will be so angry that the news about her daughter-in-law will spread outside, and then the prince's mansion will be ashamed. If the other brothers of the prince know about it, it will be even more worth the loss. Lord, if you let them know that you have stunned your daughter-in-law, wouldn't that mean that you have lost your virtue?
The imperial doctor came soon, and after taking the pulse, he touched himself, with a big white beard, and said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to the Crown Princess, congratulations to the Crown Princess!"

The Crown Princess was in a fit of anger, "My daughter-in-law has passed out, what's there to congratulate!"

The imperial physician said with a smile: "Crown Princess, the third imperial concubine fainted because she was pregnant!"

At this moment, the princess didn't know whether she was happy or not. Normally, if the prince had a successor, it meant that the prince's position was becoming more and more stable, but the problem was that this child was not her own grandson.

"Really? That's really a happy event!" The princess looked indifferent. Her own daughter-in-law was pregnant a few years ago, but the baby was only a girl, and her stomach has not moved yet.

"But why did she faint suddenly?" The Crown Princess then remembered this and asked in a hurry.

The imperial doctor pondered for a while, "I guess I was too excited and emotionally unstable, and that's why I passed out. Pregnant women are most taboo about emotional ups and downs. At that time, Weichen will prescribe some medicines. As long as the imperial concubine drinks it, everything will be fine." !"

The concubine finally breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's not that you'll be fine if you lose your temper, as for your emotional instability or something, it's because you are too anxious, it's none of your business.

After the concubine sent the imperial physician away, she had someone carry Lin Lang back. Of course, in order not to lose her mind, she also sent some precious supplements.

Here, Zhao Bingqian was overjoyed to learn about his fatherhood as soon as he got home.

As for Lin Lang, in fact, she didn't faint at all. When she was carried back to the house, she opened her eyes and touched her belly, "My dear son, I didn't expect you to come so timely. How about the princess..."

Yes, Linlang pretended to pass out to scare the princess. After all, the princess has done too much, and her words are so ugly. The loser is still a lady. I understand why you don't like me, and I haven't taken up the post either. To please you, but you can't rush to slap me in the face, that's why Lin Lang did it, trying to scare him, and vent her anger at the same time.

But I didn't expect that I was pregnant, and this fake coma turned into a real coma, which can be regarded as my wish, at least it was not exposed.

After Lin Lang became pregnant, she really became a national treasure. First of all, Sanhuang Village. This child came too soon. There is no grandchildren born in the prince's mansion. If my child is a son, it will give him extra points Not a lot.

As for the prince, in fact, he is also looking forward to his grandson. After all, with a grandson, his position can be more stable, and maybe he can win the favor of the old man by virtue of his grandson.

Furthermore, none of his brothers had any grandsons. If he had this grandson, he would be the first of those brothers, which would be too much face.

The princess also understands the importance of this child, but he just can't swallow it. Thinking of his daughter-in-law who is not up to date, he found a few gynecologists to let her take a good look at it, and try to hurry up before next year. conceived.

Concubine Taisun has endured a lot of pressure, and even her temper has become bad. When she went to pay her respects to Concubine Crown Prince again, she looked at Lin Lang and said in a strange tone: "Sister is really lucky, she has only been here for a few months. I got pregnant, I don't know if there is any secret recipe for conceiving a child?"

When the sisters-in-law heard this, they all looked at Linlang with expectations in their eyes.

Lin Lang said in a flustered voice: "Sister-in-law is joking, what secret recipe can I have? Besides, I remember that when sister-in-law first came in, she was pregnant with her grandson in just a few months? It's not surprising, child This kind of thing is just a matter of fate, if you have it, you don’t have it...you can’t get it by force, don’t you think so? Sister-in-law!"

The grandson concubine, who was begging for a child, became angry when she heard this, but she still had to hold back a smile, "What my sister said is true, but this sister was pregnant at about the same time as me, and she will probably be given to the Prince's House again." Adding a daughter, and our child will have an extra sister, just think about it, it's very exciting!"

"Having a boy or girl is not what we said, but what the mother-in-law said!" Lin Lang choked back calmly.

 I have had a cold for several days and my nose is stuffed up, I don't even have the strength to speak, it's so uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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