Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1557 Twin Sisters Flower 7

Chapter 1557 Twin Sisters Flower Seven
The princess was already having a headache because of Lin Lang's pregnancy. Seeing that they were about to quarrel, the headache got worse. She patted the table, "Okay, why are you arguing? It's not easy to get pregnant. If you can't get pregnant, don't return it Are there any other women? As the main wives of the prince, you must take responsibility and understand what is virtuous!"

The concubine also understands that the concubine is taking this opportunity to beat herself. Her silver teeth are about to be shattered. You keep saying that I am not pregnant, but you don’t think about it. The concubine was running around the yard, how could she be pregnant?
After Lin Lang sat here for a while, she left. Of course, when she left, she got permission from the Crown Princess, saying that she didn't need to come here to pay her respects. The main reason was to just stay in the yard and conceive. Because Li fainted like this, the princess was really scared. This daughter-in-law's health is not very good. If something happens on the way to pay her respects, what will others think of her?What would the prince think of himself?So it's better not to let him come to greet you, on the one hand, it can increase your reputation, on the other hand, even if something happens to her, it has nothing to do with being a mother-in-law!
Lin Lang actually didn't want to spend money on the prince, the weather is fine now, it's really winter and the cold wind is blowing on his face, making people shiver.

"Third emperor and grandson concubine, just now the porter outside the door reported that someone from your natal family has come!" Seeing that Lin Lang had returned, the maid hurriedly stepped forward and said anxiously.

Lin Lang also became anxious, "Why didn't anyone report it to me, why don't you hurry up and invite someone in!"

The servant girl said in relief: "Don't worry about the third concubine, the butler has sent someone to pick up the family of the third concubine!"

Hearing that someone was going to pick her up, Lin Lang didn't worry anymore, she turned around and said to her confidant maid, "Go and get the Crown Princess, the tonics you sprinkled last time, and all the jewelry. Didn't the grandson buy me several bolts of cloth last time, and bring them all over..."

The servant girl nodded, and quickly took out the things with her hands and feet.

Here, Mrs. Wang saw Lin Lang after she walked into the yard, and she walked forward quickly, shedding tears before saying a word, "My son!"

Lin Lang patted Mrs. Wang's hand, then glanced at the second sister next to her, and said gently: "Mother, I'm doing well now, you don't have to worry about me!"

The Second Madam Wang couldn't help shaking her head when she heard this, "Don't lie to me, I heard that when you greeted the Crown Princess, you were scared and fainted by the Crown Princess... Really..."

Lin Lang couldn't tell the truth to Mrs. Wang in front of so many people, so she could only smile, and after sending those servants away, she said with relief, "Mother, although I fainted, it wasn't because of suffering. And the one who passed out, passed out because of pregnancy!"

Mrs. Wang still didn't believe it, "I have heard that pregnancy makes people feel unwell, but I have never heard that pregnancy makes people pass out. You are in good health when you are at home, and you have never been sick. Why did you marry? After a period of time in the Prince's Mansion, the body began to weaken, it must have suffered a lot, but it's a pity...it's a pity that your father and I can't help much!"

"Mother, you really don't have to worry about me. I live very well in the Prince's Mansion. Because of my pregnancy, the Crown Princess not only rewarded me with a lot of supplements, but also exempted me from paying my respects. As for my husband... then treat me It's more considerate, after I was pregnant, I stayed with me every day, and I never went to those concubines..." Lin Lang said slowly.

Mrs. Wang raised her head, "That's good, but... Even if your husband doesn't mention it, you still have to take the initiative to bring up the matter of taking concubines, but don't be left out of the conversation!"

Lin Lang sighed pretentiously, "Actually, my mother-in-law gave her a beautiful maid, but my husband's thoughts are not on their side at all, and I haven't even touched them. Even if I want to be generous, my husband doesn't." Reasonable, I can't help it..."

Mrs. Wang didn't know how to feel when she heard this, her face changed again and again, and finally sighed, "You married a good family, by the way, since you got married, no one came to your door one after another It's over... Your eldest sister is already married, now it's your second sister's turn, I have a few candidates here, but I just can't make up my mind, I want to invite you as a staff officer..."

Lin Lang didn't realize it at first. After all, what can she do as a woman who doesn't know how to do it?And her communication range is not very large... Later she thought about it, although the Second Mrs. Wang said that she wanted her to be a staff officer, she actually wanted the third emperor's grandson to help her as a staff officer, but thinking about it, it was just a little effort.

Mrs. Wang took out a piece of paper from her sleeve, "These people are all famous, the worst is Juren, the best is now at the same level as your father, but...they are a bit old, and one of them died Wife...there is a 5-year-old child at the bottom, but it's okay for a man to be older, as long as he knows how to love children...the rest of them are not bad, they just have a mediocre family background, and most of them are juren, and they didn't even win the Jinshi... ..."

When Lin Lang heard this, she understood that Mrs. Wang's favorite was the man who had a wife who died, but she didn't like such a man. Well, if you marry into that family, you will probably suffer a lot of anger. If you don't marry someone from a mediocre family, at least if you marry, they will support the second sister and won't be angry with the second sister.

So you can say what you think, "Mom, although those people have a simple family background, the population in the family is also simple. More importantly, it is a low price for my second sister to marry, and they will definitely hold the second sister. Sister, this way the second sister won't be offended."

Mrs. Wang's second wife was a little worried, "I like those people quite a bit, but I'm afraid that after your second sister gets married, those people will not be able to pass the Jinshi exam!"

"Mother, you don't have to worry about it. Juren can be an official now, and I just heard you say that those people are still young, and they can take the exam for a few more years. If they can't pass the exam, think of another way." ..." Lin Lang said that the other way would be her husband, and she also knew it was not good to go through the back door, but she would be a fool if she didn't take a shortcut.

Second Madam Wang seemed to understand what Lin Lang meant, "You are right, marrying a wife at a high price and marrying a daughter at a low price!"

Lin Lang looked like the second girl on the side, "Sister, this matter is related to your whole life, try to tell your mother what you like, don't be shy!"

The second lady was not a shy person at first, but once she talked about her marriage, she also became shy. Hearing what Lin Lang said, she slowly raised her head, gritted her teeth and said softly: "Actually, third sister That's right, when you get married, you don't necessarily have to look at the family background, but more importantly, it depends on the person... No matter how good the family background is, but after I get married, I will still be someone else's stepmother. , and I can't stand it at all, if I really marry that family, it will be hard, I believe my mother will not look at me and complain, right, mother?"

Mrs. Wang nodded slowly when she heard her daughter say this, "Actually, I didn't think much about it, and the matchmaker mainly made them hype. Although the man has a child, that child is a daughter. Wait If you get married in a few years, it won't delay you... But now, after hearing what you said, I think it's better to forget it. Since ancient times, the stepmother has been troubled. If you do something wrong, then..."

Mrs. Wang looked at the information of the few people she had written, and made a wrong choice by jumping left and right. Several people handed the list to Lin Lang, "This matter... I need the help of my son-in-law to look at it..."

Lin Lang took the food, "Don't worry, mother, by the way, because of my pregnancy, the Crown Princess rewarded me with a lot of supplements, and I couldn't finish them, and they would go bad if I put them there, so mother will take them with me when I go back later." Let’s go back some, and, I have saved up a lot of jewelry here, all for my second sister..."

(End of this chapter)

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