Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1558 Twin Sisters Flower 8

Chapter 1558 Twin Sisters Flower Eight
The second Mrs. Wang was very happy when she heard the third daughter say this. Of course, she was not happy because the third daughter gave so many things, but because the third daughter still remembered herself and the second daughter.

"To see your sisters loving each other, it's worth my death!" Mrs. Wang said suddenly.

When Lin Lang heard this, she immediately poohed a few times, "Mother, you are still young, how unlucky are you saying that you can't die, and I also hope that you can live well, preferably a long life, see Let my child get married and have children, and it is best to give you another great-grandson!"

The Second Madam Wang agreed with a smile. In the evening, the Second Madam Wang stayed here again for dinner, and it was not too early. Just when she was about to leave, the Second Madam Wang remembered the business, "After a while , your eldest sister is about to get married, your aunt asked me to ask if you want to go back and have a look?"

A flash of astonishment flashed across Linlang's face, "I remember when I got married, my eldest sister wasn't engaged yet, it's only been a while, and I'm busy with getting married. Why are you in such a rush? Could something have happened? ?”

Mrs. Wang showed a look of embarrassment, and sighed, "You really guessed it right, your good big sister actually had a private relationship with someone else, and even rented a flat for mortgage, if you don't get married soon... ...that would really embarrass our Wang family!"

Lin Lang felt clear when she heard this, and rubbed her stomach, "I should go back to congratulate a college student like my eldest sister getting married, but I am pregnant, and I am afraid that I can't do anything about it. I’m going back, I hope my mother can tell me!”

In fact, Mrs. Wang Er didn't want her daughter to see the muddy water, so she nodded, "It's fine if you don't go back. I heard that the family he married is all snobbish, and the family is very poor. If he knows that you are married to the grandson of the third emperor, he will definitely cling to you like a vampire..."

Lin Lang smiled, and asked the servants to prepare some gold and silver jewelry, which can be regarded as adding makeup to the eldest sister, and then frowned and explained to Mrs. Wang: "Although the first room is the first room, our second room is the second room. house, but in the eyes of outsiders, we are a whole family, regardless of each other!

What happened to the eldest sister, although even if she is married, I am afraid that there will be some gossip, so take this opportunity to make a good marriage with the second sister, don't pick and choose, sometimes you marry too high It's not a good thing, just like me..."

Thinking of the hardships the Crown Princess had put on her daughter, Mrs. Wang nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I will fix your second sister as soon as possible after my son-in-law finishes investigating them!"

After everyone left, the third grandson hurried back and looked around, "Didn't I hear that my mother-in-law is here? Why didn't I see her?"

Lin Lang looked at the anxious look of the third emperor's grandson, and smiled softly, "It's so late, mother has already gone back!"

Zhao Bingqian forced a smile, and explained: "Because some things were delayed in the court, I heard my mother-in-law came, and I worked hard to get back, but it's a pity..."

Lin Lang didn't care, "It's fine if you have the heart. Besides, it's not like my mother won't be here anymore. She will come to see me after a while. When I give birth, my mother will also come to accompany me. !"

"That's good!" Zhao Bingqian said with some embarrassment: "I'm afraid that my mother-in-law won't see me, and think I'm hiding from my mother-in-law on purpose, that's not good!"

"No, my mother knows that you are busy with business, so she won't think so!" Lin Lang asked someone to serve Zhao Bingqian a cup of hot tea, and took out a list from her pocket, "Speaking of which, my mother came over today Not only to see me, but also for my second sister's affairs, here is a list, help me see the people on it, and investigate their home environment by the way!"

Zhao Bingqian took the list, and said in a confused way: "These people's family backgrounds are so-so. If it's really not good, I have a few people under my command. The family backgrounds are fine, and they are all related..."

"My lord, don't even think about it. The most important thing to marry is to be of a good family. What's the situation in our family? What's the situation with other people? Besides, my sister has a very hot temper. If you choose her a With a high status, do you have the heart to watch my sister swallow her anger?" Lin Lang shook her head with a smile, "Although these people are of average status, they come from a simple family background. With the help of the Lord, I believe that the days to come will be easier!"

Upon hearing Lin Lang's words, Zhao Bingqian agreed with a smile, "This time it's on me!"

After speaking, Lin Lang realized that Zhao Bingqian hadn't eaten yet, and immediately ordered another dinner. After Zhao Bingqian finished eating, he talked to Lin Lang for a while, then turned and went to the study.

In fact, Zhao Bingqian can go to other women, but for some reason, once he sees you, he has no interest in other women. If he is really with other women, he will have a feeling of betraying Lin Lang It felt like, and those women were rewarded by the princess, so Zhao Bingqian became more and more unwilling to touch those women. Even if Lin Lang was pregnant, he didn't touch other women, but stayed in his study all the time.

Although the women in the backyard were itching with jealousy, Zhao Bingqian had no choice but to ignore them at all, leaving them helpless. No matter how much hatred they had, they could only swallow it in their stomachs. They wanted to ask the Crown Princess for help, but the Crown Princess passed out because of Lin Lang For a long time, I have been reluctant to touch the crap of the Three Emperors and Sundu, and I am afraid that if I see it, I will get a mess again.

Three months passed unhurriedly. During this period, Lin Lang's belly grew bigger. The Second Mrs. Wang also came here a few times. In addition to imparting some knowledge about pregnancy, she also talked about the second girl by the way. In the past, when she thought that her second sister was about to get married, Lin Lang began to think about the situation of the younger sister who was born in the same year, the same month, and the same day as her, and she didn't know what happened to the younger sister. Let's go to the palace, I hope she can hold on, and when I enter the palace, I can take her by my side to take care of her.

But according to her age, that girl should not be too young. When she comes to her, she will take care of her properly and choose a proper man to marry. Of course, if her sister likes her If she is a real person, then Lin Lang will also have the beauty of an adult.

But he didn't expect that before he went to find the so-called sister, the sister came to him, everything came too suddenly.

"These are the maids specially assigned by the empress to each palace. You can choose a few to take back!" the princess said casually.

Looking at the large crowd of people below, Lin Lang's surname was Zheng Nanshan, but she suddenly stopped at a certain corner, turned her head and said to the princess flatteringly: "Mother, you are really kind to me. After I became pregnant, the manpower over there has not been enough, and I am sharing the will to make ends meet, but I never thought that you would send me over, mother!"

The Crown Princess slightly raised her eyes, glanced at the daughter-in-law, and didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in her gourd, so she responded casually, "Okay, hurry up and pick someone!"

Relying on her own pregnancy and her thick skin, Linlang chose her younger sister first, and then said to those sisters-in-law: "I'm really sorry, I don't know what's going on, when I saw this girl I felt so panicked that I liked him, I wanted to choose him... This made everyone laugh..."

The other sisters-in-law didn't take this matter to heart at all. In fact, they would rather Lin Lang choose a few more women. Of course, beautiful women are the best, so that there will be fewer women in their yard, and their husbands' thoughts will also be less. Can be less.

Lin Lang pretended to pick out a few honest people and brought them back. Looking at the honest sister who was standing there, Lin Lang asked softly, "What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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