Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1559 Twin Sisters Flower 9

Chapter 1559 Twin Sisters Hua Jiu
Lu Lingling timidly raised her head, and said in a low voice, "Your maidservant...your maidservant's name is Chunhua..."

Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, "Your name should be given to you by the nanny in the palace. It's too vulgar. What was your previous name?"

Lu Lingling lowered her head in fear, "But... Mammy said that once she enters the palace, she has nothing to do with the affairs outside the palace, and she is not allowed to use her previous name..."

"You don't have to be afraid!" Lin Lang comforted softly: "I have no other intentions, but I think the name Chunhua is not suitable for you, and I want to ask about your previous name?"

Lu Lingling replied cautiously: "My name is Lingling!"

"You are indeed a clever girl!" Lin Lang boasted a few words, "From now on, you will be called Lingling. From now on, you will be my second-class maid, follow the rules of the big maid next to me, when will you behave? Once you’ve learned it well, it’s not too late to work with me!”

Lu Lingling looked at Lin Lang with sparkling eyes when she heard this, and she was still full of gratitude, "Thank you...Master!"

After the people left, Lin Lang took a photo of her confidant maid and said to him, "I don't know why, but when I saw this maid, I fell in love with it, as if I had met before, but I couldn't tell whether it was I met him somewhere, but I am very familiar with him... Anyway, since I met him, it is considered destined, after you go down later, give him a separate room, and usually you should mention her more!"

The confidant maid hurriedly agreed, and couldn't help saying in praise: "Master is really compassionate, he is so considerate to a little maid!"

Lin Lang smiled and sent the person away without saying anything.

At night, Zhao Bingqian looked at Lin Lang who was sitting beside the bed sewing small clothes, and asked softly, "I heard that another group of servants entered the yard today?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, but every yard has them, and most of the people have been assigned to other positions. One of the maids, who I think is particularly good-looking, is going to stay by my side!"

Zhao Bingqian nodded and confessed: "You like that maid, but you must pay attention to your own safety. After all...you are pregnant, there are always people with evil intentions..."

Of course this woman knows that since she was pregnant, she has never had a safe life in the yard. Either oil was spilled on the steps, or the food tasted bad, and sometimes the clothes sent over smelled bad, but Lin Lang hid them all. go back.

"This concubine knows about it. By the way, have you eaten dinner?" Lin Lang asked with concern.

Zhao Bingqian nodded, "I've used it a long time ago, it's getting late, you should rest early, as for the needlework, you can leave it to the servants to do it, and now you are pregnant, so don't worry too much!"

"This concubine knows it!" Lin Lang nodded and replied obediently.

Zhao Bingqian smiled, and stood up immediately, "There are still some things to deal with in the study, I won't come back to sleep today, you should rest early!"

After Lin Lang sent the man away, the nurse next to her hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but said: "Ma'am, this... Although the grandson of the third emperor didn't say it, as a wife, Madam should also talk about this matter." Get ready!"

Lin Lang naturally understood what this matter was, but she couldn't figure out why it was brought up by the nanny, "Mommy, there are four beauties in the back yard, but our master doesn't want to go there himself. , how can I force it?"

"This..." Momo rolled her eyes, "If Madam can take the initiative, the third grandson might be happier!"

Lin Lang sneered and picked up the teacup next to her and threw it on the ground, "It's been a long time, your hands are all over my side, since Mammy doesn't want to stay with me, then go to him Just stay here, the temple here is too small to support a big Buddha like Mammy!"

While talking, he asked the servants to send the nanny to those women, and said to the big maid beside him with a cold face: "In the future, if you encounter such a kind of ambiguity, don't know what to say. If you don’t have any loyal servants, just drive them out without reporting to me!”

The big maid soon realized that it was Mammy who had touched Madam's reverse scales, but Mammy didn't think about it carefully. Now that Madam is pregnant, she will give birth to a child in the future. As the old people beside Madam, they There are still good days to live in the future, why don't you have eyes and please those concubines who are not on the stage!
After Lin Lang got rid of Nanny, she finally felt better, but when she went to greet the Crown Princess the next day, she didn't expect that the Crown Princess would mention the sleeping servant again.

Now Lin Lang was not polite, touched her stomach, and said, "Since I was pregnant, my husband has been staying in the study, and I want to send a few people in, but my husband said that the study room is very important, and I am not allowed to break in without permission." , this... concubine is timid, and really dare not go against my husband's wishes!"

"You don't dare to go against your husband's will, so is it possible that you dare to go against mine? As the concubine of the third emperor's grandson, don't be jealous!" The princess said a little bit.

Lin Lang nodded, "My mother-in-law is right, but... I think about it, my mother-in-law gave four beauties last time, and there are women in the study... I didn't worry about it..."

Yes, there are so many women, the key is that your husband doesn't touch them at all.

The princess wanted to say something when she arrived, but she blushed quickly. This kind of words can't be said out of the mouth. Once she said it, would others think that she had been monitoring the situation in her husband's and son's room? Do you want to lose that old face?

So the Crown Princess forced a smile, "You're right...since you're pregnant, you can rest in the house. I'm not a bad mother-in-law, so come and greet me after you give birth!"

"Thank you mother-in-law for your kindness!" Lin Lang happily picked you up. On the way back, Lu Lingling stayed by Lin Lang's side and said in a low voice, "Ma'am, when I accompanied you to pay my respects, someone kept saying hello to me. Inquire about the situation in the madam's yard, but the servant girl said that she is new here and doesn't understand many things..."

Lin Lang patted his hand, "You've done a good job. It's okay if you don't want to reply. After all, you belong to me, not theirs. Even if they get angry, they won't do anything to you!"

Lu Lingling smiled shyly, "I'm not afraid of them, but I'm not a fool, and I found out some things. I heard... Concubine Taisun drank dozens of folk remedies to get pregnant, and ended up vomiting and diarrhea. ..."

Lin Lang also laughed, "Instead of drinking folk remedies, it's better to take good care of your body!"

After returning to the room, Lin Lang didn't let the inside go, but patted her hand, kept him there, and asked carefully: "By the way, you are not young, do you have someone you like?"

When Lu Lingling heard this, she knelt down in fright, raised her head, and said with tears all over her face: "Madam, do you despise slaves? That's why you want to drive slaves away?"

Lin Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why? If I wanted to drive you away, I wouldn't have kept you in the first place!

It's just that you are about the same age as me, and I am pregnant now, but you are alone. I want to ask you that if you have someone you like, I will give you a marriage. What do you think? "

Lu Lingling quickly shook her head, "Madam, I don't have anyone I like, please don't drive me away, I will work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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