Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1560 The Twin Sisters Flower

Chapter 1560 Twin Sisters Flower Ten
Lin Lang hurriedly pulled him up, "Okay, okay, don't cry, I just asked you a few words, I don't mean to drive you away!"

Lu Lingling replied sobbingly: "Ma'am, this servant was sold into the palace when she was very young, and she worked hard every day to barely have enough to eat!
When she grew up, her brain was not working well, and she had been doing rough work in the palace. Now she was lucky enough to come to the madam's yard. Not only can she have enough food, but she doesn't have to do heavy work. Living in a new house is like a dream... so if I feel uncomfortable when I think of leaving Madam's side, please don't drive me away..."

Lin Lang felt sore in her heart, "I didn't drive you away, but we women are going to marry in our lifetime, you can't stay by my side all your life, you have to have your own way to go!

In fact, not only you want to get married, but even the maids around me are getting older, I will choose a suitable husband's family for them! "

Lu Lingling shook her head, "But I don't want my family, I just want to stay by your mother's side!"

Lin Lang nodded her head, "That's because you're not happy yet!"

Lu Lingling even shook her head with a ignorant expression, "Your servant is not happy, but very sad!"

Lin Lang didn't know what to say, after sending this silly girl away, Zhao Bingqian walked in the door with a not particularly good-looking expression.

"Husband, what happened?" Linlang asked with concern immediately, serving a cup of tea.

Before Zhao Bingqian answered, the servant beside him began to say, "Ma'am, you don't know that what we have done with great difficulty was snatched away by the grandson. It's so annoying, but the emperor praised us It’s also the grandson, our grandfather has worked so hard, nothing is completed, and he offended so many people for no reason..."

Zhao Bingqian gave the servant a hard look, "I didn't let you speak, why did you interrupt!"

The boy shrank his head in fright, and said indignantly, "I'm complaining for my master!"

Lin Lang smiled softly when she heard this, "So it's because of such a small matter, but... Lord, we really don't need to be angry, so what if the credit is taken away by the grandson, as long as this matter is remembered Under the name of the Prince's Mansion, the one who benefits is our Prince's Mansion!"

Zhao Bingqian still felt a little pain in his heart, "Although I say that, it's hard to understand!"

Lin Lang patted Zhao Bingqian's hand, and continued: "Husband, think about it carefully, the people above are not fools, even the prince... is not a fool, although the credit for this matter was taken by the grandson, but it is not him It's not his after all, so what if you snatch it away?
Instead of being aggressive and troublesome over there, if you still acquiesce in this matter and end up with the image of a doormat, maybe you can still get the love of others! "

When Zhao Bingqian heard this, he looked at Lin Lang with sparkling eyes, "Ma'am is really self-restraining!"

Lin Lang laughed immediately, "It's not a good thing, it's just that I have suffered more grievances, and I have gained more experience!"

This is really not wrong. When I was in the palace, the second wife of the Wang family was basically the one who got angry, but the second sister couldn't be angry. After all, the second sister is the daughter of the second bedroom of the Wang family, and she was only adopted, so this person was angry. Basically all of them are themselves.

Zhao Bingqian patted Lin Lang's hand, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I promise I won't let you get angry in the future!"

Linlang sighed pretentiously, "Husband, what you said is nice, there is one thing that is bothering me now, I wonder if my husband can solve it for me?"

Zhao Bingqian nodded Lin Lang's forehead, "Tell me, who is angry with you, and my husband will vent your anger on you!"

Linlang blinked aggrievedly, "Who else could it be? Of course it's my mother-in-law. Because of my pregnancy, my husband didn't touch other women. As a result, my good mother-in-law couldn't sit still, thinking Add two people to your husband..."

When Zhao Bingqian heard this, some disgust flashed in his eyes, "The manager is in charge of me, that's all, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will solve it for you, it just so happens... Although this matter I admit it, but I still haven’t let out the breath from my heart, if I hold my breath too much, it’s easy to hurt my body..."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Bingqian left, and the next day the whole yard was bustling with chattering, so much that Lin Lang couldn't even sleep peacefully.

"What's going on outside?" Lin Lang narrowed her eyes and asked with a frown.

Lu Lingling hurriedly said: "Everyone is discussing the matter of the prince!"

Lin Lang opened her eyes abruptly, dozed off and ran away, "What happened?"

Lu Lingling thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know much about the details, I just heard that a pregnant woman came to the door, saying that she was pregnant with the grandson's child..."

Lin Lang finally understood what Zhao Bingqian said about venting his anger. She burst out laughing, and then said to the big maid next to her: "Although the crown prince is unlucky, we can't just sit idly by and tell the people below to keep their mouths in check." Tighten up, if I hear any more gossip, I'll send them all to do rough work!"

The big maid hurriedly complied and went down to explain. After a while, the courtyard became quiet.

"Is the third imperial concubine here? The crown princess has urgent matters to find you!"

Lin Lang had just finished dressing when she heard someone report, "I see, I'll go later!"

Although he said he would go there later, Lin Lang walked over there slowly after packing up and eating again.

The other sisters-in-law couldn't wait a long time ago, and when they saw Lin Lang coming, they all said sarcastically: "Sister-in-law San is really self-restraining, she only came here now, unlike when we heard that our mother-in-law wanted us to come, we didn't care about anything and immediately Come to mother-in-law!"

"That's right, it's too unruly, but think about it, people come from different backgrounds and have different knowledge. If some people can marry princes and grandchildren, it's probably just shit luck!"

"The third sister-in-law was the last one to come. Is it because the servant girl didn't inform me, or did something happen on the way? I didn't say it. Since I can't come, I should quickly find someone to notify me. Let us wait so long, it will waste us a lot time!"


Hearing their conversation, Lin Lang immediately showed an aggrieved expression, and touched her swollen belly, "I'm really sorry, but I actually received a message early in the morning, and I wanted to come here earlier, but I couldn't help myself. I don't live up to it, it hurts to take a step, it hurts to take a step, I was thinking of finding someone to report it, but I thought I was not taken seriously, so I gritted my teeth, persisted and persisted, and finally came I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long!"

Hearing that Lin Lang had a stomachache, the other sisters-in-law didn't dare to say anything. After a while, the princess came late, followed by the concubine grandson, but the concubine grandson didn't look so good, with tears all over her face , There are still a few palm prints on the face.

"What's going on here?" Lin Lang frowned, "Even if this concubine did too much, she shouldn't hit her. After all, the concubine is the master, and it's inevitable that a few slap marks suddenly appeared on her face. It will make the people below think that Concubine Grandson has fallen out of favor..."

"Okay, you still have the heart to care about the grandson concubine, you should worry about your own affairs!" The fourth sibling rolled his eyes, "I heard about your man's achievements, but he was snatched away by the grandson. Now, if they are unlucky, wouldn't you be very happy?"

"There's nothing to worry about, anyway, it's the Prince's Mansion that will benefit!" Lin Lang said indifferently.

 ps: [Happy: I don't mean to be happy, but to say that my heart is calm and I become like an adult! 】.

(End of this chapter)

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