Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1561 Twin Sisters Flower 1

Chapter 1561 Twin Sisters Flower Eleven
The fourth sibling said dissatisfied: "You think it doesn't matter, but I feel uncomfortable in my heart, just like the one in our family, who has worked so hard for the past few months, how much heart and effort it took, and the result is good. I didn’t get it, and I got a whole body of fish!”

Lin Lang lowered her eyes and said unhurriedly: "The prince is not a fool, he must know that it is not easy for the fourth brother, and he will definitely compensate the fourth brother!"

The fourth sibling sighed, "We don't have such big ambitions, we just hope that we don't get angry for no reason, take the blame for no reason..."

"What are you two muttering down there? Let us hear it too?" The princess looked over coldly, her voice was cold and piercing!
Lin Lang patted the hands of the four younger siblings, and said with a smile: "What about the master in the mansion, they say that these brothers are busy all day long, and they don't know what to do!"

The princess's face was not good-looking, she knew what those people were busy with, she waved her hand, "If you want to talk, just talk about it later, I have business right now!"

The fourth sibling breathed a sigh of relief, and said thank you in a low voice, "Thank you for what happened today, and come to visit my yard tomorrow!"

Lin Lang smiled and agreed, and because of her pregnancy, Lin Lang was arranged on a soft chair.

The Crown Princess glanced at them lightly, and then said bitterly: "I think you all know about the grandson's affairs, so don't think that this is the matter of the grandson alone, all prosperity and all losses, the prince's mansion will not be able to win." Well, it means that we will not get well!"

The fourth sibling's face is not good-looking, "It's fine if you let my husband take the blame for Taicun on weekdays, but do you still want us women to take the blame for the grandson? This princess is too unreasonable!"

"Father of the fourth family, what are you muttering down there?" The princess looked over coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it in front of me, so that everyone can listen!"

The fourth sibling was unhappy, and stood up on the spot, kneeling on the ground and kowtowed to the princess, "Mother, this incident was caused by the grandson alone, and it would be too unreasonable for us to take the blame Well, besides, it was caused by their men, even if we women want to solve it, we can't solve it!"

Hearing this, the princess directly picked up the teacup beside her and threw it in front of the fourth sibling. The tea overflowed and soon soaked the skirts of the fourth sibling. Let's see if it can be resolved, and don't give me excuses, if the grandson doesn't get well, you men won't get well either, then we'll be in bad luck together!"

Lin Lang couldn't help frowning, this is obviously a mad cow who came down from Taisun, why let them take the blame?
"If it really doesn't work..." said the second sister-in-law who hadn't spoken for a long time, "Let's just say that the woman is pregnant with someone else's child, and that person is a servant in our house. He acted recklessly and pretended to be a grandson..."

Concubine Taisun's eyes flickered when she heard this, "This is a good way. It can not only protect Grandson's reputation, but also push this matter to the public..."

The Crown Princess sneered, and gave the Grand Concubine a hard look, "Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your heart, aren't you just afraid that that woman will give birth to a son, making your status unstable?

After all, my son's ability to get into tomorrow's catastrophe has nothing to do with you. I've told you several times that others brought up a few women when I felt unwell. Going outside to find other women, causing such a catastrophe, completely embarrassing our entire Prince's Mansion! "

As soon as the concubine grandson heard this, she covered her handkerchief and began to cry. She cried and said: "Mother, you blame me for being ignorant, but you don't look at it. Since I married in, there have been more people around the grandson How many people, and all the selfish women in my yard are basically touched by grandchildren, but did I say anything?

It's Taisun himself who is not satisfied, and there are so many women who still feel that they are not enough, so they have to go outside to find..."

"Men are like this. They feel that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers!" The fourth sibling taunted.

Concubine Taisun nodded, "Look at the third brother, they have been married to the third younger brother for so long, and even if the third younger brother is pregnant, there is no one around the third brother..."

"What do you mean these days? Isn't it good to dislike your grandson? If you dislike your grandson, you can pack up your things and get out of this house now!" Of course, the princess would not admit that her son was immoral, so she put all her All the faults were put on Concubine Taisun.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that no one spoke, and no one drank tea...

The princess glared at them fiercely, "Tell me, what other ideas do you have? If you can't come up with an idea, don't go back today!"

Concubine Taisun also simply broke the jar, "I think the second sibling's idea is quite good!"

"Don't even think about it. Although that woman's status is not high, she still has my son's flesh and blood in her belly. It's fine if she's a girl, but what if it's a boy?" The princess sneered.

Lin Lang also had a headache from arguing, "Neither this one nor that one, just do what my sister-in-law said, but... I have to think in another way...

Let’s just say that the woman’s child is the child of a servant in the Prince’s Mansion. As for the child, it’s easier to handle. Just let the woman in the grandson’s yard announce that she is pregnant. After the woman gives birth to the child, the child will be taken Hug to the woman who claims to be pregnant, when the time comes, the problem of leaving the child will be solved, the best of both worlds, isn't it? "

The Crown Princess slowly lowered her eyes, "This is not a good idea, what about the Crown Princess?"

The concubine is naturally unwilling, because he doesn't want that woman to enter that yard at all, and he doesn't want that child to be the child of the grandson, but the concubine doesn't think so. Although she doesn't want to admit that woman, it doesn't mean that the concubine doesn't If she is willing to admit that child, especially if that child may be a boy, it is even more impossible for the princess to give up.

Seeing Concubine Taisun's expression, Concubine Crown Prince's face softened a little, and she said slowly: "I know you are angry in your heart, it really can't be done after this matter is over, if that woman really gave birth to a son, you can give birth to that woman." How do you feel about holding the baby under your lap?"

Concubine Tai Sun is also unwilling to keep that child, after all, she is still young, what if she can give birth to a son?After weighing the pros and cons, Concubine Tai Sun nodded, "Then let mother decide everything!"

The concubine breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's ask the servants to do it, find a servant who is about the same size as the grandson, and send away those watching the fun, and the woman at home will be under strict supervision!"

After this matter was settled, it was already dark. Lin Lang supported her stomach and slowly moved to her yard. After walking a few steps, someone followed her.

"Third siblings, what are you doing so fast?"

Hearing someone calling her, Lin Lang turned her head and found that it was the second sister-in-law who had been quiet all the time, and slowly bowed to her, "Greetings to the second sister-in-law!"

"You're already pregnant, don't greet me, get up!" The second sister-in-law gently helped Lin Lang up, and said as she walked, "You have a big belly, you should give birth in a few months. Come on!"

Lin Lang nodded, "It's almost 5 months!"

The second sister-in-law suddenly smiled meaningfully, "It turns out that there are still 5 months left. That woman is three months pregnant. If she gives birth prematurely, I don't know which child will come out first... It's really exciting. ..."

expect?You want to see us fight, you usually look honest, but you are also a shit-stirring stick.

Lin Lang took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Who knows? What if it's born early? After all, it's not a matter of whether it's a boy or a girl, and the baby born early is definitely not as healthy as a normal baby! "

The second sister-in-law said plainly: "Our family does not lack any precious medicinal materials. Even if the child is born early, as long as he takes care of it carefully, he will surely live to grow up safely. Look at our prince, it is because the first one is born. , It turned out to take so many benefits, and ended up in trouble, and let us girls take the blame, it's really infuriating!"

(End of this chapter)

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