Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1566 Twin Sisters Flower 6

Chapter 1566 Twin Sisters Flower Sixteen

Realizing that something was wrong, Mrs. Wang quickly pulled the eldest lady down, and said to Lin Lang apologetically, "Don't be so fussy with her, she just gave birth, her confinement is not done well, and her mind is also confused That's why I said some nonsense!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "Sometimes misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

Miss Wang sat on the chair, gritted her teeth, and then began to cry, "Sanmei is really sorry, I really shouldn't have said those words just now, but I just feel wronged in my heart, do you know Do you know what kind of life I am living now? I chose the one. At that time, I saw that he was honest and felt that others did their duty. After getting married, they turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone after giving birth to a daughter...

It’s okay to speak badly, and you can’t sit well even during confinement. His mother is pointing and cursing outside the yard all day, and I don’t even have a waiter around me. If my mother didn’t feel sorry for me and took me back to her mother’s house, I guess I can't...I can't live anymore...Sister, the two of us grew up together. Although we are not biological sisters, we have been together for so long, and we have feelings!

For the sake of previous affection, please help me. I heard that your husband has been valued by the emperor recently. Even such important things as disaster relief have been entrusted to your father, so I want to ask your husband for help. , to see if I can...can you find something for his brother-in-law...Although your brother-in-law can't study well, he still has other talents, such as being a petty official..."

Lin Lang glanced over coldly, "Sister, I call you "Sister" for my mother's sake, you open your mouth and let my husband arrange a job for your husband, have you ever thought about my husband's embarrassment, he It was originally a number, but now it’s trembling, and it’s hard to get the emperor’s appreciation. The characters haven’t been erected yet, so it’s fine if you relatives don’t help, but you even pick them up to suck blood, you... are you still my relatives?”

The elder sister's face changed, "I... just because I regard you as a relative, I think about you. Think about it, the third brother-in-law is working outside alone, so he must need manpower. It happens that your brother-in-law is also idle, let him It's good to help..."

"Come on, at such an advanced age, I heard that only one scholar passed the exam, not even a juren, so ask him to help, don't just come here to help!" Lin Lang sneered, "Sister, if my eldest brother-in-law really has As a younger sister, I will naturally do my part, and I will definitely find ways to arrange a good job for my elder brother-in-law, but my elder brother-in-law... my heart is higher than the sky, and my life is thinner than paper. It's cold, if one day it really develops, do you think your poor wife will still exist?"

"I..." The eldest sister's eyes were a little dodgy, "I just wanted to arrange a job for him. Seeing me working so hard, maybe he would think about his previous friendship..."

"Sister, I have been with your sister for decades, and I see that you are very smart. How come your mind is getting more and more confused after giving birth?" Lin Lang said with a face of disapproval: "Our Wang family doesn't call it family. Great cause, but at any rate it can be regarded as a family of officials, but there is something in the elder brother-in-law’s family that is extremely poor, and there is an old mother who has been a widow for decades. I married him directly, but my eldest brother-in-law doesn't know how to cherish it at all. You understand your difficulties, and you bully you with his widowed old mother all day long. According to me... the main reason is that you are too soft reconciled!

Don't even think about where their food and drink come from. If I were your eldest sister, their family would dare to bully me like this, so I would take my dowry money and stay at home for a few more days... ..."

When the eldest sister heard this, her tears couldn't stop, "I regret it, I regret why I chose such a thing at the beginning, but... people choose by themselves, and now they even have children, so it is hard to make it come true Is it too late?"

"Of course life has to go on, but we also have to figure out how to live. His family is poor, so we can't try our best to add to it. After all, eldest sister, you are married and not helping the poor.

The money is the most important thing, only holding the money in his hands, then everything is the most practical, he wants to go out to play, want to make some mess, but without the money, all that is said is empty! "Lin Lang shook her head, "Anyway, this is the end of the story, you can listen to it if you can, and don't listen if you don't want to hear it!" "

The elder sister lowered her head, "Of course I'm willing to listen, and ask the third younger sister to teach me well!"

Lin Lang sighed, "Elder Sister, in fact, it's not good if you marry well. The main reason for the good marriage is that this family is easy to control. Their family has no money and no influence, but the Wang family has it. If he dares to provoke you If you don't, you can use the Wang family to suppress them, and if you don't give them money, they will naturally know that they are honest!
As for saying it's not good, it's mainly due to lack of ability. Although I was selected as a scholar at a young age, it was a few years ago, and now I can't even pass the exam...

But people are chosen by themselves, and now they are married, and even have children, and you can't regret it, the only thing to do now is to control them well, urge the eldest brother-in-law to study hard, and what you can read is naturally good , What to read, naturally there is the help of the Wang family! "

The eldest sister nodded quickly, "Third sister, I am really educated!"

The corners of Linlang's mouth curled up slightly, "As for that annoying mother-in-law of yours, hehe... If you don't want to serve him, just go back directly. If the swearing is too nasty, you can let the big woman around you do it. If you really can't do it, be hungry. After a few meals, they will know whether it is good or bad!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang said, "But... this is too unfilial..."

"Then you should make it clear to him that if you dare to go against him again, his son's future will be lost. Let that old woman think about whether his son is more important or fighting for a moment!" Lin Lang said indifferently. Said.

Second Madam Wang sat aside, "Okay, okay, let's stop talking about these things, by the way, I heard rumors outside some time ago, saying... that your fetal position is unstable because of the Crown Princess..."

"It's all rumors, how can you still believe it?" Although Lin Lang doesn't like the princess, but according to the current situation, she and the princess are on the same front, so it can't capsize yet, "Don't talk about rumors outside. Listen, my fetal position is unstable because of my poor health, plus the exhaustion during this period, it's not caused by others!"

Mrs. Wang lowered her head, as if she didn't take this sentence into her heart at all, "I'm not a fool, so I naturally know what is the truth and what is a lie..."

"Since you know that you are not a fool, you should know what you should say and what you should not say!" Lin Lang patted Mrs. Wang's hand, "Don't worry, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, by the way, you You haven't told me about your second sister yet, why didn't she come over today?"

Hearing that Lin Lang asked about her daughter, Mrs. Wang's expression brightened a bit, "She just got married and is busy with her husband's affairs. She really doesn't have time to come and see you. You should be more tolerant!"

"There's nothing to worry about. They're newlyweds. I'm too happy to be happy!" Lin Lang smiled softly, "By the way, what kind of person is the second brother-in-law? Although I know his name and what's going on at home , but after all, I don’t know my mother well, so please tell me more about it!”

Lin Lang naturally had her own intentions when she asked this question. His husband's influence was too small. If that brother-in-law could help, he naturally didn't want to let the rich money go to outsiders.

"Your brother-in-law..." Second Mrs. Wang smiled, "I can't make progress this time, and I love your second sister the most!"

"That's good, you let the second brother-in-law do a good job. When my husband comes back, I will definitely talk to my father and try to get a good job for the second brother-in-law!" After speaking, Lin Lang turned around and said to the elder sister: " I arranged a job for Second Sister, of course I have my intentions, don't think too much about it, sometimes it might be for your own good if I don't arrange a job for your husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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