Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1567 Twin Sisters Flower 7

Chapter 1567 Twin Sisters Flower Seventeen

The eldest sister nodded quickly, "I already know, don't worry, I won't think too much about it!"

After talking for a while, Lin Lang showed a tired look on his face, and Mrs. Wang could not stay here to disturb her, so she stood up and said goodbye.

"Mother, I also brought you a lot of medicinal herbs that nourish your body. They all came down from the top. I can't finish them here. You can take them back and give them to your grandmother or your second sister!" Lin Lang yawned, her face There is a trace of sleepiness on the face.

Second Madam Wang nodded, seeing that Lin Lang was going to sleep, she hurriedly took the eldest lady away, and on the way back, she quickly glanced at Lu Lingling who was sending her away.

"You are a new maid, why have I never seen you before?" Second Mrs. Wang asked suspiciously.

Lu Lingling didn't dare to hide it, "Avoid the old lady, the slaves were transferred to the imperial concubine some time ago!"

Mrs. Wang nodded her head, "So that's how it is. No wonder I saw you like this. You've only been here for a few months, and you've become my daughter's second servant girl. She must value you very much!"

Lu Lingling was a little embarrassed, the imperial concubine really valued her, and the maids she selected with her either became servants or errands, there was no other maid like her, so easy She became a second-class maid, and she was highly valued by her master.

"It's because the empress has a good heart, she doesn't dislike the clumsiness of the servants, and she is willing to keep the servants by her side to serve!"

Mrs. Wang smiled, but when she looked back, she suddenly felt that this maid looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen this maid. Although she thought so, Mrs. Wang turned around and threw the thought out of her mind , After all, she is just a maid, so she doesn't take it to heart at all.

As time passed, Lin Lang's belly grew bigger and bigger. Finally, it was the day of delivery. Lin Lang tried hard to relax herself. Before she could die, she suddenly smelled a strange smell. He looked at the corner of the room. He hurriedly said to the big maid next to him: "There is something wrong with the incense burner, quickly smoke out the incense in it, and check by the way, who pulled the incense burner in!"

The big maid was terrified, she quickly took out the incense burner, and extinguished the incense with water. After all this was done, the big maid didn't show mercy, and soon found out who took the breasts in. He didn't listen to his explanation, and directly took off her chin and hands, and threw them into the woodshed for strict supervision!
Just when the two of you thought everything was over, he felt that there was something wrong with the nanny who gave birth to him. First, it was the smell on his body, and then, the movement of his hands, which kept pressing his stomach. What does it mean when you let yourself not use your strength when you are exerting strength, and let yourself howl all the time?
Lin Lang looked straight at the nanny, "If you don't understand what midwifery is, you can get out of here right now!"

A trace of guilty conscience flashed in the eyes of the midwife, "This old slave doesn't understand what the third emperor and grandson concubine said. If the third emperor and grandson concubine doesn't believe this old slave, then this old slave has nothing to say!"

Lin Lang didn't want to waste time with such a person, "Have someone remove his hands and jaw, and throw them into the woodshed!"

Before the midwife could respond, she was dragged down by a few maidservants. Immediately afterwards, her hands and feet were removed, and even her jaw was removed. She couldn't speak, let alone walk.

After getting rid of these two people, Lin Lang's childbirth began to go smoothly. Three hours later, she gave birth to a boy smoothly.

"Miss, it's a boy!" the maid said with surprise.

Lin Lang nodded wearily, "Let me take care of you, by the way, hand over all the two people we caught today to the Crown Princess!"

When the eldest maid heard this, she whispered, "If the Crown Princess did this, wouldn't that mean letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Lin Lang closed her eyes and said weakly: "It won't be the Crown Princess. Although the Crown Princess doesn't want to see me, but since I passed out last time in her yard, if something happens to my stomach, everyone The first suspect will be the Crown Princess!

Therefore, more than anyone else, the Crown Princess hopes to bring the child down safely, and will never do anything to hurt me, but there is no guarantee that he will not know about it. I am extremely weak due to childbirth, I really can't control those two people. Instead of standing in a stalemate here and letting someone with a heart start, it's better to hand it over to the Crown Princess. After all, the Crown Princess is also the hostess of the Prince's Mansion. When something like this happened, The princess has the right to know, and even more has the right to manage! "

Seeing that Lin Lang fell asleep, the maid went down lightly. First, she told her servants to take good care of the little master, and then went to the firewood room. She sent the two people directly to the princess, and by the way, told her what happened. I told you everything.

Sure enough, the princess's expression was not so good-looking, "You are so bold, you dare to hurt the great grandson of the great emperor, this is a crime cursed by the nine clans, you should bring it on quickly, and try to get a lighter sentence!"

After those two people regained their freedom, you looked at me and I looked at you, and you saw decisiveness in each other's eyes. Before the princess could react, the two committed suicide by bumping into each other.

Seeing the scene in front of her, the princess took a breath, "This... this..."

The grandma next to the crown princess stood up and said in an orderly manner: "Your Majesty, this is not the time to be frightened. Now that the two witnesses who hurt the third emperor and grandson have died, the most important thing now is how to give the third emperor and grandson an explanation." , if someone with a heart finds out, wouldn’t they suspect that it was the empress who let those two people hurt the third emperor and concubine, and that the two committed suicide because of the instigation of the empress?”

Only then did the princess realize the seriousness of the matter, and forced herself to calm down, "I...understand...but these two people are dead, how should we investigate?"

"Mother, these two people are not helpless people, don't they still have relatives and friends? It's really not possible, find their relatives and friends, and investigate carefully, you will definitely find some clues!" The mother hurriedly Said.

The princess stood up, "Mama is right, hurry up and get someone to investigate, and try to find a result as soon as possible!"

But the result was not so good. All the evidences pointed to the Empress Dowager.

"Why did I choose a daughter-in-law like you!" The crown princess brought the emperor dowager over, and shouted angrily, "A guy who has more success than failure!"

The sister-in-law knelt on the ground, "Mother, my daughter-in-law is really wronged. This was not done by my daughter-in-law. I hope my mother will find out!"

"You said you didn't make it. Look at this is your jewelry. Look again. It's something you rewarded..." The princess' face became even uglier before she took out anything. "What face do you have to say that you didn't do this?"

The sister-in-law cried, "Mother, I really didn't do this. Although the things belong to me, I rewarded them. If mother doesn't believe it, you can check my files!
Queen Mother, even if I really hate the third sibling, I will not hurt her, and I also know that if the third sibling really gave birth to a boy, it would be a good thing for the princess, so I It is even more impossible to hurt the third sibling without a clear mind! "

A trace of suspicion flashed across the face of the crown princess, "You really didn't do this?"

The sister-in-law said very firmly, "I really didn't do this. Mom, think about it carefully. I am not a fool. I know that the third brother was entrusted by the emperor to help the disaster. I also know that this matter is very important to our prince. It's a great thing for the government, so how could I hurt the third brother's relatives at this juncture? I'm not a fool!"

The concubine's face was serious, and she took two steps in the room, "You will bring the files of your jewelry later, I will find someone to investigate, and what happened today, don't tell anyone, So as not to make others suspicious!"

The sister-in-law nodded quickly, "Mother, I understand, I beg my mother to return my innocence!"

(End of this chapter)

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