Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1568 Twin Sisters Flower 8

Chapter 1568 Twin Sisters Flower Eighteen

After the imperial concubine left, the concubine hurriedly found her nanny, and narrated everything that the imperial concubine had said.

"I don't think she's telling lies anymore, so I thought, maybe she didn't do this..." The princess frowned, "Do you think someone will frame her?"

The nanny frowned, "If it's really not possible, the empress should tell the prince about it. The prince has many capable people under his command, so he will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly!"

But the Crown Princess hesitated, "If you tell the Crown Prince about this matter, wouldn't it be obvious that you can tell the Crown Prince that your methods are not good enough, and you can't even find out about such a trivial matter!"

"Your Majesty is wrong!" The nanny said disapprovingly: "Actually, it is a good thing for Your Majesty to hand over this matter to the Crown Prince. First, it can avoid suspicion. After all, this matter involves the Crown Princess There is also the third imperial concubine, if the empress is a little careless, she may end up with a eccentric title!

As for the second...the prince has many capable people, who can investigate this matter clearly, and the empress can also remove the suspicion from it! "

The concubine's face showed joy, "What Mammy said is right, I'm going to report to the prince!"

The prince has been the prince for so many years, so he is naturally not a fool, so he quickly investigated this matter clearly, and when he learned who the murderer was, his face showed mourning.

"Gu finally understands the feelings of the father!" The crown prince shook his head, "This second son's family is really calculating, killing two birds with one stone shouldn't mean killing three birds with one stone. Planting the spoils on the boss, but also making the second son stand out... This scheming, this method... almost even the crown princess is about to be fooled, the orphaned son really married a good wife!"

The personal eunuch stood aside, sweating all the time, "Prince, then... what should we do next?"

The prince shook his head, "Even if the second daughter-in-law is plotting against Gu, I still can't deal with her, because our family is now a grasshopper on a rope, and no one can run away. Let him be dealt with, disgraceful child." Crown Princess Mansion!
By the way, don't we have the second child and the third child in our house, and try to put this matter on their heads. As for... the second child... we can't let him have a good time and tell the truth about this matter. Tell the princess, let her take care of it, don't worry about my face, punish me as she pleases! "

When the princess found out who the real culprit was behind the scenes, she was very angry, but because of the prince's confession, she didn't dare to really punish the real culprit behind the scenes, so she could only make fun of the second emperor and grandson concubine in a different way.

For example, I often ask the Second Emperor and Sun Concubine to come over to copy scriptures, ask her to help pick up Buddha beans, and let the Second Emperor and Sun Concubine serve him.

It's only been half a month, and the second concubine Huang Sun has been worn down to the point of emaciation. She is quite old, and her body is full of a haze. The concubines are all beautiful, delicate and lovely.

The angry Second Emperor and Sun Concubine didn't sleep well for four or five days, and his mouth also had a few big bubbles, but he didn't dare to refute, because he knew in his heart that it must be because the Crown Princess knew what he did , the Crown Princess knows, so the Crown Prince knows it too. Thinking of this, the Three Emperors and Sun Consorts are very honest. I just hope that the Crown Princess will not tell her man about this, because his man really does not know about it. If the second emperor and grandson really knew about it, wouldn't it be the end for him, even if he was not favored, and there is still the possibility of being divorced.

Of course, for the two victims, the prince was not stingy, and gave a lot of gold and silver jewelry, as well as a lot of supplements.

Lin Lang also understood that this matter was tricky, but since the crown prince asked them not to investigate any further, Lin Lang simply let go, pretending that she didn't know anything and was honestly raising her child.

The child grew up day by day, when the child was three months old, Zhao Bingqian came back, the first thing he looked at when he got home was the child, and then came to Linlang's yard.

Linlang looked at Zhao Bingqian, who was busy in the world, and stepped forward to pat the ashes on his body, "My husband is back, it must have been a hard journey, I will ask the people below to cook some supplements later, so that I can give my husband a good supplement." Body!"

Zhao Bingqian patted Lin Lang's hand, "You have worked hard, by the way, I have something to tell you, actually this time...not only I came back alone, I also brought a girl..."

Lin Lang's heart cooled down a little bit, her smile became more and more regular, her tone didn't change, but her voice seemed to lose warmth, "That's really congratulations to my husband, I have found another lover, but I'm going to arrange this girl to where?"

Zhao Bingqian couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, so he forced a smile, "I went to the disaster relief this time, and unfortunately caught the epidemic. If it wasn't for that girl, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back safely, so that girl helped me. Grace……"

Lin Lang frowned, "Husband, if I remember correctly, I gave you a lot of pills before you left, and some of them are specially designed to cure epidemics. Why does your husband still have epidemics?" ? Could it be that something happened during the period?"

A cold light flashed in Zhao Bingqian's eyes, "It's because you were calculated by others. Your pill is very good. Several people around me were infected with the epidemic, and they all recovered because of taking that pill. It's just a pity. I was infected with the epidemic back then, and I didn't bring the pill with me, one of the doctors could cure it, but I wasn't sure about the medicine, it was the girl who took the initiative to test the medicine for me, that's why..."

Lin Lang understood everything. It turns out that a beauty is a hero, and a hero has nothing to repay, so she can only promise her with her body.

Lin Lang had actually been mentally prepared for such a thing, "If this is the case, then this girl is not only the husband's benefactor, but also the concubine's benefactor. Since the husband asked her to bring her back, the concubine must We will properly arrange for that girl!"

First of all, that girl is definitely not an ordinary concubine, at least she has a higher status than the other women in the yard, she has a separate yard, and there are several waiters.

Zhao Bingqian showed a trace of gratitude, "Thank you so much, lady. By the way, lady, how are you doing during my absence?"

Lin Lang smiled softly, "Of course it's great. My mother understands my hard pregnancy and never asked me to ask for love. Not only that, my mother also often comes to visit me to relieve my distress!"

Zhao Bingqian frowned, "But I heard that when you gave birth..."

"It's just a small matter. The father-in-law and mother-in-law have already solved it for me!" Neither the prince nor the princess wants to bring up this matter anymore, and Lin Lang naturally won't bring it up again, "Husband, you are running around all the way. You must be exhausted, I have prepared hot water for you, you should take a good wash and rest for a while!"

Zhao Bingqian also felt a little tired, nodded, took a hot bath, lay down on the comfortable bed, and fell asleep after a while.

Lin Lang was dealing with things at first, when she heard the noise outside, she glanced at Zhao Bingqian who was sleeping soundly in the room, stood up slowly, and walked to the yard.

"It's really courageous. The third emperor's grandson is sleeping. What are you arguing about? There are no rules at all!" Lin Lang came out and scolded.

The big servant girl hurried forward, "It's the girl brought back by the emperor's grandson. She desperately wants to see the third emperor's grandson...so..."

Lin Lang turned around and saw a girl in extremely simple clothes looking at her with a stubborn face, she smiled softly, "You are the girl my husband mentioned, I know, thank you very much Well, if you hadn't saved my husband, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to come back safely. You are my husband's and me's great benefactor. I have arranged everything for you about your yard, and there are a few waiters. In the future, you Just stay here in peace!"

The girl shook her head, "I...I want to see him, I have something to ask him!"

(End of this chapter)

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