Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1569 Twin Sisters Flower 9

Chapter 1569 Twin Sisters Flower Nineteen

Lin Lang smiled softly, "My lord has traveled a long distance, and I'm very tired now, and I'm sleeping. If you want to see her, you can wait until my lord wakes up!"

Guan Yueyue bit her lip, and looked at Lin Lang stubbornly, "I want to see him now, let him come out!"

Lin Lang took a deep breath, "Girl, my husband is really asleep, even if you want to see him again, you have to wait for him to wake up!"

Guan Yueyue burst into tears, "Anyway, I don't care, I just want to see him now, if you don't let me see him, I'll go find him myself!"

There was a hint of impatience in Lin Lang's tone, "Girl, you are also a girl from a good family, you should know what rules are. The master's house is not convenient for seeing guests, even if you want to see him again, you have to wait until he wakes up." Come on, otherwise tell me why you want to see him? Maybe after you tell me, I can find a way to solve it for you!"

Guan Yueyue burst into tears, "He lied to me, he said he would marry me when he came back, but he was already married, and he said nothing about marrying me, he is a big liar, the biggest liar in the world... ...I don't want to talk to him anymore, I want to go back..."

Lin Lang watched the girl's heart soften a little bit, picked up the handkerchief in her hand, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "So it's because of this, he didn't lie when he said he wanted to marry you, he already told me I’m done with you, I’m really grateful that you saved my husband, from now on we will be called sisters, don’t worry, I will never treat you badly, let alone despise you because of your status, wait for me in the future You gave birth to a child, and I will raise your status even further!"

Guan Yueyue shook her head, "No, this is not what I want, my future husband can only be me!"

Linlang looked at Guan Yueyue, "I don't know what my husband told you? Since you have doubts in your heart, why don't you wait for him to get up and have a good talk with him. If you leave now, then When the misunderstanding is cleared up in the future, don't you want to leave regrets?"

Guan Yueyue looked at Lin Lang in shock, "You... are really weird... Shouldn't you hate me?"

"Why do I hate this world? That's it. When I grow up, I will know what kind of person I will marry in the future, and what kind of things will happen to me, so I have long been mentally prepared! "Lin Lang smiled lightly, "Besides, you didn't mean it, this place is just like this, and we can't change it!"

Guan Yueyue said sobbingly, "You are a good person, but I can't bear to ruin your family even more. I'm really sorry. I didn't know he was married. I'm really sorry..."

"Don't say these things anymore. You have been running around for a long time. Go down and rest first. After the third emperor wakes up, you can talk to him about what you want to say!" Lin Lang patted Guan Yueyue's hand and asked the maid I took it down.

Lu Lingling stood aside, biting her lips and said with distressed face: "Madam, you have suffered so much in the yard, you have suffered so much, and as a result... the emperor's grandson came back and brought another woman, Madam , aren't you sad at all? Don't you feel uncomfortable at all? "

Linlang looked at Lu Lingling, "If you don't care, you won't feel sad, let alone feel uncomfortable!
You are the person I care about, and my child is also the person I care about. I can have a bad life, but you must live a good life. In the future, if you have someone you like, you must tell me, and I will strictly punish you. I must choose someone you like for you, I will only feel happy if you are happy! "

Lu Lingling froze there, her face was full of shock, "Ma'am...why are you being so nice to me?"

Lin Lang patted Lu Lingling's head, "I think you fit my eyes well... well, let's not talk about that, I'll go and see the child, after the grandson wakes up, take that girl there , let them have a good talk!"

Lu Lingling nodded, but she was a little unhappy, "Just now that girl said that she can leave here. If she leaves, doesn't it mean that the emperor's grandson will only have his wife..."

"Then what are those women in the back?" Lin Lang pointed to a remote courtyard, "Although the emperor's grandson didn't touch them, they are all the women of the emperor's grandson. After leaving this one, the second one will come , the third one may come and the fourth one might as well let that girl stay, I think that girl is very good, not a bad person!"

"If it's not a bad person, I won't repay you with kindness!" Lu Lingling complained in a low voice.

Linlang turned her head and gave Lu Lingling a warning look, "It's fine if you say these things in front of me, but don't let others hear you."

Lu Lingling hurriedly covered her mouth and nodded hurriedly, "I see!"

Lin Lang went to the nurse's side to check on her child, and found that after he was asleep, he didn't disturb the child, but sat by the side and watched the time pass by. Lin Lang didn't go to the house until it was getting dark. Entering the house, I heard soft voices.

"Ah?" Guan Yueyue hurriedly stood up, the smile on her face disappeared, and she stammered, "I'm back..."

Lin Lang glanced at Guan Yueyue, then at Zhao Bingqian, and soon understood, and smiled slowly, "It seems that my sister is planning to stay, the yard has been arranged for you, and I will arrange it later. A wine, the title will be officially settled!"

Zhao Bingqian nodded, "It's really hard work for you!"

Guan Yueyue blushed, turned her head, and said to Zhao Bingqian: "Although I promised to be with you, you can't let me down, let alone forget what you promised me!"

Zhao Bingqian was in a daze for a moment, and nodded, "Of course not, it's getting late, you should go down and rest earlier, I still have something to say to my wife!"

When Guan Yueyue heard this, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she still left here.

After the people left, Zhao Bingqian said: "Yueyue is a good girl. She is from a close family and has a very pure and kind personality. I believe you will get along very well in the future!"

"I met once today, she is indeed a good girl!" Lin Lang didn't deny it, she sat beside Zhao Bingqian, and said, "Although there was only wine, I still wronged that girl, but that girl's status is not high, and she also It was brought by the emperor's grandson from other places, and the sudden promotion may cause other people's dissatisfaction, so I thought about waiting for her to give birth to a child before bringing up the issue of rewards!"

Zhao Bingqian nodded, "I leave everything to you, I am very relieved!"

Lin Lang lowered her head, "How is your husband doing this time?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Zhao Bingqian smiled, "It's very good, and the emperor's grandfather is also very satisfied!"

"That's good!" Lin Lang nodded, and then the two looked at each other speechlessly.

I don't know how long it took before Zhao Bingqian began to say: "The guards have told me everything that happened in the mansion, you have worked hard!"

Lin Lang said in a flat tone: "It's not hard work, all this is what a concubine should do, and the husband is the one who has worked hard. After traveling for so long, I just hope that I won't make wedding dresses for others this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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