Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1570 Twin Sisters Flower 2

Chapter 1570 Twin Sisters Flower Twenty

It would be better not to mention this, as soon as Zhao Bingqian mentioned this, there was a hint of anger on his face, "Although I have perfectly completed the things that the emperor's grandfather told me, I still haven't won the favor of the emperor's grandfather. On the crown prince's head, but my father didn't put me in his eyes at all, and the only thing he was thinking about was his good son, the emperor and grandson!
I just can't figure it out, is fame really that important?Just because he is the son of the princess, so any benefits can only be on his head, and we children can get nothing, I am really not reconciled, I am not reconciled to follow the emperor's grandson's feet for the rest of my life, if As long as he is a good elder brother and a good grandson, I would not have such thoughts at all. He is really unbearable, he is unkind to his subordinates, and unjust to his superiors... and he has no ability to follow such a person Man, I really feel useless! "

Hearing this, Lin Lang patted Zhao Bingqian's hand and said, "Imperial grandson, do you know that there is a saying called shooting the first bird, no matter how uncomfortable or unwilling you are, you have to lurk. Say there is still the prince, there are several brothers next to the prince, if we kill each other, wouldn't it benefit the fisherman?
I know that the emperor's grandson is not worthy of the position, but because the emperor's grandson can't do anything, the current emperor and the crown prince feel at ease. Otherwise, why do you think that the crown prince has been safe and sound in front of the emperor for so many years? "

"This..." Zhao Bingqian pondered, "My lady is really my good lady. Without you, I'm afraid I will make a big mistake!"

Lin Lang smiled, it has nothing to do with me whether you make mistakes or not, but I beg you to make mistakes, don't take me and my poor child with you.

But what worries Linlang the most is Zhao Bingqian's birth status, because the status of the grandson's eldest son has always been on his head, will it make him dislike the status of the eldest son, and then what will happen to their children?If he had another child, would he transfer his share of grievances to the child?
Lin Lang really didn't dare to gamble with such a future, so she said to Zhao Bingqian: "Husband, you only see that the emperor's grandson is overpowering you because of his status as the eldest son, but have you ever thought that if you don't have this son-in-law?" With the status of the chief, can our Prince's Mansion still be as stable as this?

The system of the eldest son not only appeases the crown prince, but also makes us tired of the whole prince's mansion. Moreover, the system of the eldest son is a Confucian rule. Even the emperor must follow this system and can't do whatever he wants. If it is recorded in the history book, it will be an eternal infamy! "

Zhao Bingqian was thoughtful, "I'm always complaining, but I didn't realize how much benefit this brought me. I'm too narrow..."

Lin Lang continued: "Husband, in fact, it's not the heirloom system that's wrong, but the morals of the world, because this is how the rules of the world are, if your husband despises this, it's tantamount to making the morals of the world your enemy!

And has the prince ever thought that if there is no heirloom system, would the crown prince's position be as stable as it is?Can our family still be so stable?The prince attaches great importance to the emperor's grandson, in fact, he values ​​his own status, so the emperor's grandson cannot have any accidents, let alone be suppressed by anyone, because the emperor's grandson represents the prince! "

Zhao Bingqian frowned, "Actually, I'm a little bit understanding and a little bit confused. I understand what you want to say. You want to tell me the importance of the heirloom system, but you've confused me again and again, but I understand your heart and I understand everything you want to say!"

It’s fine if you understand it, as long as you pretend to understand it if you don’t know it, and you will go to such a dead end in the future!

Lin Lang lowered her head, "Husband, now that you understand, do you know what to do next?"

"Of course I understand!" Zhao Bingqian nodded, and stood up immediately, "I still have some things to deal with in my study, you should take a good rest tonight, I'll come back tomorrow!"

Lin Lang sent him away with a smile, and after a while, the maid came back with a hint of indignation on her face and said, "The emperor's grandson did go to the study, but before he stayed for a while, he was arrested by Guan Yueyue." The people around were invited to leave, how long has it been, and left in the morning desperately, saying that they don’t want to work with others, but unexpectedly changed their face now, and even started robbing people, really shameless, a vixen!”

Lin Lang said with great generosity: "What did I say? It turned out to be such a trivial matter. Is there any need to be so angry? Okay, don't worry, even if he doesn't snatch it from me, sooner or later he will Someone else snatched someone from me, it's just that the time was a little earlier, so why be so angry!"

The big servant girl stretched out sullenly and said: "But... the slave girl just felt that this person was a bit inconsistent, and she clearly agreed to leave, but she just stayed with the emperor and grandson for a while. This change is too big, so stay here. Forget it, this title has not been settled yet, and I started to learn the tricks of those Huhu Meizi, no wonder they came from outside, and I don't understand any rules..."

"He can be ignorant of the rules because he is a concubine, but I can't be ignorant of the rules because I am the wife!" Lin Lang curled her lips, "Besides, it doesn't matter to me that she kidnapped the emperor and grandson Well, anyway, now that I have a status and a child, I don’t have to be afraid of anything, I don’t care if the grandson is on my side or not!”

Hearing this, the eldest maid cried sadly, "Miss, it's not easy for you. It is obvious that the emperor and grandson loved you so much when he didn't leave. So many women behind didn't even look at you. After you became pregnant, the empress Did Sun go to other women's place? Why did he change so much after only one visit?

If there is no that woman, maybe the lady and the emperor's grandson are still a good match, a loving husband and wife, but with that woman, everything seems to have changed, and the lady doesn't care about the emperor's grandson anymore... I feel that the relationship between the two is much colder... "

Lin Lang turned around, "You silly girl, is there any man in this world who doesn't know how to take a concubine? The emperor's grandson is just late, and he will accept it sooner or later. If I feel uncomfortable because of the emperor's grandson taking a concubine, After that, I will still feel uncomfortable, so I might as well relax now, at least I will feel better!"

The eldest maid was sobbing, "Miss is really not easy..."

Lin Lang shook her head, "There are many places where things are not easy in this world, and I'm nothing at all, that's all right, don't talk about these unpleasant things, I'm going to say hello to my mother-in-law tomorrow, and by the way, let people Tell Guan Yueyue to get up early tomorrow, and go with me to pay the crown princess well, and you will pass the way!"

"It's just an unpopular concubine, just set up a banquet, why do you have to meet the princess? If other concubines find out, wouldn't they want to laugh at the lady..." The maid had a different meaning willing.

"Sooner or later there will be such a day, it's just sooner or later. Besides, what they want to say is a matter of their mouths, and I can't control it!" Lin Lang said with a hint of coldness in his tone, "Don't think too much, according to Do as I bid!"

(End of this chapter)

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