Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1571 Twin Sisters Flower 21

Chapter 1571 Twin Sisters Flower 21
Early the next morning, Lin Lang woke up and found that Guan Yueyue hadn't come. Knowing that the maid had informed her, Lin Lang didn't wait for Guan Yueyue, but took the maid directly to greet the princess.

"The third brother and sister came here quite early today, I guess they couldn't sleep during this time!" After being imprisoned for a while, the second sister-in-law became more and more impatient, and probably realized that he and her husband would never have a chance again. So I don't hide my personality anymore, my speech is getting worse and worse, and my personality is getting more and more mean.

Lin Lang gave the second sister-in-law a cold look, "Second sister-in-law also came early, so why can't she sleep every day? But think about it, I don't want to talk about the things about the second brother, so it's no wonder the second sister-in-law is worried every day! "

"You..." The second sister-in-law was very angry, "You know what I'm talking about, yes, even if my husband's house is full of people, but I know what kind of temperament my husband is, it's better than you...before... I love your husband so much, I didn’t feel sorry for you when you were pregnant, so I changed my mind just after going out, I heard that the girl is very beautiful, and she has the grace to save her life..."

"Second sister-in-law is quite familiar with my family affairs. Those who don't know may think that second sister-in-law is spying on my husband-in-law!" Lin Lang rolled her eyes in her heart and choked.

The second sister-in-law's face turned red, "I...someone spied on your house, but it's just that everyone knows about it..."

"Everyone knows what, but I don't know why, the second sister-in-law is lying to me!" Lin Lang sat motionless on the chair, "Second sister-in-law, instead of making such a mess, you should worry more about yourself Things, I heard that the second brother has been lingering in the brothel during this time, even... Forget it, there are some things that I, a sister-in-law, don’t like to say, I just hope that the second brother can restrain himself, and don’t discredit the Prince’s Mansion!"

"What are you talking nonsense about me? If you continue to talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart!" The second sister-in-law blushed with anger.

"I heard you guys making noise early in the morning. It's endless!" The Crown Princess came out, followed by the Empress Dowager and Sun Concubine.

Lin Lang stood up, patted the creases on her body, saluted respectfully, then stood up and explained, "Mother-in-law, I can't blame me for this, it's the second sister-in-law who has been talking over there, I'm just seeking truth from facts , just pay her back!"

"I'm telling the truth, it's better than your ugly words!" The second sister-in-law picked up the veil and cried aggrievedly, "I've never heard such ugly words, it's no different from what the country people say, too It's vulgar, mother-in-law has to make the decision for me!"

The Crown Princess was a little annoyed at seeing them quarreling, but she was still happy to see the results. After all, they were quarreling, and it was not her son who was able to do it.

"Okay, why bother making a fuss over something trivial!" The Crown Princess waved her hand nonchalantly, and glanced at Lin Lang, "Are you here alone today?"

Lin Lang said very frankly: "I originally wanted to bring a girl to greet my mother-in-law, but...that girl seemed to have forgotten the time and never went to my yard. Come to pay my respects to my mother, as for that girl, you can see her anytime..."

"Third brother is also true. There are so many ladies from famous families who don't choose, but choose a country girl who doesn't know the rules at all. She has already asked the servants to tell the time, but she is still late. I must have no rules in mind!" There was a hint of disgust in the eyes of the fourth sibling, "According to what I said, we should let him learn the rules, and if he doesn't learn the rules well, don't let her out, so as not to embarrass him!"

The princess picked up the teacup, drank the tea with a blank face, and said calmly: "Since you don't come to greet me, then don't come to greet me in the future!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the surroundings became quiet, and many people understood that that woman probably would not have any status, even if the grandson of the third emperor became a prince, that woman would not have any good status in the future.

However, I can't blame Lin Lang for this. After all, he was clearly informed of the time. He was the one doing the work there, and he was unwilling to come here. You must know that Qin An is not a bad thing. Qin An is like getting lost. The whole prince The government will recognize that woman's status, now it's all right, offended the princess, and has no status, let's see how the two women will live in the future.

After the crown princess finished speaking, she glanced at Lin Lang lightly, "That maid is not good at rules, after you go back later, take a nanny back and let her learn the rules. If the third child has any objections, let him come to see you I!"

Can Zhao Bingqian have any objections, even if he has objections, would he dare to speak out in front of the Crown Princess?If he really dared to say it, his life would be ruined. Besides, it wouldn't be a bad thing to learn the rules from Mammy.

"Greetings to your majesty!" The maid walked in, kowtowed her head on the ground, and said, "A girl came outside and said that she was in the courtyard of the Third Emperor's mansion because some things were delayed, so she didn't follow the third emperor's grandson." The concubine came to greet the empress..."

The princess waved her hand, "Since she's late, don't let her come over, I don't want to see her!"

Lin Lang didn't want to take care of these things at first, but she was afraid that Zhao Bingqian would feel stabbed in her heart if she found out about this matter, so she knelt down and said, "Mom, maybe that girl was really delayed because of something, since she is willing to come over Greetings to the empress, it shows that I still have that kind of heart..."

"Heh, according to what you said, is he coming to greet me, or is it my luck?" The princess sneered, "It's a big joke, if you are late, you are late, and don't make any excuses, I don't want to See him, let her go back, and by the way, ask the servant girl to explain to the third child, the rules that should be learned must be learned, after all, it is not my embarrassment, but his embarrassment!"

Lin Lang didn't want to continue getting involved in this matter. After paying her respects, Lin Lang led the maid back and walked back. As soon as she reached the yard, she heard someone calling her.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Guan Yueyue came angrily from the dark place, "I used to think you were a nice person, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious!"

Lin Lang turned her head and said coldly, "I'm sorry you came from a small place, and you haven't learned any etiquette. I just want to hear it once, and I don't want to hear it a second time!"

"You..." Guan Yueyue stomped her feet angrily, "I came from a small place, what's wrong? Even if I came from a small place, at least I won't plot against others, you are so cruel..."

"What's wrong with my heart? Did I make you late? Or did I deliberately embarrass you?" Lin Lang said with a little sarcasm. Please An is also to help you get lost, it is because you don't know how to cherish it, and you are obviously going to show the results of Please An, and you don't see if you are worthy!"

Guan Yueyue's eyes turned red in an instant, "You...why do you speak so viciously? Could it be that Bingqian lived with me for one night, and you became resentful? Although I was late, you can't wait for me ?”

"It's your business to be late, but I can't be late, because my upbringing and my etiquette don't allow me to do this. Greetings to the elders is what we juniors should do. You are not required to remember it all the time, and you have to bear the burden Take it to heart!" Lin Lang clapped her hands, "So, why do you let me bear your mistakes? I'm not your own father or mother. I kindly support you and give you your title because you saved the prince. For the sake of it, but if you make further progress, a woman like you who has no status and a lofty heart, I can drag her down and beat her to death at any time!"

Guan Yueyue took two steps back in fright, "You can't do this, I..."

Lin Lang presses on step by step, "Why can't I do this? You have already followed the prince, and you are the people around him, but because of your own mistakes, you didn't get the title. It's easy to kill or sell it... I've said everything I need to say, it's up to you whether you listen or not, and don't yell at me next time, I'm you Your mistress is not someone you can accuse at will!"

(End of this chapter)

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