Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1572 Twin Sisters Flower 22

Chapter 1572 Twin Sisters Flower 22
Guan Yueyue was terribly angry, "Even if you are the mistress, Bingqian still loves me!"

For such a little girl, especially a little girl who devotes all her mind to love, Linlang is unwilling to continue arguing with him, "If you think love can surpass everything, then I have nothing to say, but since you stay in my On the site, you must follow my rules, otherwise you can pack up and leave here now!"

Guan Yueyue cried and shook her head, "You are really cold, heartless, indifferent..."

Why did Qiong Yao start to get up while talking?Indifference, hehehe, if I had been indifferent, I would have dragged this woman down and beat her to death long ago.

Lin Lang didn't want to talk to such a mentally ill woman, "The Crown Princess sent a nanny to let you learn the rules together. When you learn the rules well, come and see me again!"

"You..." Guan Yueyue looked at Lin Lang's back and was so angry that she wanted to go back and sue, but she thought that Zhao Bingqian left early in the morning, even if she wanted to sue, no one would sue. can give up.

As soon as Zhao Bingqian returned to Guan Yueyue's yard, he heard sobbing and sobbing, and then he heard the stern old mother say: "Master, instead of sobbing and crying over there, you might as well learn to Rules, after learning the rules, I won't force you!"

Guan Yueyue said aggrievedly while crying: "It's fine if I learn the rules from you, but why do I have to be beaten? You don't remember favors at all, I don't want to learn the rules from you anymore, get out of here!"

"It's your blessing that the servant girl taught you how to behave. You don't want to be in the midst of blessings and not know the blessings. It's for your own good to beat you. If you don't know the pain, how can you learn the rules?" Mammy picked up the ruler, " Hurry up and learn the rules, it's already dark, if you forget it, it will be dawn!"

When Zhao Bingqian walked in, he saw Guan Yueyue sitting on a chair sobbing and crying. He looked at the nanny and thought it looked familiar, and soon realized that this was the nanny next to the princess.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Bingqian looked around, "Who can explain to me?"

The nanny stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "Reporting to the grandson of the third emperor, the princess asked me to teach this girl to learn the rules. When the rules are learned, let this girl go out!"

Zhao Bingqian smiled, "It turned out to be to learn the rules. Of course, Yueyue learned the rules from the nanny. After all, everyone knows that the rules of the nanny next to the princess are the best, but it's so late. You have to rest, nanny, otherwise, you will come over to teach tomorrow, what do you think?"

The nanny didn't force it, after all, the face of the third grandson still had to be given, "That's fine, but His Royal Highness said something ugly before, this Yueyue girl not only doesn't know how to behave, but also is a stubborn person, I I advise the third grandson to talk to Miss Yueyue well. Since you have entered this house, you must learn the rules. Instead of resisting there, it is better to learn the rules earlier. When the time comes, His Royal Highness will be happy, and I will be a slave happy too!"

Zhao Bingqian nodded, and after sending Mammy away, he looked at Guan Yueyue who was sitting aside, and said comfortingly, "Okay, don't cry anymore, it's not a bad thing to learn the rules from Mammy!"

Guan Yueyue raised her head, the pear blossoms were covered with rain, she looked extremely cute, "I... I know I'm from a bad background, I don't know any rules, I'll embarrass you... But I didn't do it on purpose, I really tried my best to learn a relationship with that nanny, but he was too strict. If he did something wrong, he would beat me with a stick... Although I was born in the countryside, my parents never beat me since I was a child ..."

Zhao Bingqian frowned, "It's actually for your own good that Nanny beat you, after all, a strict teacher produces an excellent student, don't cry, don't be sad because of such a trivial matter!"

Hearing this, Guan Yueyue felt even more wronged. When she was beaten, you just knew how to say a few words, and didn't know how to make decisions for me.

"It's okay for Mammy to beat me, but..." Guan Yueyue said aggrievedly: "Lin Lang did too much, just like today when she greeted me, she didn't take me there, causing me to be in the middle of the crown prince. I lost face over there, and now I have no title..."

Zhao Bingqian frowned when he heard this. Of course, he didn't lose face because of Guan Yueyue, but because Guan Yueyue called Lin Lang directly by name. He warned, "Even if Lin Lang really has something to do What's wrong, but he is your mistress, even if you don't like her, you can't call him by his name directly!"

This sentence was like lighting a firecracker for Guan Yueyue. Guan Yueyue stood up with a bang and shouted loudly, "What do you mean? Is it all my fault? Why did I call him by his name?" She is cold, she is ruthless, if she doesn't know how to help me, it's fine, she still speaks ill of me in front of the princess, and the princess gave me a nanny, so I was beaten all day long, he is such a bad woman who is uneasy and kind... "

"Okay!" Zhao Bingqian stood up, "It seems that you really should learn the rules with Mammy, and you'd better learn how to speak!"

"You..." Guan Yueyue yelled, "You are so cruel. At first you said you liked me and asked me to stay, but after I stayed, I turned my face and refused to recognize anyone, because I didn't know how to behave and started to accuse me Oh, you are so cruel. If this is the case, why did you ask me to stay? I might as well just leave and marry a well-matched man. At least he won’t scold me, let alone make me learn some messy rules , I...why am I so pitiful, married to someone who is not human..."

Zhao Bingqian got a headache from the quarrel, he had never seen such a vulgar girl, she finally understood why the children of the rich and powerful families seldom accept some girls from the countryside, it turns out that birth determines everything, vision determines everything, Guan Yueyue It was so vulgar.

Thinking of this, Zhao Bingqian stood up, "It seems that we should not meet each other during this period of time. It will only make both of you angry. You should stay here and learn the rules. When the rules are learned, I will come to see you again!"

"You...you ungrateful and smelly man, you will turn your face and deny anyone if you get me, you bad person..." Guan Yueyue cried loudly.

Hearing such scolding, Zhao Bingqian came to the study without saying a word. Although he didn't like Guan Yueyue, it didn't mean he didn't have Guan Yueyue in his heart. In order to understand the whole story, he called for guards.

"Actually, I really don't blame the mistress for today's incident. Last night, the big maid next to the mistress came and told Miss Yueyue to wake up early tomorrow morning so that she could take her to greet the princess and pass Minglu by the way. ..." The guard lowered his head and continued: "But I don't know what's going on. Miss Yueyue seems to be getting up late. When I went to the mistress's side, I found that the mistress had already gone to greet the princess. Miss Yueyue I also followed the past, but I didn't see the face of the Crown Princess... Later I heard that Miss Yueyue was still in a dispute with the mistress in the garden, and she kept accusing the mistress of being cruel and ruthless... What happened later is not the same Very clear..."

Zhao Bingqian knew everything about what happened later. He understood that Linlang was not at fault for this matter. It was Yueyue who was at fault. After all, Linlang had already notified Yueyue herself that she was late. What's more, he was still accusing Lin Lang in public in the garden. If this matter got out, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?
So Guan Yueyue must also learn the rules, and let her come out when she has learned the rules well, otherwise if she doesn't learn the rules well, she will still lose face when she comes out.

Zhao Bingqian originally wanted to go to Linlang Yard, but remembering what happened last night, he still had no face to go. As for Guan Yueyue, he had just had a dispute and he had no face to go. After thinking about it, he went to the back garden, where there were four A beautiful woman.

The next day, Lin Lang received the news that Zhao Bingqian doted on other women, she smiled lightly, "See, the two people who were so in love yesterday turned around today and began to dote on other women, so this man's love Ah, it’s just like passing by, don’t take it seriously, let alone take it to heart, otherwise you will only be the one who suffers in the future!”

(End of this chapter)

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