Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1573 Twin Sisters Flower 23

Chapter 1573 Twin Sisters Flower 23
Guan Yueyue here also knew about this matter, she was so angry that she wanted to go to Zhao Bingqian for an explanation, but she was arrested by the nanny.

"Miss Yueyue said a bad word, what position do you stand on to blame the emperor's grandson for favoring other women?" The nanny said sarcastically.

Guan Yueyue faltered, "I... I was cheated by him. When he asked me to stay, he said a lot of good things and said he would love me, but then he turned around and spoiled other women. Has he ever thought about me? Why is he so cruel...I...I'm so unlucky that I listened to his lies and ended up putting my whole life into it! "

There was a trace of disdain in the mother's eyes, "To be honest, I think you are lucky, Miss Yueyue. A small family like you can marry the emperor's grandson as a concubine... Oh, I almost forgot that you can follow Your Majesty Huangsun, after all Miss Yueyue doesn't have any status now... That's your great blessing..."

"I'd rather not have such a blessing. What I want is to have someone with one heart and one mind. It's a lifetime promise!" Guan Yueyue shook her head.

"Heh, this is the best joke I've ever heard. I wish to have a person with one heart and one head without separation. This wish is really beautiful, but Miss Yueyue, do you think you are worthy? If it is true that the head is without separation , That should be about the emperor's grandson and the emperor's concubine, what's your business?" The nanny sneered, "If you have such thoughts, don't learn the rules early, so that you can go out to see the emperor's grandson, and you can also talk to the emperor earlier. Those few women vying for favor, maybe they can please the emperor's grandson, and they can have a position or something!"

Guan Yueyue has been sitting there crying loudly, "You all know that it's okay to bully that woman, Zhao Bingqian is also bullying me now, why am I so unlucky..."

"Miss Yueyue, instead of blaming others over there, you might as well think about who caused the current situation. Look at the third imperial concubine, what a wonderful person, although you follow the emperor's grandson for no reason, But Concubine Huangsun didn't blame you for this incident, and took the initiative to take you to establish your position as Concubine Crown Prince. "The nanny said in a strange way: "Accordingly, you are the one who will beat you the most!"

Guan Yueyue was so angry that her heart ached, "You and that woman are in the same group, you only help him talk, get out of here, I don't want to see you!"

Mammy sneered, "Miss Yueyue, I can go now, but if you want me to come back, it will be difficult!"

Guan Yueyue hesitated, if the old woman really left, what would she do if she didn't come back then?Who taught himself the rules, what if he couldn't learn the rules well and couldn't get out?If you can't get out, you won't be able to see the emperor and grandson...

"I..." Guan Yueyue stammered, "Okay, I won't argue with you anymore, you hurry up and teach me the rules!"

Mammy clapped her hands, "It seems that Miss Yueyue is quite flexible, isn't that great? Learn the rules early and go out early!"

Guan Yueyue reluctantly learned the rules from the nanny, but the rules are too difficult to learn, so that's fine. After seeing that she fell out of favor, the servants became more and more neglectful of herself.

"It's really unreasonable. Didn't those servants hear my voice? Are all of them deaf?" Guan Yueyue was furious.

The nanny was not surprised, and said very normally: "What is this, at least those people are still there, and they will serve you well. If those women who fell out of favor in other yards, they will live like servants." It's not as good, so you can be content!"

Guan Yueyue has learned so many rules from Mammy, and she also knows that Nanny is not a bad person, but her mouth is a bit poisonous, so she is willing to say some caring words to her, "But... I just feel uncomfortable, I am innocent The eldest girl followed him, but now nothing is left, and now even a maid can't move, why do you think I am so unlucky?"

"You are so unlucky and you didn't do it yourself!" Mammy shook her head, "You said you saved the third grandson, what a great opportunity this is, as long as you are honest, the third grandson will remember you Considering your previous friendship, but you... don't take care of it well, but you dare to openly contradict the imperial concubine, it's too unruly..."

Guan Yueyue also regretted a little, "I never thought that things would develop like that, I just thought..."

"I just want to give the imperial concubine a disgrace, don't you? Oh, you women's thoughts, you don't need to say, I understand, but you don't even think about what you are now, a nameless woman, Concubine Huangsun is kind-hearted and wants to give you a title, do you know the difference between women with titles and women without titles?" Mammy shook her head, "It's one heaven and one earth, just like those women in the yard next door , just because of their status, they can blatantly show off their might in this yard, and they can show off their master's prestige, even if they lose power, and their identity is also the master, those servants dare not blatantly wink at them.

But you have no status, and those maids and eunuchs don't take you seriously. If one day the emperor and grandson forget you, your life will be over! "

As soon as Guan Yueyue heard this, she burst into tears, "Where did I think that things would be so serious, Mammy, you have taught me for so long, please teach me how to deal with it." What to do, I really know I was wrong, I don't want to live like this anymore..."

Mammy shook her head, "Forget it, seeing that you have learned so much from me, I will show you the way.

The emperor hasn't come to see you for so long, so he probably has forgotten you long ago, but there is one person he will never forget, that is Concubine Huangsun. Anyway, you have learned the rules. After you go out tomorrow, do well. Go say hello to Concubine Huangsun, and say no to Concubine Huangsun, maybe Concubine Huangsun will help you! "

Guan Yueyue nodded quickly, "Mommy, I know everything, thank you for your guidance!"

Mammy took a long look and continued: "You must remember that this man's love is the most illusory. If you really want to gain a foothold in this back house, you must rely on the imperial concubine."

Guan Yueyue nodded, "Grandma learns a lot from a fall, and I will never make the mistakes I made before, let alone be as reckless as before!"

Mammy breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good to know!"

Early the next morning, Lin Lang heard the servant girl say that Guan Yueyue came to pay her respects, a trace of surprise flashed across her face, she glanced outside and found the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and said: "The sun hasn't even risen from the west. Get up, but why do I feel so unreal?"

The eldest maid was not surprised at all, "That's because she asked Madam, otherwise she wouldn't have come to greet Madam early in the morning!"

Lin Lang felt that the maid had hit the point, so she smiled at her, "Since she has something to ask of us, let's go out later and let him do more of his acting!"

"Ah?" The big maid was a little puzzled, "Madam, don't you send someone to send her away? Could it be that you want to agree to her request?"

"Why not?" Lin Lang said very calmly, "It will be more lively if there are more people!"

"But...but..." The maid shook her head in resistance, "If that woman is allowed to succeed, will she be as arrogant as before? Ma'am, such a person really can't be helped!"

"Okay, you don't need to say any more, I know in my heart, let someone come in, and have a cup of tea and a few cups of snacks by the way, come to say hello so early, you must not have breakfast!" Lin Lang waved her hand.

It's not good for the servant girl to continue persuading her. After someone invited Guan Yueyue in, after a while, the master and servant walked out slowly.

"Greetings to Madam!" Seeing the person coming, Guan Yueyue knelt down obediently to pay her respects.

Lin Lang looked at Guan Yueyue who was kneeling on the ground, and smiled, "I didn't expect that it's only been two months, and my sister's etiquette is pretty good, better than those maids in the palace who have been serious for decades!"

Guan Yueyue bit her lip, "The mother taught me all of this!"

(End of this chapter)

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