Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1575 Twin Sisters Flower 25

Chapter 1575 Twin Sisters Flower 25
Lin Lang raised her head, "Today is a good day for Sister Guan, won't the grandson accompany her?"

Countless emotions flashed across Zhao Bingqian's face, and finally he returned to his natural state, and said lightly, "That's all for now!"

Lin Lang's eyes froze, "Then let's stop here!"

After such a time, the husband and wife returned to their former love, but the broken heart could not be healed, and there was some gap between the two after all, but I believe that under the healing of time, all traces will eventually disappear.

In the spring of the second year, Lin Lang gave birth to their second son, and now the emperor passed away as the prince to succeed him. Originally, the emperor's grandson should be named the prince, but that night, the emperor's grandson died in the woman's belly superior.

In this way, Zhao Bingqian ascended to the position of prince quietly.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Bingqian walked in with a smile on his face.

"The maids around me are all grown up, and it's time to get married, but I don't have any suitable people here..." Lin Lang was a little embarrassed.

"Which maid are you talking about? It can't be the maid you love the most, Lu Lingling. In fact, Gu can't figure it out. Why do you like that maid so much? I don't think he has any merit!" Zhao Bingqian shook Shaking his head, he asked suspiciously.

Lin Lang smiled, "How does the prince understand the relationship between us women, just like I don't understand the relationship between the prince and those courtiers, anyway, I just like her and want to give her a good home!"

"I have a few unmarried sons over there..." The prince smiled, "Do you need me to marry you?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Then the Crown Prince's help is definitely needed, but... Husband, it's not about good husbands and concubines choosing husbands and son-in-laws for them, but about suitable ones. Do you understand?"

"Naturally, just like us!" Zhao Bingqian replied with a smile.

"My husband's face is getting thicker and thicker!" Linlang said jokingly: "But anyway, I still have to thank my husband, I hope my husband will take more trouble!"

Zhao Bingqian nodded, and on the second day, several suitable people were selected. Lin Lang comprehensively considered his family background, selected again and again, and finally selected a suitable one.

When Lu Lingling learned about this, she didn't feel happy, on the contrary, she was a little sad, "I want to be with my mother all the time!"

"Nonsense, there is no such family as a woman who does not marry in her life. I have seen for you that the family style is clean, the father is kind and the son loves, it is excellent. They believe that you will never be wronged after you marry there!" Lin Lang She tapped Lu Lingling's forehead, "Furthermore, you can come to see me in the palace even after you leave the palace to get married. It's not like we won't be able to see each other forever!"

Lu Lingling began to cry, "How can I be a servant to make my mother worry so much, this servant... really..."

Lin Lang smiled, "Okay, okay, what a good thing this is, what's there to cry about, just wipe away your tears!"

After solving Lu Lingling's marriage, there will be even more headaches. Because Zhao Bingqian became the prince, more and more people are eyeing his position in the harem. After all, once he marries Zhao Bingqian, it is equivalent to the future The concubine is gone, and his status as the main wife is not obvious, so many high-ranking and wealthy families want to stuff women into the East Palace.

Zhao Bingqian refused a lot. You will always have a lot. After all, he already has children, so he really doesn’t need other women to give birth to him. More importantly, he thinks these are not fun. Yes, no matter how beautiful a woman is, But the past is the past, and there will never be anything new, but staying by Lin Lang's side, he feels that his whole heart has calmed down.

In this way, the husband and wife maintained a very stable balance. The current emperor died not long after. The main reason is that the emperor has been the prince for more than 30 years, and he is used to being cautious. Now he suddenly became the biggest official in the world. This mind also became turbulent, and people are getting old, so it will soon die.

After Zhao Bingqian came to the throne, apart from him, there were only a few scattered women in the harem. The ministers were all anxious, but Zhao Bingqian was not in a hurry. Anyway, he had two sons, and he and Lin Lang would have another child in the future. , there is no need to worry about children at all, so there is no need to let those women destroy their relationship.

As for Guan Yueyue, he had been tossing and tossing for a while in the early years, but after tossing and tossing, there was nothing left, and his heart was dead. It would be better to stay in the palace honestly, anyway And she won't treat herself badly, some eat, some drink and some live, this is probably the best life in the world, so she also settles down, honestly being her concubine, honestly Take care of your life.

In the past 30 years, after Zhao Bingqian left, Lin Lang's eldest son ascended the throne, and Lin Lang also became the Empress Dowager. When she got old, she began to miss her old love. She often called Lu Lingling into the palace, and the two talked about trivial things things.

"Sister..." Lu Lingling said suddenly, "Although I don't remember many things, you are my sister, right?"

Lin Lang didn't admit it but didn't deny it either, she closed her eyes, "Is it that important?"

Lu Lingling lowered her head, "It's really not that important, but thank you very much, thank you..."

When Lin Lang opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a Simmons bed, jumping around happily, my dear, although the bed in the palace is good for sleeping, but he still misses the modern Simmons, the modern air conditioner, and the modern flush toilet , of course, she misses modern TV even more.

But after he finished being happy, looking at the room covered by sheets and smelling the sour smell in the air, plus the scattered beer bottles and cans in the room, he almost vomited out. Darling, is this a woman's room?Why is it like a pigsty.

Lin Lang hurriedly opened the curtains of the room, the sun shone into the room, and the air poured into the room, taking away the dirty smell and leaving the smell of air behind.

Linlang took a deep breath, first tidied up the wine bottles in the room, then cleaned the room, took off the sheets and quilts, and put them in the washing machine. After doing all this, Linlang stretched out on the balcony, and then The flash thought of it one after another.

Because Lin Lang didn't know anything, she was still a little confused about the scene in front of her, but since she was a star, she quickly changed her attitude. She came over and said to the pulled out flashlight, "I heard everything, come out quickly Bar!"

Immediately afterwards, three or four people crawled out from the grass, and smiled embarrassedly at him, "Sister Lin, I'm really sorry, we're only here for work, and we didn't intend to secretly take pictures of you!"

Lin Lang also understood that it was not easy for those paparazzi, so she nodded, "Everyone has their own difficulties, and I won't make it difficult for you, but there is one requirement, delete those ugly photos of me before, and I agree You guys, now you can shoot whatever you want, and I will pose for you, so how about it looks better?"

A few paparazzi look at me, I look at you looking up, and said as if seeing something new: "Sister Lin, you won't be hit too hard, even your mind is a little difficult, we just want to know some news That's all, we're really not interested in your crap, after all, you're not a celebrity..."

Fuck me, I'm not a star, so what are you filming?

Lin Lang didn't dare to argue with them, after all, he didn't know anything now, so he smiled at them, "So you want to know something, that's easy, let's make an appointment, you come to interview me tomorrow and tomorrow, I have If you know anything, you must tell everyone, how about it?"

Those reporters nodded quickly, "Sister Ning, you are really kind, don't worry, we are not bad people, we can write whatever we want, and we will never pour dirty water on you!"

Lin Lang smiled at them, then stretched out her hand and rubbed her fingers, "I've already cooperated so much, so you should follow suit, after all, there is no free lunch in the world, you can't let me have everything Come on, how can there be such a beautiful thing in the world!"

Paparazzi: What a day!Shippy, but keep smiling!
(End of this chapter)

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