Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1576 Gold Broker 1

Chapter 1576 Gold Broker One
Although the paparazzi were angry, they were friendly and made money, and they nodded quickly, "It's easy to talk about, we'll go back and apply for funds for you right away!"

Lin Lang nodded in satisfaction, "That's good, the generous red envelopes you give represent what I can say!"

Paparazzi: Never seen such brazenness!
After Lin Lang sent them away, she cleaned the room again, took a hot bath, lay on the bed and closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

【do you know?I spent all my youth in it, and what did I get? Now people on the Internet are cursing me crazy, saying that I am a black-hearted manager, and that I am shameless and so on!

But if I was really shameless, he would never have achieved such an achievement. I really regret it now, regret betting my whole life on him!

I met him when we were in high school. We were classmates in high school. He had poor academic performance at that time, and I was a person with excellent academic performance. After the college entrance examination, the two of us have not met each other. We will meet again I had already graduated from college when I was in the middle of the night, and he was a little actor who went around playing tricks!

If I follow the steps, I may not achieve much in my life, but I will definitely be stable, but I fell in love with him, and because I like him, I put my whole life into it. He wants to be an actor, but I am exhausted. With all my thoughts, I brazenly begged one classmate after another, begged one friend after another, advertised for him, and begged for resources!

I can feel my conscience and say that I have never treated him badly, because he is also relatively hard-working, so he quickly became popular in the film and television industry, coupled with proper planning, he immediately became a popular niche, In addition, the acting skills are not bad, so it is very popular among the people!

I thought I would become a full-time employee and be with him, but in the end, he signed a contract with another company, kicked me away, and absorbed all the oppression I've been doing to him over the years?what did I do?For him, I gave up my job, my life, my ideals, and even my self-esteem, and what I got in the end, I got nothing. Nothing, just because of those things he posted on the Internet In other words, I am now being abused by people all over the Internet, making it impossible for me to leave my room, let alone go outside, and my reputation has been tarnished!

I really regret it, I regret taking my life away, I hope you can clear my reputation and get back on my feet, since I have the ability to hold it up, I have the ability to hold it down, I want to let He has lived in my shadow all his life! 】

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, she couldn't help sighing that it was another idiot complaining about a man and a woman. In fact, it is quite normal for a man and a woman to fall in love, but when they are in love, they can pay for each other, but Lin Lang thinks it still needs more Love yourself, don't give up yourself for the one you love, it's so sad.

Lin Lang turned on the phone and found a lot of private messages and text messages, all of which were abusive words, which were particularly unpleasant.

When Lin Lang saw this information, she couldn't figure it out. The nine-year compulsory education has been implemented for so many years. Why hasn't the quality of the citizens improved at all?Look at the scolding here, my dear, it's really... worse than those scolding old women at the entrance of the village.

Luckily, Lin Lang turned off the news alert and started to browse the news on the Internet. As expected, it has been reported on the Internet now, saying that she is a black-hearted agent who squeezes stars.

Lin Lang looked at the news and smiled faintly. In the past, Yuanzu didn't want to make a statement because he wanted to give both sides some ground, but now the other party doesn't even want to give her the ground, so why should she show face to the other party?

Lin Lang opened Weibo on her mobile phone and directly sent a message.

Lin Lang v: Regarding the inappropriate remarks on the Internet, I have not issued a statement. I just want to save some face for both parties, but the words are getting worse and worse. I don’t want to be silent anymore. Is it me who squeezes the stars or the stars themselves lie? Whether it's wrong or not, both parties know in their hearts, I have call records, some emails, and WeChat records, I'm not afraid of making them public, I just hope that both parties can leave and be decent, and I'll be here at any time.

This message had already been sent out, and Weibo exploded immediately. Many people flooded into Linlang's WeChat and began to curse loudly.

Pigou Shameless: Oh my God, I have never seen such a cheap woman. It is obvious that you squeezed my beloved and let him act all year round, but now he is still telling lies about my dear, You are really shameless.

Huaxinxin: Our family Yu Zheqing is recognized as an acting school, and he is also known for his kind-hearted temper. It is a pity that he met a manager like you, which made him struggle in the entertainment industry for several years. Personally, you are really irresponsible, turning around and wronging our family Qingqing!

Fat Dog: Don't know the truth, don't make comments, just sit and wait for melons.

Don't be spicy with vanilla: We fans know what kind of person our family Qingqing is, and we are more willing to trust our family Qingqing than your manager!

Le Yangyang: What is your so-called truth?He kept pushing over there, but he didn't say a word of the truth, hehehe, he was deliberately trying to attract people's attention, it's really shameless.


After Linlang glanced at the messages, she threw the phone aside. Sure enough, Linlang's phone rang after a while. She smiled and didn't rush to answer it. Instead, she waited for the ringtone to ring again for a long time until The ringtone of the phone disappeared, and then she started to think again. After going back and forth two or three times, Lin Lang answered the phone slowly.

"What are you doing? You still haven't answered the phone!" Yu Zheqing yelled, his image was very different from the handsome and handsome man on TV, he looked like a gangster on the street.

There was a trace of coldness in Lin Lang's eyes. When this man was not yet developed, he still had the attitude of a good man. He would greet the original owner every day and make the original owner die for him. Yes, but it's fine if you separate from him, but why is the attitude of separating so annoying?
Lin Lang turned on the recording function when he answered the phone, and he said to the man on the other end of the phone: "Speak politely, I am no longer a manager who is hardworking towards you!"

The person on the other end of the phone choked, "We've been together for so many years, why is it so ugly?"

You know how ugly it is, but how did you do it back then? If you want to sign with another agency, that’s fine. You can sign at any time. After all, you haven’t signed any agreement with the original owner. If you want to separate from the original team, you can have a good time with him. Say, but why would you do such an obscene thing?Turning around and framing others, not to mention, even stomped a few times, it's really unmanly.

"You also know that it's too ugly, but I thought you didn't know?" Lin Lang asked back.

Yu Zheqing was also a little embarrassed, "Okay, okay, how long are you going to fight, can we both talk about it? I have signed a contract with another company now, anyway, I don't want to stay with you anymore, we two are good Let's get together, don't make it so ugly!"

"I also wanted to get together and leave, but what did you do, you turned around and sold me, and you still condemned me on the Internet, Yu Zheqing, I think you were like a dog when you begged me, now ...But even animals are inferior, at least a dog will concentrate on following a dog, and you, you can kneel down and call him master if someone else eats meat, I really don't want you!" Lin Lang sarcastically said.

"Your words are too ugly!" Yu Zheqing's face was a little ugly, "We used to be very affectionate, so we don't want to make it so ugly!"

"Yeah, I also thought we were very affectionate in the past, but it turned out to be nothing but love in the end. The love I thought was only in the eyes of others, really..." Lin Lang shook her head, "My request is very simple, you Clarify on the Internet, by the way, I will make up for all the agent fees that should have been paid to me over the years, and I promise that I will not continue to drag you down. After all, I also have a personality. Go, let the dog bite again!"

(End of this chapter)

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